i cant imagine what its like to hate people based on something as petty as skin color. seems pretty stupid to me. personally i judge people as individuals but i guess thats too intellectual for Sup Forums.
Explain to me whats its like to be a racist
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I judge people both ways.
Kill yourself
This is OP's imagination
Sup Forums is not racist. JIDF just likes to paint it that way
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i judge by individuals as well and I've found too many niggers to constantly fit the mold of an underdeveloped easy to get violent idiot to ignore it.
>skin colour
Yeah, you're a real intellectual you are, mate.
Does the bloke in the pic look European to you, you daft cunt?
Every person in that photo, along with every member of their family, dislikes you for your skin colour.
Because all of the sheltered individualistic theorizing and mental masturbation you do won't save you from reality.
Sure, think like that all you want but when you live in a place that's 80%+ black vs. one that's overwhelmingly white or which at least has whites dominating its power structure than you'll realize just how different in aggregate the different racial groups are.
the only women who're halfway fuckable in this picture are the ones who most resemble white, european women.
pic related or what every negress wishes she looked like
It's natural. They're a violent herd animal.
>hate based on skin colour
Pattern Recognition.
By Sup Forums standards:
>Curly hair? Fucking shitskin!
“Race is just a skin-color”
I'd hate me too if I looked similar to monkeys
It is exactly like being a non-racist except that you expect that on average different populations will behave differently. Ie. you are not surprised that Africa is poor and violent and Japan is rich and safe- this is normal in your mind.
Apart from that it doesn't change anything, when you meet some individual they are still just an individual and you can't predict what they will be like, you could only assign a slightly higher probability. It is only when averaged over entire populations that the differences become important.
>average black is nigger
>average Jew Jewing you
>average female is a whore
>average Pajeet shits the streets
There are always an exceptions, but when you encounter a snake in the forest you will judge it with a worse possible outcome and avoid or fight it. This is what a survival means.
Niggers are not discriminated for their skin color, but for their mind capabilities.
Easy, it feels just like me looking at that picture you posted and feeling zero attraction to all those women even though i'm a red-blooded hetrosexual man. They are just not my people and i'm not interested.
Being racist is like when you're a black guy and you bring a white woman home and your whole family thinks she is trash because they assume all white people regard all black people as animals and that she is lowering herself in the eyes of her peers to chase black dick. So you low key don't respect her or hate her yourself, and everyone mistreats her, and even her own people despise her for doing this to herself, dig?
That is what it is like to be racist.
and how you are sure abou that user? seems that you are projecting there.
Sometimes people like to fuck something diferent user, nothing bad about it.
it's for cool kids, you wouldn't understand
best racism is turkish racisim. we don't hate people because of their skin. we hate people because of their mentality. as long as you are not retarded and support turkish idea you are good. if you not you dead ass mofo. murica should learn from us.
I wouldn't know. You're better off asking niggers
me too. But I still cant ignore certain patterns and traits. Pic related has a true core for example. I dont know where this squatting is originated but its a lot more common among slavs. This is an example for a pattern. You just say, no thats totally the same like in US. Which is not
It's ok... to be White
the chick on the far left can get this workout
It's normal. Fuck pattern recognition and shit though.
nice pic mate
>muh race is skin color meme
Work with people from India for 6 months.
Then see if you're racist.
What's a line of black women called?
The welfare line.
since i became a racist i feel a lot safer now actually, and i have a lot more money
nigger friends dropped,
>stuff disappearing from my home suddenly stops
avoid niggers in the street, do not respond to their communications.
>more cigarettes for me, more spare change for coffee
i could go on, its just a general improvement in overall life quality. i recommend it.
You can stick your nappy headed negresses somewhere else you pube loving faggot
It’s being able to recognize patterns
Stop posting the same shit thread every fucking day
I don't hate people because of their skin color, this is like saying communists hate capitalists because they own high end cars
Looks Irish.
Well u see there's two kinds of racists. One is people who automatically hate a particular person because of their race. This type of racist does not exist. The other type is the kind of racist who recognizes that racial differences are more than skin deep and that races can be incompatible with each other. This is just an actual fact and everyone knows it. Therefore all people are type 2 racists.
Its not only the skin color. A nigger never won a nobel prize in physics, chemistry and medizin.
A majority nigger state never managed to build up an working civilization. Niggers have the lowest average iq compared to any other race.
>personally i judge people as individuals
No you don't.
If you did, like here in Sup Forums, you would be a racist too.
Groups are made of individuals and those groups will be what the individuals in the group are.
Nobody is truly an individual. Race is deeper than your skin.
uncle tom uncle tom coon ass nigga
t. every responsibility-free nigger in the West
>t: 15 year old retard who has never met a nigger
me too and thats why I don't like the european migration policy because they even take in people like that
It was a turkish woman who got raped btw
> Tfw you will never bag a dark chocolate princess
I just want to enrich them with my dna
It's not the skin color that's the problem. It's the behavior that tends to strongly correlate with skin color.
>implying race is just a skin color thing
>ignoring hair form, skull shape, cranium size, percentage of genetic diseases, general IQ levels, general conformity to habits befitting of their race, eye color, lip size, etc.
Yes OP. People are racist JUST because of one's skin color. Not like you judge people as individuals YET keep racial generalities in your head at the same time.
I've met some cool and friendly blacks, but they live up to so many stereotypes it's impossible to NOT see race once you see it.
>I'll never be buried in a sea of chocolate babes
>whats its like to be a racist
feels good man. OP should give it a try
>they're all niggers
diversity, eh?
It's a stupidity thing.
oh yeah, post gore, this is one of them college project threads
She's disgusting and amazing at the same time, my dick is so confused.
>skin color
I hate chinks and their ucivilized culture, but I love their skin color. Good thing Im not a racist!
