Only together we can defeat the jews
We must follow the path of Hitler and the Ustasha
We must ally with muslims
Wrong. Pictured there are Bosniaks. They're white and not really muslim, so your post is dumb.
based turks, came to our lands, enslaved and massacred populations, destroyed churches and deteriorated overall state of society. friends forever. kys
Turks? He didn't mention Turks? What are you talking about? They're not even white.
turks are just muslim armenians/greeks so they are white
all the races must unite to defeat the jew(Sauron) and their nigger (orcs) hordes destroying the power of money (the ring) replacing all currency for labor based currency
>Ally, not mix.
muslims don't associate via race but via religion. if they feel they are strong they will go full caliphate on you. always. bosnians would be all too happy to become part of turkey, if a chance would only present itself.
Bosniaks were back "muslim Croats"
Nah, they wouldn't. And at least they're white, unlike you Serbs.
we dont need to ally with anyone. all we really need to do is stop sucking saudi and israeli cock and iran will handle this shit for us.
We should proxy the Muslims to come together to take over isreal and killing ever last one. Then after that happens we drop 15 moabs on the remaining Arab army killing them all.
Whatever, all I'm saying is they're:
>not actually muslim
So they're an exception. Don't equate other muslims with them and claim that we should "ally". We should not.
>labor based currency
Please tell me more, Hitler used this right? There doesn't seem to be much on wikipedia.
everyone has a common enemy, the jew
Hello, Mehmet.
No, I choose Jews every time. You can find someone else to fuck sheep with you.
Under a labour-backed fiat currency model, the money supply is expanded via the government’s expenditures for the maintenance and developing of a particular public projects, be it in the form of social and emergency services (e.g. public transportation, garbage disposal, welfare, ambulances, fire control, police and all other typical government sector related jobs) or state infrastructure (e.g. roads, energy plants, water sanitation, government housing). What should be made clear is that under a labour-backed currency production model all banking – in both central and commercial capacities – is managed wholly by the state as a non-profit organisation for the safeguarding of the individual citizen’s monetary reserves, the provision of interest-free loans and the regulation of the national money supply. All costs regarding a given government-funded project are calculated – namely essential building materials and required human labour – and prices for the purchasing of needed materials and workers are rationalised by the government (i.e. the state dictates the value of certain materials, goods and labour). The entire focus of the labour-backed fiscal model is to base a given currency, unique to a single nation, on the ability of the central government of that one nation to mobilise its manpower and material resources for the production and maintenance of essential infrastructures and services.
All payments by the government to workers and collaborating private enterprises (e.g. some materials [wood, concrete, wire, etc …] to build infrastructure may need to be acquired from a private source, which is fine) is made in the form of a receipt that can be cashed in at the state-run national bank. What should be remembered from all this is that the money supply can only be expanded at the behest of the government’s ability to provide jobs to those who do not own a business or work within the private sector. The private sector will only ever be able to utilise money that the public sector produced. Where private enterprise fails to generate jobs, the government takes over. This guarantees that a significant degree of a nation’s labour pool remains in government hands for the maintenance of public welfare and not for achieving the private interests of a wealth-laden elite. A currency bound to this system also becomes inflation-proof.
Regarding private enterprise in and on its own, the state still plays a regulating role by encouraging more business to thrive in areas where the generation of privately produced essential goods and services (e.g. foodstuffs, clothing and hair salons) is deemed to be insufficient and by discouraging business in areas where there is deemed to be a surplus of unessential goods and services (e.g. makeup, perfume, iPhones and entertainment television). This prevents private enterprise from hijacking government-standardised prices by means of either purposely holding back on the production of certain essential goods and services to force a rise in value or by fabricating over-demand (namely through advertisement) for the selling of surplus numbers of unessential goods.
Since all government services to a nation are monetarily compensated by the government’s own means (i.e. the state produces the money it needs to spend), income tax becomes irrelevant, even for those working in the private sector. Since the government also regulates private enterprises enough insofar as how much they can produce and limiting them to a single facet of goods or services production, company tax also becomes unnecessary as a means to prevent unchecked expansionist urges (as if company tax ever served to cap aggressive business practices and wealth hoarding in the first place).
