So does everyone just hate us now?

Does Sup Forums hate Americans? Or is this shills trying divide and conquer tactics?

Can't tell. Either way. I'd appreciate a thread with some honest and sincere answers.

Other urls found in this thread:

Most of its banter, the fag with the eu flag is a turk whos finally getting hits back in for roach memes though

You are the kikes strongarm and responsible for fucking up the entire world through the CIA.

go figure

You deserve the Amerimutt banter if you can't handle it, fag.

its just banter you lemon

depends which race

It's just banter

I hate your consumerist culture.

Depends on the race, really. There's a lot of proxy stuff going on tho.

Americans make fun out of europeans, europeans make fun of americans.
It's just banter, not to take seriously

Its shilling

Documentaries exposing zionism

CBS 60 Minutes Exposing Israeli Apartheid

Israeli settlements, explained

The Zionist Story. (Full Documentary)

Israel Lobby

The Israel Lobby's Impact on America

Documentary on Israel / Palestine - Occupation

The Pain Doesn't Go Away - Rachel Corrie's Parents on RAI (1/3)

You retards just don't get self-critical humour.

You shit on other nations when you should be shitting on your jew controlled politicians, banks and media. But that's only to be expected from mongrel simpletons that are so enslaved they literally have their dicks cut. Faggots.

you disgust me

If you can't handle the bantz, then stay out of the meat grinder.

>being this gay




It didn’t start until a week after Soros transported the 18 billion into a progressive group.


>America isn't white

Literally just post white Americans to counter if this actually offends you.

What the fuck? Is the anglo genetics so mongrelised that you can't take the bants anymore?

Calm down m8

wrong image, this is more appropriate
realise that the cuck fantasy is american culture.

Benefits of diversity is that jews get more pension money to steal and give to banks for debts owed in wars the jew created to keep the goy population down....

Americans are a little slow in finding out who fucked them over...But they are decent people apart from that.

damn whores should dress normally

muhfugga we 110% white, evil maymays started by muhfugga soros'n shiet , hail hitler.

I don't really hate the american people. but I do certainly hate the american state and most of what it has done throughout history.

>Self reported study
Laughing at you.

>he thinks its only playful bantz

We learned it from watching you dad.

Wake up American, for the average euro ethno-nationalist you are just a bunch of subhumans. The "western civilization" is going down because while the kikes, muslimes and chinks come together, we all discuss over here like mongoloids about who is "the lesser mongrel and the whitest whitey".
If you cannot commit with an ally against a common enemy is because your arrogance has reached levels of blind and sheer stupidity.

No one hates regular posters up here

Everyone hates newfags.


Finally trigging burgers is probably the greatest fun Sup Forums has had since the shartmart meme. We are not (((Alt-Right))) go post on another site or in your Rich Spence facebook group chat you fucking queer.

I cant wait for the chosenites to fire rockets at Iran...
That will be a fucking glorious day to behold...

If you cant handle the bants, turn those threads into leaf hate threads. We got your back and thoroughly enjoy leaf hate.

>americans are not only cucked but they openly admit it

if you think it makes a blind bit of difference whether we like burgers or not you're a fucking idiot. my job is to convert other brits, yours to convert other costa ricans, the americans to convert other americans, and so on down the line.

>57% cucked
>56% white

o im laffin

Most of the time I hate everyone.

You talked shit about every other western country for years and then one day we realized that you are statistically less white then ANY of our nations.

That's all that's going on, nobody knew how mongrelized you genuinely are, but now we know, and it's funny.

I think you muslims are doing a pretty good job keeping the goy population down

flood Euro countries
kill the people that live there

i hate you for fighting the wrong side in wwii

I hate America and its cancerous foreign policy.

I think that every CIA agent and every warmongering American military brass must be executed in the most gruesome way possible and their corpses publicly displayed until they rot to the bone.

I don't hate average Americans who don't support the way their country is run.

This most Americans i know are pretty decent people actually and you arent the ones responsible for the actions of your goverment

But those of us who actually know about that type of thing do.

For fuck's sake we call it Weimerica. But It's reassuring knowing that the majority of it is just self-critical banter. That I don't mind. Just couldn't tell whether or not the shit was sincere.

Divide and conquer or trolling ameribro.
Except when you do stupid shit, like iraqi invasions, and refuse, not even to agree, but just considering the possibility out of misplaced patriotism.
Loving your country and being a dindu nuffin is not the same. Just my opinion.

Some of it is a shill project to try and divide us. I have my thoughts on the US but I don't hate the US, you are with us on this journey and anyone who says otherwise is either a shill or wrong.

only the odd mutt that actually believes they're superior, and those 'praise kek' losers that unironically wear fedoras

fucking retard.

