I would be happy to have her assist me in teaching...if you know what I mean
I would be happy to have her assist me in teaching...if you know what I mean <3
she a silly ho
Shut the fuck up nigger
tfw you realize a beta male progressive dweeb made this beautiful specimen cry in fear
10/10 would wife though.
Hue needs to be replaced with the superior uma.
A poo in loo as a matter of fact.
dunno what she's on about but i'd totally penetrate her little fucking pussy.
bestgirl and new queen of Sup Forums coming through
shes on the right path
she is basic bitch shitlib
anyway who would want to wife up a grad school TH*T
what a qt
Did you pick up some of the words she used in the interview? Shes on the path to becoming redpilled. This event is a turning point for her.
You shouldn't automatically discount a potential ally just because they have some opposing opinions.
you have some work to do user
whatever you say, divide and conquer shill
>it's another cute early twenties girl that seems pure allures altrighters to give her money on patreon to act as their personal ecochamber in the opposite sex
Now where have i seen this before?? Hmmm.... can't say exactly but it does ring a bell, doesn it?
ignore all women involved in politics
hmmmm, I think she already turned down offers of money tho
The best use for a woman is to breed kids. She may be our ally but she's still a thot you dumb cuck.
its aboot time that this nazicunt is shut down, oy vey
When leftists media outlets are refusing to even report on this story then you know they fucked up.
youre just saying this because shes cute
& all the men are suddenly worshipping her because of her looks what a shocker
she could make a right-wing youtube channel become an e celeb and get patreon bucks entirely because of her appearance
once an sjw alwas an sjw
let them eat their own, fuck her
Trans-genders are trans-humanists. Look at how fervently they want to destroy the natural order.
Yeah totally
Fuck white women and companionship amirite?
>tfw women are the only ones standing up to Marxism in our universities and you pussies are hiding behind anime imageboard posts
Why the fuck don't you retards step up and speak out?
she keeps moving like a spastic
wait i just realized she was crying on the recorded interview
poor girl