Draw/pol/ Art/pol/

A thread dedicated towards the revival of Sup Forums related art, all mediums welcomed.

Post your own OC or request from the drawfags present down in thread.
Either way, have fun boys and be sure to submit a doodle at the very least!

Useful links

>great free introductory course

>Download these videos of Glen Vilpu teaching shit. start with the head then go to the body then follow with motion mega.nz/#F!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA



Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:




Where are you draw anons?


i drew that. am i good enough?

Is this the goblin meme in smuggies form? lol

thats basically it lol

Post whatever you like user, if you need any tips there's tutorials in the OP to help you become a better artist.

Bumping for T&T

Thanks user.

my only drawing

Advertise more, friend. I'm sure the generals would like to come here and draw. You might end up with willyposter from brit/pol/ though.

Did it yesterday

That’s pretty shit

I guess I better virtual signal this in generals then.
How goes the exam? Good news?


I'll failed the exam

I remeber you in one of those thread few days ago when i made this draw

Post work
user, sorry to hear that mate

Don't be rude

Came here to lurk and incentivize this good thread. Keep up the good work

What requests would people have for content to draw?

Does anyone have requests that draw anons could fulfill?

I draw but unfortunately can't post any phone pics right now because my ISP blocked Sup Forums.

Have a bump as my condolences

>tfw I have zero artistic talent.

But at least you got autistic talent

This is always the hardest part, to rodeo in draw anons.
That's okay mate, take up a drawing guide in the OP, it's never to late to try your hand at drawing

Don't told that to youself user try and it'll get better don't worry about that


>my ISP blocked Sup Forums
I know you're kidding but here's something true and worse: Sup Forums blocked my ISP. No phoneposting from Cricket (Total works tho).

Post whenever you do get a chance, your work looks great.

No really AT&T blocked Sup Forums. Either that or Sup Forums blocked AT&T. Regardless, I can't phonepsot and moving pics form my phone to PC is too cumbersome

I do draw in that style but that's not my work Trinidad bro

>No really AT&T blocked Sup Forums. Either that or Sup Forums blocked AT&T. Regardless, I can't phonepost and moving pics form my phone to PC is too cumbersome
Oh, then we actually have the same problem. I guess Sup Forums blocked AT&T, and Cricket is an AT&T MVNO so I can't use it either. Bretty ghey tbqfdesu.

Yep it's breddy fukd lad. I know AT&T blocked Sup Forums way back in 2009 but I have no idea if they ever lifted it or not.

pcworld.com/article/169079/ATT_Blocks_Sup Forums_Stirs_Internet_Hornets_Nest.html

I can lurk threads on my phone but I can't post anything and get an error message when I try to.

Summoning the Australian draw friends


That's fucking fantastic user holy shite

Op when making draw threads include this link, no reason draw fags should not be paint fags a well. Drawmixpaint.com

I agree with you. Any and all suggestions to improve the art thread are welcome user. Do post more artwork if you do.

cropped these from another image


Was the thread nuked again?

can someone draw various animals like a wolf or a lion or an eagle in the republican/democrat logo style?

I was absent for two days but I see that the last thread looked like it died prematurely, probably from inactivity.

Why the party symbols are an elephant and a lion?

Interesting. I guess Sup Forums took umbrage and never got over it. That being said, they need to get the fuck over it.

Why the party symbols are an elephant and a donkey?

You suggested Villpu and he is a great teacher for drawing and form. Mark Carder who is the owner of drawmixpaint.com and Geneva fine arts is a amazing teacher makes great artist products, you can learn to paint realism from his webiste for free. His method is the best I have ever seen.
Also there is a great forum attached to his site where you can post your work and get advice and help for a group of extremely knowledgeable artist.



Is this your work? If you can do this there is no reason why you could not be painting this in oils in a relatively shorty matter of time following Mark Carders drawmixpaint method.

No that's not my work, I'm just reposting artwork from the previous drawthreads so all anons get an opportunity to see them. You have a way better skillset compared to me user.

my fairly accurate representation of modern day am*rican

I did these a few months ago and never got around to posting
I hope you can recognize them


Any current work? I like the work done.

Sessions and molyneux

I swear I didn't look at the filenames until after I recognized them

Keep at it user, art is a life time commitment, if you stick with Villpu and learn Carders method your skill set will increase dramatically.

Pretty decent, focus on getting your values correct, you have to narrow of a value range on both drawings. Make your darks darker and lights lighter.


I'm sure you would know.

Just did a sketch of this fine gentleman

fuck off dickhead you didnt bring the tinnies
you dont get shit


My first drawing of a girl in my life


The baguettes weren't always cucks y'know



Skyking, skyking



Nice design

This too

It's cause phoneposters would shit up the board so fast they had to ban the IP range. All you had to do to ban evade was restart your phone.



Slow art day on Sup Forums today

Beatifull as fuck
Good draw i draw since few month only

Only drawing of mine i have on phone

I hope you make it a regular habit to post here, I'll be making these threads everyday god willing. Sup Forums needs to get creative and skillful, to create the culture they want to see.

Her shoulders.

Id post some of my work, but i dont want to lose half my followers.

E-famous artist? What about rough sketches? I doesn't have to be your style.


Money? Blacklisting is a real possibility.

i'm home now, ill make sure to contribute to breads.
ill make draw/pol/ pasta threads too because i know it's very important.


Thanks fellow draw anons, you're the change of the future.





yw, friendo

someone draw a xenomorph I would die for that

i can do that, bookmark bread and come back later



I know i should have done them higher



Oh shit nigga oh nooooooo

Why don't you guys just google "polgbt"?

I-is this bait?