Under a labour-backed currency model, the government does not own the economy; rather the government directs the economy. Nonetheless certain key services for the maintenance of a modern state must never be privatised in order to prevent the private sector from eroding state authority over a population. This includes essential services such as water sanitation, media, postal delivery, electricity, public transportation, disaster relief, armaments production, both reserve and commercial banking, security and healthcare.
>teaming up with muslims
Accepting the reality that some nations lack the raw materials and means for producing certain finished goods to become truly self-sufficient, it becomes obvious that international trade is still necessary. The solution to minimise exploitation during such an exchange is to enforce – although never through an international body – that trade between nations be conducted in a fashion whereby the essential goods and/or resources of one nation are exchanged only for the essential goods and/or resources of another nation on terms reached by both trading parties. Here, exploitation by one nation against another is still, technically, possible, however never to the degree that the international trade of a given ‘global’ currency by one nation (as if people can eat or build houses out of a foreign currency) in exchange for base goods or resources of another nation allows for. Finally, labour must never be exported or imported in order to prevent private corporate interests from neglecting the available labour pool of their home nation in pursuit of greater profit.
>No, I choose Jews every time. .
kys, dumb Soros-worshiping niggercunt
Because money creation is relevant to government efficiency in hiring the citizens of a nation to play a pivotal role in maintaining and building-up the existence of their state, a given currency based on this model is freed from the hostile control of international finance which insists that the currency of one (x) nation is inferior to currency of another (y) nation – either because X has less gold reserves (as if people can eat or build houses out of gold) or simply because an established power group simply says that X’s money is of less value (this representing the so-called ‘modern’ system of ‘floating’ currencies) – and that the former is destined to be economically exploited by the latter. It should be noted that the existence of metal-based (historical) and debt-based (current) currencies in the Western civilisational tradition have only served to demonstrate how selfishly-orientated international banking interests (and the multi-national, multi-faceted corporations that collude with these interests) can hold entire populations hostage in what has become an inherently rigged, global resource-grabbing game.
>Muslim with a meme flag
I mean, at least you could have used the flag of the country that gave you that computer, Abdul.
you can't ally with AIDS to fight cancer
Labour based currency was the real WW2 cause, Hitler escaped the trap of the international domination of the financial system via currency emmision and debt, the allies, dominated by their financial masters, waited for the perfect oportunity to destroy national socialism, Poland doesn't matter, and you can see this in the absolute dominion that the URSS established over Poland after the war, they needed to destroy Hitler or their power over the free peoples of the earth will collapse
>We must ally with muslims
But you can ally with human beings. Which Jews are. And mudslimes aren't.
>EUcucks are this desperate
jej, get bent
Do not fall for Jewish shills pretending to be fascists.
>lost every war since always
>still haven't learned their lesson
These mart sharters never learn
>But you can ally with human beings. Which Jews are.
Leave this board now shill.
Go end yourself you filthy jew. Hitler should've cleansed the world of you trash.
I can't believe anyone is thinking about such a preposterous idea while Europe is being actually invaded by these people, raping women, calling for sharia law, taking massive gibs etc. Well go into you nearest no-go zone and make this world-saving alliance.
The jews are the cause of the decay of the faustian civilisation and the common enemy of all the free peoples of the earth
Thanks man, interesting read. At least, right up until
>muh Poland
Go fuck some kids.
>meme flag defending islam calling anyone a shill
That's right Goyim, muslims are your brothers.
How am I defending muslims? Literally said we should never ally with them.
This is the only reasonable answer desu
>yfw mudslims are still mad
We'll find a third way
saging because of the JIDF shills
are you kidding?
Muslims are toxic and self-entitled barbarians pretending to live in the stone age while stealing the accomplishments of the western civilization, I thought I was never going to need to make this comparison but even secular jews can behave as civilized people, the only reason people fear them is because of their conspiring secret societies and elites.
