This is objectively the best girl

This is objectively the best girl.

What does LCL smell like and can you lick it?

delete this post


>It is stated several times in the series that LCL smells "like blood". LCL is, in fact, the blood of the Second Angel, Lilith, which is restrained in the deepest level of NERV HQ, "Terminal Dogma". The "LCL Plant" in Terminal Dogma is actually an entire lake formed from the blood of Lilith.

I'm 5 feet tall. What would Asuka think of me?

as long as you treat her with kindess and love, she will be receptive to you. Don't be scared off by her initial reactions, its her emotional defensive mechanism from all the trauma she has experienced. She just wants to be loved.

Just put in the effort and win her over. I'm sure you can do better than Shinji.

Asuka is for mating press

t. manlets

how tall do you think shinji was?

I have this in my anime folder. Don't know why


>no snoopp dogg
Low quality.

outshines rei any day

If we're talking best girls, It's definitely Koko

There's only one best Koko lad.

Asuka is for ________


All girls are objectively best girl to the biased observer.

Given that, Asuka is still better than Rei.


Consensual rape.


>tfw satisfying Asuka jack off session










That doesn't even make sense.

Both want sex but not from each other.

Then it wouldn't happen now would it, faggot?

It would, both are aroused and the other is available. They think of the other as a tool for their own satisfaction. This isn't complex, it happens often.

But using implies consensual, Mr. "I'm a huge faggot normalfag who knows about 3DPD relation ships"

Fuck outta here, dumbfuck.





This pic is so pretty.

Worst girl, worst show. Fuck off.

Shit taste.