> my job is to convert other brits, yours to convert other costa ricans, the americans to convert other americans, and so on down the line.

well we can at least agree on that britanon.

No, white americans where best europeans.

Now americans are best whites, euros too cucked or corrupt/underdeveloped (eastern europe)


>caring about Palestinians

I do not

I'm so mad with your statement.

It's the Jews with EU flag.
Then Germans, UK, and Sweden. Primarily.
I've paid attention so I can cheer during their collapse. Banter....yes....banter.

my government disgusts me too. It needs to be removed, that is to say, the Jew needs to be killed

Don't get too mutthurt over a simple meme mon Amie.

My government is a power onto itself. It is not of, by, or for the people. Trump may be our last hope, but even he will be gone in 7 years and our Jew controlled country will be back to fighting for Israel. Everyone I know wants this shit to stop, but short of wholesale slaughter I don’t see it changing.

Purge your country of Jews or suffer our fate.


This is a Mutt Redpill.
The Pharmajew owns you.

It's literally bantz dude. The burger obese meme was around before this, the le 56% meme is just a newer version of that.
Yes some dumbasses think it will dnc but overall it's just funny. Some are funnier than others, and some are just sad, it's like any memes. Just go with it because if you've ever called a poo a poo or a German a turkroach or a brit Mohammed then it's fair game.
Other than that, if you can't handle the bantz gtfo back to plebbit.

D&C shills for sure, but European were never our friends.

They have always been jealous of our success, looks and wealth.

Euro-poor, Euro-cuck, but hurt bois jump in with the ShareBlue Le 56% meme hard.

Some take aways

>Europeans will never be our friends
>Europeans were never worth fighting for
>Europeans won't fight for you
>Europeans are always against you

We tried but you didnt let us :(

Because America will never become fascist and Sup Forums knows it.

I like this nigger

>so mutthurt about his nigger genes that he claims anyone who calls him out on it is a paid shill

I’ve travelled to many countries in Europe, Asia, and S. America during my stint in the USAF.

Foreigners hate America because we are the best. To them, everything is the fault of the USA

We don't hate "americans" we just hate the USA for obvious reasons. Most americans I've interacted with were somehwat decent if a bit backwards.

>To them, everything is the fault of the USA
Are you saying it's not?

I for one can't stand Americans posting here. Some of you are alright, but most of you are ignorant, uneducated and really really arrogant. I'm enjoying the shit out of the mutt memes.


Wtf are you even going on about faggot?


For what? The fact we don’t have a shriveled old hag leading country to ruin like you do? Lmao Germany can fuck off with how they feel about the USA.

Hey if we supported that shit it wouldn't need to have been leaked

They only win when you create these shit threads instead of forcing them to acknowledge their own shitskins, user.


Sup Forums is mostly Americans. 56% memes and shart memes are funny to me because how could I ever be butthurt about being an American? I’d rather be a Le 2% than be a fucking limpwristed pathetic beta european.

It’s like how blacks can’t use racial slurs against whites cause we’re so much better than them it’s just laughable

Fuck off amerimutt nigger

I hate sharing a country with you subhumans

Is this even adjusted for population

What a fucking surprise, burgers can't handle the bants. Same as it ever was...

Real Sup Forums still loves you

Real Sup Forums doesn't mind the shills and bots

Real Sup Forums is a calm samurai fighting his battles on the internet in a world that has denied him an honorable sword

Real Sup Forums is always with you

Real Sup Forums is only attained once you know what real Sup Forums is

Just keep searching and don't give up young one

Sup Forums is the Path Of Light

>It's all dark vs light, and even at night, light is winning if you notice the stars breaking through

Pol hates everyone

Forgot link

Stay on the Path Of Light or leave it user: the choice is yours

pol thinks everyone deserves an ethnostate, though


You have to care about someone to hate them

This is why people that truly hate all blacks are jealous cucks and why people(neo-nazi fools) that truly hate all jews are jealous cucks. You aren't above a being if you hate that being because a superior being does not hate those inferior to it. It simply deals with it and returns it to where it should go.

Holding a grudge and hating others is for jewish niggers. Only get passionate when you make love, need adrenaline or if you are fighting for your life.

Maybe if Americans on this board weren't absurdly insecure and in the habit of calling people who are obviously white non-white, the Amerimutt meme wouldn't be as big as it is. Seriously, I saw a guy with light-brown hair, fair skin, and blue eyes be called non-white by two separate Amerimutts the other day.