East-asians have basically the same colour of skin as europeans, yet I don't want them to invade my country either. Race is not skin deep.
Buzzword that has no meaning at all. I reject the word racist entirely. I am a race realist and a counter-Semitic. I accept that races have inherent differences, strengths, and weaknesses. I don't claim racial superiority, but I don't live in a "lol dude everyone is the same on the inside" world because it's patently false. I believe white, euro-descended people have shown themselves to be the best civilization builders, true. But the very word "racist" is already setting up a strawman so that racial differences can't actually be properly discussed.
Disgusting? That's what a healthy female body looks like my friend, nothing disgusting about it.
> talks about 'race'
> actually entertains the childish thought that 'race' is limited to skin color alone
> still has the gall to use the word 'intellectual'
Your post was either a poor attempt at straw-manning, or you are really that dumb.
Yes, you can judge people as individuals as long as you are in a situation in which you actually have access to individual-level information. But most of the time this is not the case, which means you have to use heuristics and apply their results to an individual or a group of people who you cannot judge on an individual level.
The most simply heuristic would be to assign individuals/groups to different subsets based on the limited information that you have. Those subsets can in turn can be based on different properties (likes, political views, race, wether or not they like music, skin color, gender, membership in certain organizations, etc.), and are usually connected to behavioral stereotypes (which are 'supported' by one's own life experiences or statistical information).
If you can recognize two ISIS member blocking the street in front of you, you could for example tell yourself "hey, let me speak to them and judge them individually before i come to conclusions". Or you use your heuristic, which classifies the two as ISIS warriors, who are "statistically prone to murder unbelievers". You can just as well do this with races (and even skin colors) - the question is always, how good a certain property (and the Subset it represents) can be used to make predictions about an individual's behavior.
Exchange the two ISIS fighters for a gang of Blacks, and let it be night. You are now white, and have to decide: do i not judge them (or judge them individually), or do i use statistical information here? I would do the latter, since statistics and experiences showed me time and time again how 'black people' as a group are statistically more prone to physically assault others, especially whites.
That is not how it works. I think only very few people really hate every black they meet. If you would meet a pittbull, you dont hate the him for acting like a pitbull. It is more a feeling like disgust and carefull avoidanc towards the dog. You expect him to be violent if he can act on it. Again you do not hate the dog, unless he personally attacks you, but you sure would not want your kids around a pittbull.
Its similar with blacks. I do not hate them for acting like blacks. They came from a continent where the concept of the wheel was not considered because roads require the coordination of more than just your own village of 30 people. They did not even settle the islands close to the mainland like madagascar. That where the phonicians. I look at this and feel a little amused but i do not hate them for it. It worked for them so far. But i do not think that you can integrate blacks into a normal western society.
she's too cut
Maybe in your opinion. Have you ever had sex with an extremely fit chick when you yourself are also extremely fit? It's fucking wild, man. I'd never date a chick who wasn't in shape
Feels good. Spreading the truth about blacks is liberating.
They do look better when theyre white tho
Are you one of those inbreds, who only fucks one girl ever. Virgin till i die type shit?
>explain to me whats its like to be a racist
its like being a vegetarian
>white euro-descended people best civilization builders
Based on what exactly? You could argue the chicks have had the longest standing culture, history and civilization. And it seems by the decline of the west they will once again reign supreme.
And i would encourage to read this and read the papers too if you are in a University network:
Because white euro-descended people historically have built the strongest and most prolific empires. I will include a caveat and say that asians are also pretty good at empire building. But we're pretty much the only two races that can do it.
How can they even compete? Look at how beautiful, fresh and clean she looks.
>Turkish ideas
callate pinche tamal jodido. mete tu pitito en tus negras imaginarias y toma en cuenta que cuando un gato como tu postea con la bandera mexicana daña a México.
>race is just skin color
>dat ifunny tag
>1 post.
Obviously shill thread, but for the sake of lurkers:
>i cant imagine what its like to hate people based on something as petty as skin color.
We don't give a shit "skin color". We're racist because of their actions. Specifically, because of their low-IQ. The skin color is just another thing about them that differentiates the races. If it was the only difference, we weouldn't need to be racist. Color differences are merely a helpful identifier.
Look up some crime stats. Look at the status of detroit or other negro-ized cities in the USA. Hell, just use some common sense and look around. Negroes have low IQ and it is disastrous for society.
"Racism" is the natural end result of pattern recognition.
>"Race is only skin colour."
I don't hate anyone, I just don't want to live around them. Nice bait though 3/10, needs a little bit more work to bring it up to standard but good try, also saged.
>race is just skin color.
It's fucking great, especially if you live in a country that is full of racists.
Just look at these white people! They're white because race is just skin color!
When you take niggers there's no difference in judging them by their skin or their character
>also you are intellectual as a toaster can be
Explain to me what it is like to be retarded. I can't imagine how it must feel to have an abnormal, non-functioning brain.
>being this mutthurt
Because race realism shows that is not just skin colour that makes the races different.
>what's it like to be racist
go find a black person & ask them
Don't hate people because of what they do or what they believe in.
Hate them cause they're different.
THe fact that you cant imagine it means you've thought of it enough to say that you cant imagine it.
Case dismissed. OP is a fag.
shitty bait retard, you can judge "people" by their actions. Fuck niggers
nah thats just divide and conquer shills
If this picture was representative of African Americans, more than half of those women would be obese.
Hnnnnnnng far left
>that hair, I want to grip it my fist as I spill my white seed into her fertile womb
>that was
>those titties
>that smile
Jesus Christ user, I can only become so erect
>like to fuck
and theres the source of it
you are a mindless degenerate
yeah on a personal level you should judge people on a case by case basis, but seeing demographic patterns is not racist
Looks like someone fucked up character customization in FO4