Is Sup Forums ready for the university spammers?

Is Sup Forums ready for the university spammers?

>Being a big enough fag not to post the uncensored email
Is this your first day here?

Don't forget you're here forever kiddo.

How do you control capitalism without creating a big government that spends a lot and spends inefficiently.

>>Being a big enough fag not to post the uncensored email

Someone else found this one leddit, pinged it to me.

wew, we going to be red pill some normies today.

Thats the spirit, also, the occasional gore wouldnt hurt.

little did they know, its a trap

Prepare your arsenal of redpill pics boys.

They will either convert or going insane and run away from our board

what will the 14 unis do when their students end up questioning the bullshit spoonfed by their teachers

lets find out

More comrads !

its too bad hiroshimoot cant just ban anybody that hasnt been here for 2 years, or even a single fucking day.

This must be a joke.

isnt this shit old as fuck?
I remember seeing this months ago


Even if it was, remember the board boys that we are potentially always under siege is good

Or organized safe space to purge the gore.

Im getting sleepy, thanks senpai.

They gon learn today.....

This could go horribly wrong for this professor.


lmao they are just going to get redpilled or get pseudo PTSD

If it was old, have any of these 14 uni been exposed, or has a copy of the sylabus etc... surfaced?

Basically any thread promoting these fag topics should be spammed with porn, gore, and redpills.


this already happened last spring retards

Btw this is old

Forgot to change flag, faggot

Gore, not porn. dont get banned yourself, dumbass

Hit em with the Trypophobia

>capitalism leads to degeneracy

I welcome to Sup Forums. Nothing breaks the normie programming better than exposure to the unvarnished truth. It would also be nice to get some serious debates going on in here other than >are slavs white? but I'm not expecting any good arguments to come from this group. They'll just run a bunch of >1 post by this ID slide threads and jerk each other off.

Here is one of them

>1 post by this ID
>meme makes no sense