I was talking to my friend (were both millennials) about Nu males. He wasn't aware of the term. I showed him and he laughed. I asked why are so many of our generation Nu males? And he said "to get girls". It makes total sense. If they can't be a good looking Chads their fucked so they just try and be nice guys. So if the nu-male is a nu-male for pussy is he really so beta? Makes me think. What are your thoughts?
Nu male problem
This photo makes me angry i want to sit down with you OP we will sit down together and eat corn beef for a week and grow large. We will go into that room with those screaming Nu Males and just start smacking them around the head. The Corn Beef would have increased your muscle size and testosterone so when you hit the Nu male around his faggy head he will go sprawling across the floor. We just keep hitting them one after the other shouting "you will eat corn beef, you will become a man, your weakness is not acceptable to the tribe" and just keep hitting them while they scream with mouth agape getting smacked across the room one after each other.
Lol k
He also said this "If you’re effete and weak. You use your intelligence. But that can be condescending. So they basically become feminists and supportive. So eventually they get to fuck them "
lol k
lol k
So if Nu males are Nu males for pussy, well that's pretty alpha. They aren't wrong with wanting to fuck hipster art girls they are pretty hot.
When you want to fuck a women first imagine what kind of sons she will give you. If she herself looks like a female version of a Nu male then you will have faggy Nu male sons in your gene line. We would be better off selling those women to Arabs.
You're friend is a retard. These numales don't get sex and if they do its out of pity
You sound like a cuck.
What happened to this shitty game? I heard they had to cancel the game and give everyone refunds. Does that mean all those cuckfags got laid off?
I don't doubt he's retarded. It's just nice to have a outsiders take on things. I thought it was interesting.
you sound like a twink.
>are men who can't compete at traditional metrics of attractiveness and masculinity so look for methods outside of this framework to get laid really beta?
Basic definition of beta.
They could have just eaten their onions and closed their gaping holes.
In Denver, nu-males are the pussy slayers. The typical roided out gym rat Chad isn't the one who's pulling girls at bars, it's the tall, skinny, tatted up numale with a beard. The girls around here are really into that look.
Yes I know. But is the act of getting bitches not inherently alpha. Let's dive deeper lads. What does it mean to be a nu-male what are the motivations what are the thoughts. I know some of your guys are Nu males. Take pic related for instance.
It's not alpha because you let the pussy determine your actions i.e. pussy whipped.
From another numale thread
He looks alright desu. I'd have a beer and talk about da joos with him.
Term SJW is too soft for these fucknugget assclowns that are toxic to everything they touch. These assholes gloat and are proud to be called "warrior" because they are to dumb to realize they are being mock about how illogical and crazy they are.
Social Justic Idiot. SJI sounds close enough to STI which is what the lot of these hatefilled,insane, mentally unstable, anger issue loud mouths feel like to the right leaning and the left leaning who actually have critical thinking skills and sense.
Their idiocy has fucked over actual progressive social advocacy on the left.
If these fuck tards say "I'm proud to be called a social justice idiot" I'll say your damn fucking right
Don't see anything wrong with considering what kind of Mother a woman would be before giving her your seed. It seems like a very reasonable standard to me.
How is it alpha? It's the literal definition of a beta male.
He tries to get a mate and cannot, so he has to use shit tactics to get shit mates. Like a GUUURL GAMEERRR. They both end up with societal leftovers, creating a couple of betas.
not sure if copy-pasta but i had a good chuckle. 9/10 would eat corned beef with.
It’s a mating strategy. All male animals complete for females. In non humans, the strongest males win. In humans the strongest (fittest) win but so do the richest. The rest of us develop other strategies in order to obtain sex.
Numales, resigned themselves to the fact they they cannot complete at the top and are not aiming to fuck dozens of attractive women. They are aiming to attract ONE below average woman for procreation.
>this and many of these types have resigned themselves to MGTOW or going gay.
STI also means sexually transmitted infection so it is rather apt.
Theyre afraid
effete (sic)*
>nobody has photoshopped Bug Mans Soy or No Mans Soy on the disk already
Come on
Nu male is an hormonal state, nothing alpha about having the testosterone of a 80 years old man while you're supposed to be in your prime.
Good Soyim
They all make that face it's a disease
You don't actively think about your gene pool and think like an autist when you fuck. Getting married is another issue but that wasn't what you said.
I can't imagine how many girls these guys must get.
Pictures like this make me want to kill myself.
Nu-males are basically weak pushover men who follow trends and virtue signal all the hot topic race/gender issues in a futile effort to get pussy. They're mainly found in urban areas and colleges. A lot of their interests overlap with hipsters and redditors, if they aren't these things themselves. They also tend to have a similar look, bald/shit beard/skinnyfat/graphic shirt/thick problem glasses being the classic one.
