America is a democra-

>America is a democra-

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no, it's a democratic republic

are you actually retarded?

Constituional Republic since day one. Learn the difference.

we larp as a democracy just to piss off idiots like you OP

Representative constitutional republic

Democracy is pure evil at heart.

It's a democratic republic. Don't like the rules, don't play the game.

Republic implirs representation. Representative republic is redundant

If you don't like it, you're welcome to leave.

Democractically elected constitutional republic

Let's see those California voting records.

The majority are practically retarded, ask most people and they admit to hating politics; did you really want to give them actual power?

No need. Trump did zero campaigning in CA and NY. If the rules were different, so would his strategy. Not to mention he would have campaigned more in Texas as well.

After the Michigan investigation, there is a need.

Bitch rigged and still lost. I want it thrown in her face for a decade.

butthurt AND retarded, thanks.

Id rather we focus on MAGA, and red pilling more people.

As you can clearly see in the numbers, Trump won by 40'395 votes.


You don't see how exposing cali leads to that?

Its the best way

Old hag
Dumb Dotard

what a rich variety of choices to pick from

Yeah and look what democracy would of got us.

Democratically elected by the states. you elect your state leaders, and they vote for you. The people don't vote for presidents, the states do. The people just vote for who their states will vote for. That was one of the primary conditions for each state to join the union in the first place. Each state was a government unto itself, and wants to maintain some sovereignty by having a say in who becomes the leader of the union, by voting as a government within the union.

Republic, not democracy.


Constitutional federal republic.

>flag checked
I was going to berate you because you're probably one of them foreigners who don't understand how them polertics werk in Freedom Land.
I can't berate you anymore. You're in your environment flooded by ignorance.

Go and read a book, you retarded rock.

Yes, unfortunately it is a type of democracy. You should look up what the Greeks considered democracy. You know, the ones who coined the term. Now that would be a good option for today.

Donald plays dota?

funny how only democrats call it a democracy when everyone from the founders to the fucking pledge of allegiance calls it a republic

Kim Jung Un called Trump "dotard" whatever that means


t. Alberto Barbosa

a representative democracy, yes. Which public school did you attend?

>muh illegal votes
Fuck off

Yes. Yes you are. Name calling because you can't dispute the facts. Sad!!!!

3-4 millions of hillarys votes were from undocumented immigrants

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>kim is a lolbabby

it all makes sense

When I hear that Hillary Clinton had 3+ million more votes, most people do not understand the amount of vote fraud by illegals voting, people voting across state lines, dead people voting, and people voting multiple times at different voting places. I saw this happening as they loaded a bus full of people and voted at different locations with the democracts in Indianapolis.

This mess can be fixed very easily with (1) I.D.'s required (2) paper tabulations (not electronic) (3) severe penalties (treason) if one votes in someone else's name.


People won't believe it. We need real positive change, not more divisiveness.

We're a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy.


It's ok when you don't allow outsiders to come in. Especially when they come in and take control of your media. It's ok in a small homogeneous nation.