If we care about the human race, should whites not assist jews in procreating as much as they can?

Facts: Whites are 10-20 IQ points over niggers but Jews are 10-20 IQ points over whites. So us whites are basically niggers to jews.
If us whites actually care about raising IQ levels and not lowering them with mixing with shitskins we thus should support jews procreating, right?
I'm thinking this from a human optimization angle.
I fucking hate zionists and orthodox(who are actual retards) but normal jews are very smart.
It feels weird saying this since I don't like jews but my worry for the human race supersedes that since the western world is practically being flooded by niggers, arabs and their shit genes.
The human race might go like Zimbabwe if we don't stop it.
Spacefaring in 2017, throwing spears and rocks in 2117.

Exterminate the Jews to save the human race.

It's not all about IQ levels. whites work harder than anyone else. Whites need to wake up and realize that they are being exploited

Seriously dude, would you have gassed Albert Einstein?
"sorry bro, I comment on the internet, don't give a fuck if you are one of history's great minds, I'm superior to you"
Since niggers are the ones to be gassed, 70-80% of Americans are on the chopping block, probably including you, pal.

Work ethic is true. Being from a nordic country I'm fucking appalled seeing warm climate people work.
I'm saying, whites+jews is the best solution for humanity. Enslave dark skins at best.

>So us whites are basically niggers to jews.

Not to repeat the tired "muh creativity" meme, but there is much more at play here than just raw IQ.

The obvious chasm which exists between white and black societies is simply not visible between those of whites and Jews.

We were doing just fine without them.

True, but the amount of world class jewish scientists can't be ignored. I'm not arguing for jewish superiority here, just that whites+jews are the optimal solution for the human race.

why breed our earth into extinction?
when you could just have fun and die

I'm fine to admit asians/jews are smarter than us, but it seems like the entirety of western civilization and just about all modern innovations are due to white people. So I think we can manage without em.

No. Simply because ~50% of the White population (Males) cannot and will not be accepted by the Tribe. And quite frankly who the fuck in their right mind would actually mix genes with a regressive disease ridden bunch of narcissistic of people.

>Holocaust Industry

>Fuck the Jews
Jewish thot spam in 3, 2, 1...


satan rules the air. eve fucked your snake daddy. kys. use turkey basters
>actually liking and supporting fake jews and fake whites
every time

lol, go look at israel iq and shut the fuck up. they are retarded niggers

>normal jews

change your fucking flag kike


Why? I am white and only concerned about my people. Not the human race meme. Some may be better or lesser, in the end, it doesnt matter. They are others not brothers. I wish them no harm or good, i dont care.
And, by results, whites are the best. Not because of iq or anything. But because we built the best societies, were able to conquer the world against all other races, and invented the majority of technological progress.
Facts. They matter.

Maybe the Jews only want to kill off the dumb whites, which sadly means killing 95% of them.

If jews rely on exploiting whites to survive, and the whites are capable of realizing this, then the jew is not as smart as they think they are. The fact that WWII happened underlies that its possible.

He stole all of his work and was a hardcore Zionist. The answer is easy: yes.

>"Jews" are smarter than Whites.

Note that, in discussions about Jewish intellegence, it is only the Ashkenazi Jews which are ever included in the statistics -- Sephardi and Mizrahi are not counted. This is because it's really only the Ashkenazi Jews who have above-average IQ, with the other main Jewish ethnic groups having below-average intellect. This is perhaps mostly due Ashkenazis' many centuries of admixing with ethnic German and Polish genetics, though other arguments could be made.

The Ashkenazis have their geniuses (However, Einstein gets a LOT of credit in the (((popular press))) for the work of non-Jewish Whites), but they also have no shortage of reprobates, losers, retards and morons in their ranks. I would be interested in seeing a study which properly compares the average Ashkenazi IQ to the average ethnic German (non-Jew) IQ. (((Strange))) that such has never been done.

Not a fact: Self reported Jewish IQ

Just imagine what humans could accomplish if we killed off all the stupid and average people. Useless eaters is what they are. They're dead weight holding humanity back.

System cannot run efficiently without cogs for the figureheads to use to abstract the machine while you use it.

Meh, they keep us on our toes.

Okay, good point. So then, we'll keep a few of the simpletons around to do all the work until such time that robots can replace them.

Just for the sake of facts, the African American IQ is about 85, while that White american IQ is 101. The Ashkenazi IQ is 107ish, and sephardic jews etc are much lower. Actually native africans have IQ even below American blacks. The difference between a jew and a white person is much, much smaller than the difference between a white person and an african.

if you kill all the averages the average iq would remain the same,100 its called AVERAGE, an average wont be 150 or some crap like that.
you should consider suicide as an option

Actually the average white IQ is 100, and the average Ashkenazi IQ is 115. A 15 point difference. Whites are to Jews as niggers are to whites.

I gotta admit. If I was a part of a small minority of intelligent white people in a world full of dumb niggers, I'd do the same thing to the niggers as the Jews are doing to whites.

Don't be stupid. Sup Forums exaggerates the importance of IQ. IQ is real and correlates with success in life but basing your entire beliefs around this shit is stupid. It is merely a correlation although that is not insignificant don't get carried away here.

If we were smart, we'd be joining the Jews rather than fighting them. Stupidity and weakness are the true enemy, not Jews.

Let the dumbass blondes mix with the niggers while we join the Jews. They will become our slaves as they should be.

There are 10 to 15 million jews in the world of 7 billion people I thing this says as much about jews than anything.

Forget IQ numbers in this context - those do not tell you enough about what is really going on.
For example, whites have superior verbal IQ, but below average visual-spatial IQ, which is arguably more important for the advancement and maintenance of civilization.

Jews are a parasitic organism whose brain has developed so it can best exploit white people. They are good at speaking, deception, plagiarism (Einstein), lying, exploiting and extracting resources from their hosts via money systems and usury.

That does not make them superior, and not viable at all to be independent arbiters of civilization.

The white man is a builder, thinker and creator of beauty. The Jew is a destroyer, abuser and defiler.

>be Sup Forums
>keeps getting meme'd into things like a bunch of 10 year olds
>failing to realize what's more important than IQ is something called EQ
>Continues to go downhill as a board

>The high IQ Jew myth

It's like how the Chinese fake their results by cheating and selecting their results from a very specific group.