This faggot doesn't even know I'm going to be fucking an immortal goddess forever. He doesn't know I fucked Euphie before she died either, lol.
>kill your pal's waifu accidentally
>make him join your crazy plan because he doesn't have literally anything else to live for
>force him to "kill" you and throw away his identity and freedom to live forever as the world's hero
>meanwhile you fuck off with your waifu godess to have wild sex in a cart with complete freedom to do whatever you want for eternity
Ledouche at his finest.
well lelouche did trade his cinnamon toast crunch as compensation.
24/7 access to a pussy that can't run away.
>Suzaku wasn't crying because of Lelouch
>he was crying because he realized how much Lelouch had fucked him over
I want Suzaku to be MC of S3
>Suzaku was glad to be stabbing Lelouch
all according to keikaku
>kill your pal's waifu accidentally
He put her down like a fucking dog. Made Suzaku watch too.
What are you saying or implying here?
Lel-ouch was probably really sad that he wasted his single use geass on suzaku over nothing whe he got caught.
Too bad Loyaltyfag wasn't around to cancel it at the time.
Still when he learnt about the gesss canceller thingly he should have called for suzaku to first cancel the live command and have him join the black knights.
And well if lecuck was indeed a smart guy, he should have spammed "be my slave command" every person he was going to use his geass on.
Lelouch has morals and also the live command was the only reason Suzaku didn't kill him at the end of R1. Also if he was geass-cancelled then he would have died against the guy who could see the future, if he even lived that long since the live command stopped his suicidal tendencies.
What will L.L. and C.C. look like in R3? Will they have humble clothes or will they get some sick ass digs when it's time to save the world?
>L.L. and C.C. going at the world alone dressed /fa/ as fuck
If this is what R3 is like, I'm on board this epic trainride.
>when they show up and all of their old friends/comrades shit themselves
would desu famalamadingadong
Wtf, I'm hype for R3 now
Right?! This fucking picture is already driving me nuts. I want to see their super smug faces so badly.
>Ohgi's face when.
>Lelouch's power evolved into an AoE
>captures everyone in his Geass orb and commands them to work under him once again
>makes Ohgi commit suicide as punishment for his betrayal
>I haven't forgotten your treachery, Ohgi.
>you should NOT have betrayed me
>Lelouch slightly corrupted by his bitterness, sacrifices Ohgi in a mission like he tried to do with Rolo
I want it. I want my angry Rurushu.
What would Lelouch do with Jewgi and Villetta's disgusting spawn? Gotta nip that shit in the bud before it comes back for revenge
Even his coathangers are /fa/ as fuck.
Manipulate it like everything else at his disposal.
Lelouch deliberately handicapped his usage of Geass out of pride and not wanting to be like his father.
Get Sayako to raise it to be loyal to Lelouch and hate Ohgi.
Or just use geass
He won't have geass anymore.
I can't wait.
Baka user. He didn't take C.C.'s Code, he took his father's. As such, his Geass was not overwritten. He achieved something new.
Code Geass.
I fucking loved that scene.
>lelouch taking care of his stuff, hanging his outfit on a /fa/ and overly complicated, mecha coathanger
>meanwhile CC just throws her boots on the ground
>Lelouch picks them up without saying anything, with only mild annoyance on his face
They were so good and entertaining to watch when they were together. I liked Karen and her crush on Zero/lelouch was cute but Lelouch and Karen had nowhere near as much chemistry as CC and Lelouch do.
Lelouch is reborn with no memories. Why is snow white, because it forgot what colour it was.
But which characters will make up his wacky school life now?
What do you want to see happen in season 3?
The Adventures of Sir Orange
A reporter exposes that Lelouch's assassination was a fraud and a plan between him and Zero to create a clean slate. Then a public lynching of Suzaku occurs.
So has he impregnated Anya yet?
well... they know their fan.
>Lelouch takes revenge on every single character who betrayed him
>which means everyone
What would your reaction be?
But Lelouch was a globalist, I thought the alt-right hated those.
Did you even watch the show ?
He wanted every nation/people to have their own sovereign country.
Thats exactly what I want
He wouldn't do that though, if anything Lelouch would try to stay as hidden as he could since he finally got out of that mess of a life he had.
>Lelouch was a globalist
Are you retarded?
It's been a long time since I watched it, cut me some slack. What I remember was that he wanted the entire world to be at peace in the end. Besides, he wanted it to be peace for all people, which means everyone the alt-right hates as well as the people the alt-right likes.
