Why is Flying Witch such a perfect show? It's like the anime equivalent of a hot bath.
Why is Flying Witch such a perfect show? It's like the anime equivalent of a hot bath
Do you think Nao would let me hold her hand?
If I don't like shows about magic would I still like this?
Having a bath is pretty boring.
So its a good analogy for flying with.
The magic is pretty low key and not chuuni, which is what I like about it.
The kind of person who sits in a hot bathtub and thinks "this sucks I'm bored, where's the action" probably isn't the target audience of FW.
There's hardly any magic, it's mostly about eating tasty vegetables.
I love Makoto and one day I am going to marry her.
I want to fuck Nao-chan.
why? she's the worst girl
She's cute.
she's a slut waiting for an ikemen to take care of her every needs.
I would gladly take care of her every needs.
But are you an ikemen?
Post pics senpai
because it's a nice calm show without a lot of fluff and CGDCT. It's something normal, with a little spice to it.
its boring and a poor sol
Don't open this
Does it have yuri?
You'll be wanting that ice-skating show
To be honest i enjoyed the magic parts the most, and it's not the chuuni kind of magic.
Why, is it without yuri?
worst girl is furry inukike
This is literally me.
My shower head broke and I had to take baths for like two weeks. It was such a hassle.
>fart jokes
You must be underage.
Is this true?
it is in America
Made me wonder how fried fern tastes.
The Cafe was comfy.
Haven't you seen all the thicc threads?
It's full of best girls
I will never tire of this picture
Why are they depicting her thighs in such a sexualised fashion?
they aren't
in the original scene, she's literally reading about tasty snacks
thats all you user. not the anime.
They're not, you're just a pedophile.
she speaks the truth if it's in the right places and if it's very little fat
Just a little bit.
Western cartoons would never have that sexual little girls in them.
me on the left
Me on the far right (invisible)
Kei already did
Three best girls together.
I miss this handsome alpha
You're the waitress?
Don't be so shy. You're adorable.
yes, observe the tum
Best high-school boy in anime.
Not constantly freaking out over stupid-ass shit
Not paralyzed by social anxiety or overly self-conscious
Has actual practical skills
Not afraid to ditch the women to hang out with his friends
Doesn't shit himself when magic happens and things are a little odd.
No, even a gram of fat is too much.
Best parents.
yeah i know, Kei was like, the epitome of anime teenage manliness. I enjoyed his scenes so much because he brought us back to earth for a moment but didn't slam us down.
oh gawd why is this picture making my dick twitch with excitement!?
>mom sees you're under a magic spell
>relentlessly trolls you while its in effect
best mom
She had so many "best mom" moments. I loved when Chinatsu asked Akane if she could be her apprentice and Akane was like "ask your mother if it's OK" as a way of deflecting it, but her mom was totally cool with it.
Makoto dresses like a granny.
>>Makoto dresses like a proper young lady
Why are Akane's tits so bomb?
I still like this scene better in the manga. I liked how she was just suddenly sitting there at the table with her neko face.
Would people like this show as much if the characters had teeth?
I just want a delicious brown witch to laze about and do lewd things with. Is that really too much to ask?
Boring shitty show, and remember
If you mean it feels like covering your body in thousands of your own fresh shit particles, yep sure does.
Why not? It sold well and the manga still has plenty of material.
Season 2 when?
>It sold well
nice meme delusional fag
While I agree with the guy, at least my opinion is informed and constructive. Would do you well not to confuse us just because we hate your favorite SoLtrash
Going into a thread for a show you don't like just to express your dislike of it proves that you need to lurk more.
Neither of those posts were "informative" or "constructive" but stay delusional, friend
Thats why every thread about a shaft show has people sperging about water bottles?
>just to express your dislike
implying you know every post I've ever made in this thread
I'm saying that baths are not good for you, comparatively to the so much better shows, I just think the op highlighted the similarities between two seemingly unrelated things, is that so hard to grasp?
Fucking Christ you're insufferable. Go back to MAL.
Needed more lewd
>back to MAL
You sure like to assume a lot of things, user. I hope that dark place you're living in is free of those assumptions.
You sound like Reddit replying to every single post telling you to fuck off
Literally only one person told me to fuck off, but I digress, flying hexe is better than most SoL shows in that it portrays a fantastic element made realistic, but it falls into the folly of all SoL shows, that is, falling in monotony. And as a guy who dislikes having aspects of everyday life in my escapist fantasies, no SoLtrash can ever be more than just that, trash.
>equivalent of a hot bath.
How would I know?
You forgot to rate story/characters/music/art out of 10