Jews and Muslims are already allied against us and have been for over a thousand years. For example, the entire reason the Inquisition targeted Jews was due to their conspiring and colluding with Moors.
Show your flag, faggot. Show everyone how you're just a filthy non-white parasite living in the West.
Not on your life cunt. Once the war is over they'll turn on you.
Aww, how cute. Daesh is recruiting on Sup Forums.
Don't you have other things you could be doing, like getting shot by Trump and Putin's soldiers?
Same here. But had hard time dealing with us
nazis fought against slaves (who are Europeans), invaded Greek and allied with sand nigger (semites) can somebody explain to me this logic?
No problem. As soon as they get the fuck out of my ethnic homelands we can be allies
Islam is based as fuck. All the shills on pol are jews shilling the muslim hate because it onlu benefits Israel.
ISIS and other terrorists are trained by the west to keep us reliant on government an to keep governments relevant. Government also keep immigration happening to scare the shit out of the plebs.
Real muslims want Christians to retake Constantinople and the sun rising in the west is a Major sign of the end times in Islam.
>serb still mad his war hero shat himself and everybody laughed at him
>makes a thread to discredit croats and HITLER
>on a white nationalist board that loves HITLER
fuck off. sand nigger subhumans are not our allies
Spotted the jew
WTF are you posting? Jews would NEVER want westerners to ally with muslims you stupid fuck.
Heres a jew post
fuck off Achmad. You were scum back than, you are scum now, you always be scum in the future
lol! Im white and non-muslim but I havent been brainwashed by (((their))) propaganda and I recognize the agenda you dumb fuck
that shit is ridiculous. Fuck off with your savage belief
uh, sure Achmed.........we can trust you
try harder Achmad
projection, projection
well, you're either a jew or you are a useful idiot doing their bidding
no i am not a retard like you who would side with low iq subhumans who would turn our civilizations to shit (like their countries)
This doesn't offend me as a muslim because im not one - but Im pretty sure beastality happens in the west also
it makes you look more retarded that you want to side with this scum
just fuck off
ok - mossad did 9/11 and the west funds and trains ISIS - obviously.
This only supports Israel
Most of the world's muslims, including the ruling classes of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan, Egypt and other muslim dominated countries, are openly cooperating with Israel and their agenda.
How do you propose to change that?
>Allying desert apes
No thanks
I dont think all muslims are fucking goats. Show me a photo of EVERY muslim fucking a goat and I will admit there is a problem with goat-fucking in Islam
no ISIS exists because of islam. look up the history of islam
It seems though that will have to war with them.
their societies are shitholes. if you try to side with them you are a moron
no - the west funds and trains these "extremists" and then imports muslims en masse, to keep up support for Israel and keep governments relevant because of brainwashed plebs like you
jihadists existed before ISIS you moron
Yeah - Alqaeda. We funded an trained them also
fuck off Achmad
look up islamic history and than fuck off
Right, because Christians didn't conquer lands themselves.
Yep - the west creates them to destabilize the region so their resources can be taken AND it creates an ongoing "threat" (that we control) to justify military industrial complex spending.
Its the cashiest of cash cows
look up when mudslims conquered Spain and when the first crusade started you dumb islam shill
look up history of islamic conquest and stop going full retard
Its strange how all this came out right when people were focussing on pedos in government and the BBC, right??????????????????????
Hmmmmmmm, I just cant figure it out
ok - so, I'll name western businesses that benefit from war, and you name Islamic businesses that profit from war - I'll go first.
Lockheed Martin
We don't need help from anyone. Hitler banded together different races for his army and was wiped out by white nations.
islam is not a business but a religion and totalitarian ideology. What is your fucking point?
My point is the west benefits from fomenting war by funding and supplying terrorist groups for us to fight. And we give them the wepons as well so we profit 2 fold. Then we invade. Then we budget for the re-build which never happens but it gets budgeted for.
Terrorism is all about making money for western corporations - and there are no similar middle eastern corporations.
doesnt make the muslims less of savages. We need to kick out muslims and on the other side don't interfere in their countries (which is difficult when you have millions of them)