>go to community college and get your useless credits out of the way before transferring to a university
>work part time to help pay for books and shit
>live at home, dorms will drain your money
>get a degree that will actually get you a job
>work hard and get internships and a good GPA
>graduate with a bachelor's and 20k in debt
>can be payed off in 5 years with an entry level salary if you're an adult and budget
Go to community college and get your useless credits out of the way before transferring to a university
Hey that's pretty good
why get a college degree? for what reason would you want it?
>not getting scholarship for being gifted
Don't fall for the college meme
Because not all people want to be stuck in a shit minimum wage job or want to do manual labor their entire life with a trade
>work hard and get internships
Your boomer is showing m8
I did the same thing.
Not paying off your student loans with bitcoin. You missed a crucial step, user. Damn, I wish I would have met you back in our commie college days because I literally did the same + Bitcoin.
Lol you didn't even answer his question just reiterated your original point but yet you still act like a pompous douche bag talking like you know about something you clearly dont
>not going into accounting and having internships thrown at you
aww poor little nigger cattle
>Going into accounting and working for free in hopes some guy offers you a good recommendation
Hey by all means take every internship available but don't make it sound like your getting paid to intern because you wont be.
>be 40 years ago
>can put self through college working a summer job
>books, tuition, dorms, everything paid for
>even money left over to live life just a little and enjoy yourself
My problem with your story is that you find any degree of debt acceptable. I don't care if it's so little that you can pay it off a month after graduation, any debt at all is far more than you should have.
my college has more internship opportunities than they have students to fill them. if you work hard, you get an internship. 4 or 5 of my classmates have already worked for intel.
Not an argument
Manual labor isn't always back breaking work, you could always become an electrician or something like that.
I don't have a degree. I make low six-digits. I work from home. I manage a global team.
That said, all of my kids will be going to college and earning a practical degree. Why? Because I work 70+ hours a week and will die chained to my desk. Had I pursued higher education, I would have been in a better field, making more money, and working less hours.
I wish I've done that. 5 years later and still have student loans. The shit part is that I was just able to get into a good position where I can actually move up.
Name the college and ill see if what your saying is true or utter bullshit.
I agree that debt is a problem. But there's ways you can avoid piling up massive amounts of debt that retards in college avoid doing because muh college experience and doing what interests you instead of what'll get you a job.
How many engineering graduates do you see complaining about debt?
I was making about $25/hour 40 hrs a week
this i am only going to be like 30k in the hole after my masters in urban planning
Cool strategy, but I prefer this one:
>Live in a civilised country that values education
>Do what you enjoy rather than studying something you hate to work a job you hate so you can have a shit life you hate
>being a poorfag Muslim whose only universities teach sociology and shit
Brainlet. Stop lying.
>skipped high school
>skipped uni
>wasted two years smoking weed
>decided to get my shit together
>went to IT, faked resume
>on job interview said that resume was fake, but that I could prove my knowledge and agree to start with a lower salary
>one of those times it worked
>after six months salary went up to industry standard
It's really, really easy to find something nice to do for fine money. If you don't manage even that you honestly deserve starvation.
>jews self into job
>It's really, really easy goy
>on job interview said that resume was fake
This doesn't work in normal countries.
>kike flag
>uses supreme intellectual trickery to sneak into job position
>score high in school and earn a scholarship that pays for everything
no debt
I jewed myself into a job by being able to prove that I can solve most problems quickly, alone, with little prior knowledge. Was easy. I'm not even considered a jew here so it wasn't nepotism too.
Get a personality. Also, you can also keep lying if you have the knowledge to effectively pretend to be officially educated.
>20k in debt
Cheap school.
It's punishable by law, you stupid kike.
If I'd had possessed such supreme intellectual trickery techniques I'd just get welfare. I've been nice and respectful and only asked to prove my worth in which I am confident.
>tfw it's illegal to lie in your resume but it's a-ok for a turkish teenager to pimp your sister
just normal countries things
I did that and had no debt when i graduated. I also didnt part 5 days a week and had an hour long commute.
Try to make sense, retard.
Unemployment is punishable by homelessness starvation though. Also, this law is obviously not just, considering the state of academia. If you still wanna follow it(like I suppose you follow hate crime laws and other unjustified legislation) be my guest, just learn how to speak in a manner that makes you appear valuable as an employee. Not hard.
This x 10k
>Here's why there's nothing wrong with lying for personal gain - A Jew
Can't say I'm surprised.
>Community college
Sounds nice, but how many who go there turn out to be successes? What rate actually go on to finish college? Very low because CC is where dreams go to die.
Just go to University. Its worth 10k a year just to not be around niggers and fuck freshman sluts.
invest 5 k in bitcoin in july
make more doing nothing than I would have made working 10 hour days for the past 5 months
I dont think so. Dr girlfriend works 80 hours a week. Accountant best friend works 60 hrs a week. Engineer ex worked 60 a week. MBA friend 70 hrs a week + travel. The only people who work 40 or less are hs grads working at walmart.
Me. I am 28k in the hole and graduate with a ChemE degree next month. No jobs, no experience, and no connections.
>get decent job using degree
>making okay money
>diversity hires skyrocket ahead of you
>promotions impossible
It's pointless. Any job with women around will end with you being shit on. You can be the best employee they have, doesn't matter.
$30/hr starting January 4th at my internship. Not even in a Big 4 firm. Didn't even have to interview. Accounting internships aren't usually unpaid and if you accept one that's unpaid you don't deserve to be in the field.
>>live at home
My parents can't afford to feed and house me, they kicked me out to rent my room out.
> implying white men aren't underrepresented at universities
Can't take the cpa without it
Then rent the room cuckboy.
Well, I crashed at friends place for a while, then split the rent with someone after I got a job at McDonalds. Now I rent a room from some indian dude for $390 and my room is being rented out for like $500
Not at an accounting internship you weren't.
I'm 3/4 through this exact process. As long as you have connections (not live in Detroit or Minneapolistan) it's great.
>worked at freight liner for half a year
>they paid for my CDL
>make money comparable to people with a four year degree
Why do people go to college again?
This. Or just stretch, eat decent, and try to lift a few times a week. Most damage isn't from the work itself, but from doing the work in a damaging way.
I mean, you're not wrong in a way. There's absolutely no reason we shouldn't have a standard of living similar to boomers. It's one thing to be proud of hard work and smart decisions, but it's a whole 'nother thing to boast about coping with a centralized scheme in the highest level of government to strip the middle class of their wealth.
Thats more than both of my friends make actually working at a Big 4 while waiting to take the CPA. That sounds like a bullshit hourly rate unless you work in a city with a higher cost of living than LA
Lots of liars here as usual. Bye.