Just finished pic related. Did I like it?

Just finished pic related. Did I like it?

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You thought it was 2016 AOTY

It depends if you like NTR or not, OP.


You have now developed a taste for cuckolding.


Yes and now you can only fap to NTR

Why was there a gate on the hospital roof?

It was a very captivating show until the second jump to the past where it all falls apart in spectacular fashion, the writing takes a complete nosedive.
It's really quite fitting because it almost came with a big "this show will suck now announcement" - the jumps that had been established as random are suddenly triggered by our MC shouting really hard. Messing with the rules of the universe for drama is pretty much spelling the end.

Also great ED

I can respect this opinion.
Breaking the rules that were previously established should be more of a taboo than it is in writing.

So people can jump off.

Kayo-chan was cute

I wanted to adopt her

Why are you so upset by this and not the fact that they tell you who the killer is immediately and that no one else fits.


Took a turn for the worst after he rescued the abused girl. Lost all sense of pacing and emotional investment.

>Hey thanks for saving me, bye!
>[fast forward we saved everyone!]
>Oh, it was the teacher all along!
>coma for no reason
>for some reason the teacher wants revenge 19 years later or however long it was
>"I knew you'd remember my finger tapping!"
>everyone still believes MC about what he remembers happening when they were 10 years old after hes been in a fucking coma for over a decade
Too many leaps were taken in the last 3 episodes that took me completely out of it

It had a 9/10 shota. So probably.

You tell me, did you like it?

The NTR didn't really bother me because that meant bestiestest girl won.

It's good for a cuck like you.

You were somewhat disappointed by the cuckolding bit, but overall you thought it was one of the better implementations of the classic "a failure piece of shit NEET goes back in time to magically fix his life" theme.

You liked everything up until they save Kayo, then it falls apart completely and that has nothing to do with the """"NTR"""".

You liked the whole jump to the past thing until you realized Tatami Galaxy did it a whole lot better.

By the time she won she was already too old.

Tatami galaxy has zero similarities to this, that was more endless eight.

Good point Tatami Galaxy was a masterpiece and Erased was dogshit, now I see...

>I knew you'd remember my finger tapping!

that too


It becomes boring as hell after he saved the girl, also they skipped the whole chapter explaining the killer backstory. The NTR was just the cherry of the cake