>cut me some slack
Quit being a faggot then.
This isnt Sup Forums, stop talking about politics here. You're fucking up the thread.
RU RU RU RU RU RU RU RUR RURURURU RURU RU URURUURURURAu reuaeru aeftuhaesuikghbaiwrusuhg vb
I don't get it
But Sir Orange was loyal to the very end.
He's to loyal to his Ninja wife
Ninja Maid is best maid
>Lelouch could've just told Suzaku that it was an innocent accident and easily proven it by using his Gayass
>Implying he could've broken through Suzaku's white knight faggotry
>wanting world peace
Just because you want your home to be your own instead of a mish mash of illegals and other idiots doesn't mean you can't wish for their happiness and development back in their own countries.
Season 3 is gonna open with some Spice and Wolf shenanigans for a few episodes with some teasing of people like "hey you look like the emperor guy". Then some plot hook will come along like some splinter of the geass cult that threatens Japan and, by proxy, Nunnally, so Lelouch will have to come back and save everyone from the shadows again. He will have a new secret identity and the big reveal of him being alive will probably not come until very late or the end of the season. I dare you to prove me wrong, Sunrise.
How many times have she and Suzaku fucked?
Someone's gotta repopulate the royal blood line
inb4 code gay ass sequel ruins perfect ending of original just because people cant accept that MC is ded
MC isn't dead.
To bad the paralysis makes her unable to feel anything down there.
Nunnally is empress now so it would make sense that she'd reside on the Britannian mainland.
so... if Lelouch commands someone to obey him, then appears to them disguised, does the geass trigger?
Think about the command he gave schneizel that explains it.
So no.
fair enough
>Implying that matters
To be fair, I don't think Lulu would punish Ougi
After all, if it wasn;t for the BK's hunting him down, and Rolo having to flee with him, Lulu would never have gone after his dad immediately, and Ragnarok would have happened, and Lulu wouldn't be able to stop him
So, in a sense, Ougi did the world a favor.
Of course, I'm not above wanting Ougi to have some karmic irony happen to him.
pic related
That facebook post gave me cancer
It's like they didn't even fucking watch CG
Ohgi is Japan self insert. He will get away.
I bet Lelouch didn't tell Suzaku that he is immortal now.
I mean, to be fair, Lulu sort of dug hos own grave with how distant he is as Zero. It's basic human psychology that someone who doesn't show their face, never seems embarrassed or apologetic, and always seems abitious/lying can't really instill loyalty
All of his loyalty was based on his Miracles, and when Schneizel came in with the incomplete info on Lulu, it blew a hole into everyones perceptions. And Lulu wasn't really able to reply, since he was having an emotional death thanks to Nunally being 'dead'
If he died and revived due to the code, would his geass targets reset? Assuming he still has it.
So it wouldn't be considered rape?
i don't know why exactly, but i don't like this one bit.
>"hey you look like the emperor guy"
Man, that'd be some Superman level bullshit, considering hes probably the single most important figure in that world's entire history.
>watching the Code Geass sub ever
>B-But muh JunFuku
Lelouch is actually dead and this is the tale of how CC and his son will inherit the mantle of Zero.
Maybe he could actually appear later through some C world's magic or something.
Lelouch was too proud and actually felt guilty for that though.
>inb4 replying to bait
Yeah, I know.
How do you revive something that's not dead?
Checkmate, dedfags.
So, "Revival of Lelouch" would be an metaphorical, ideological thing, huh?
I like it.
They explicitly said that the Lelouch from the previous two seasons will be the MC
Something bad happens (a war, probably). Shneizel, Suzaku and their lot can't do much about it. Lelouch can't stand still and takes action. He gives the geass to someone with a good position (prince, princess, something) who's weak and easy enough to manipulate. Together they make things right again. Lelouch still has to hide his existence though, or everything he did could come to naught.
LL will probably just give Geass to Kallen and have her be his voice as commander of some new faction.
>implying Lelouch would use and manipulate someone he likes after all that character development
>and not just anyone he likes, but one of the characters he used the most and felt the most guilty about manipulating
Yeah, no. He's just going to go all early Rollo on someone he hates and despise. It's easier for him this way.
So I didn't bother watching that Akito thing they made. Do you think there will be anything from that series that will make its way to R3?
Blue Geass
But then he's just being an asshole. What made his character interesting was that he was ultimately a martyr even for the sake of people who betrayed him.