Hipster art girls don't like nu males, they like art chads. I've spent time in these circles, they treat these guys like their gay friends.
>they like art chads.
Art chads aren't allowed anymore. They've been pushed out of all art and media communities. You must mean good looking hipsters who think they're men but are something gross and inbetween boycuck and man.
>And he said "to get girls
There are two types of woman, listen now this is important:
Type one: The one who likes weak nu-male men, these women wants to cuck you.
Type two: The one who likes strong and tough men. They wants to be protected and gets turned on by your manliness.
I'm 100% serious here.
The numale "meme" has made me improve my life. Ever since I started seeing this shaming of numales here and there I started lifting weights, eating better and I'm not a few months away of breaking out of skinny fat mode.
I also started reading more, watching films instead of endless TV shows and going out more.
youre still not human, moor
>do what you must; I have achieved enlightenment
I'll take that as a compliment.
This, I've been with a lot of girls outside my social clique and you hear it everywhere, every clique has their own Chads.
>so they just try and be nice guys
And it doesn't work. Simple fact is that men are attracted to women who act like women and women are attracted to men who act like men.
I know someone who had almost Sup Forums tier beliefs for years, but his problem was he couldn't get a chick because he wasn't a Chad. What did he do? He turned into a beta acting like a cuck in public to show the chicks how non-threatening he was. He completely devoted his time to impress a 6/10 for at least 2 year. Do you know what she did? Got a bf who wasn't him. It hasn't stop him from continuing to do it though.
>So if the nu-male is a nu-male for pussy is he really so beta?
Of course not. Just like how the Jew isn't really a coward, even though he'll do none of his own fighting, and this is how, he's actually a based hero. Right? Fucking leaf, fuck off.
>I asked why are so many of our generation Nu males? And he said "to get girls". It makes total sense.
Maybe in Leaf Land that makes sense.
Chads are better than nu males.... But still 2nd tier.
Final form is the modern renaissance man. Be like me .. Red pilled .. socially capable... Red pill people by asking them questions instead of showing power level... lift weights... train martial arts... record music... only date attractive women... masculine but compassionate... have savings... decent job.. own property. Happy.
Chads are great but not rounded enough.
fedora overload
Those are not nu-males or soy-boys though. Just some old-fashioned faggets.
is this you
Hey, what this "nu male" thing is? And why are their mouths are wide open.
Protip: Nu-males don't get fuck any girls. They are the real life equivalent to white knights.
typical leaf reply. fuck off fag
this is the ONLY thing that makes sense.
>whatever happens, I am at peace
cute webm, have a (You)
>tfw too smart to work out
>No Man's Soy
You should take out the word "no" and change Sky to soy, so that it says Man Soy
It's not rocket science. It's not some mystical, mythical concept. The U.S Marine Corps has been taking in wimps for 200 years and turning them into Chads. Start running four miles a day, do a few hundred pushups and situps. Start going to gym and lifting heavy weights. Starting eating a chicken every night before bed. Learn how firearms work and how to change your own oil, take some martial arts. You'll get the hang of manhood.
why is she so perfect anons
>Not sure I'm having a stroke
Wtf I'm I looking at?
>not sure if copy-pasta
This photo makes me angry i want to sit down with you OP we will sit down together and eat corn beef for a week and grow large. We will go into that room with those screaming Nu Males and just start smacking them around the head. The Corn Beef would have increased your muscle size and testosterone so when you hit the Nu male around his faggy head he will go sprawling across the floor. We just keep hitting them one after the other shouting "you will eat corn beef, you will become a man, your weakness is not acceptable to the tribe" and just keep hitting them while they scream with mouth agape getting smacked across the room one after each other.
Lets eat
>The left can't meme or punch
This photo makes me angry i want to sit down with you OP we will sit down together and eat corn beef for a week and grow large. We will go into that room with those screaming Nu Males and just start smacking them around the head. The Corn Beef would have increased your muscle size and testosterone so when you hit the Nu male around his faggy head he will go sprawling across the floor. We just keep hitting them one after the other shouting "you will eat corn beef, you will become a man, your weakness is not acceptable to the tribe" and just keep hitting them while they scream with mouth agape getting smacked across the room one after each other.
What should we do about the frightened nu-male? Put them in zoos?
>corned beef
excellent with beer
excellent with whiskey
excellent with vodka
even with fucking ouzo this shit is glorious
damn it anons
even the foods have gone gay
Fpbp. Let's eat corn beef :D