If Hitler was so great, why did his own men try to kill him?
If Hitler was so great, why did his own men try to kill him?
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Because he fucked them over due to autism
Not all people have the same vision
Because they were too afraid to do what had to be done...shills.
Strategically he was an idiot and also at that time he was mostly high on meth.
Is the italian blood, the blood of traitors.
>German character played by a shekelmutt
His sauerkraut was too salty
Because he went too far too fast.
Hitler attacked evrrything, reactionaries mainly and other agents posibly.
This! It is truly a wonder that he survived the 50+ assassination attempts.
>If Hitler was so great, why did his own men try to kill him?
>could walk around Berlin with only a handful of bodyguards till the bitter end
>meanwhile politicians today have to use armed cars and an army of secret service
you tell me
They found out he was an Albanian Jew.
Traditionalist weren't happy with his Modernist movement for starters.
Success breeds jealousy.
They were afraid of so much power from one man.
They wanted the power
Because all leaders are targets of the disaffected populace. There will always be some guy that wants to kill their leader for reasons, regardless of the leaders ability.
They tried to save germany by killing hitler, take over the government and immediately surrender to the allies.
They were red pilled about how the war would end.
Because they're untermensch traitors to the world
>Hitler was great
It's a meme spouted by nazi larpers and strormfags who are obsessed with Nazi aethetics.
Hitler was an autist who ruined europe because he went to far with ultra-nationalism and "Muh Lebensraum for Germanic people".
Wtf was he expecting when he invaded Czechoslovakia? Free Hugs from Poland?
Was Hitler that retarded to think that British would sue for peace just because Hitler wanted it?
Failed shitty artist deserved what happened to his nation. The only mistake plotters did was not kill him earlier.
>he was mostly high on meth.
Proof ?
>they knew the war would end in a genocide of their fellow Germans and generation's of brainwashing for their children
I don't think they actually knew how it was going to end.
Because he sucked, faggots.
One of the figures who are the reason that Fascism, Nationalism and Tradtionalism have become a taboo and hold such bad reputations.
All he had to do was not fucking attack Poland. The Jews were already trying to make him look like a literal Hitler, and then he goes and becomes the literal Hitler we are force fed today. Madness. No amount of muh polish death camps can justify that complete bit of insanity that didn't just tip the scales in favor of the jews, the fist of destiny slammed down on their side.
Mainly because you got conquered, he literally dod nothing wrong, he didnt murder 12 million.
Or if your generals actually followed his orders instead of dragging ass and fucking around and acting incompetent, then Germany would be on top of the world right now
Because there is a traitor in every group
Hitler was an ideas guy. Generals were programmers and devs. They had enough of his "ideas" he wanted them to implement.
So fucking close and germans could have ended with pic related and so-so much people would have been spared...
I've got a message for the Jews. Suck it!
They lost the war because they believed they would lose the war
The Third Reich invaded Poland because the Polish Government was committing Genocide against the Ethnic Germans in the Polish Corridor. Hitler offered land and money to the Polish Government in exchange for the Polish Corridor which was an ethnically and culturally German place. They spat in his face and continued the Genocide. That's why Germany invaded Poland in '39.
Why do all Germans universally hate Hitler? Is it the brainwashing? Or, do you all hate him for the same reasons I do?Because he got greedy and failed.
All he had to do was not attack anyone and he would’ve been left alone.
I doubt they'd care about a message from some penniless loser.
>hitler did anything right after the war against france and the early blitzkrieg
>doesn't attack dunkirk to crush britain and have pressure for peace negotiations
>actually autistic enough to fight with a gigantic front against russia
>not rushing to the caucasus oil fields to have resources
>hold an entire 6th army in stalingrad so they can die as "heroes" for nothing
No offense the early campaign and blitzkrieg was a supreme move.But after that he didn't trust his generals and generally believed in his own hype as "the greastes millitary leader".The Russia campaign was a gigantic mistake after the first winter,they had a super small window of time to defeat russia.After that they lacked resources and the winter defeated them.
If anything they should have hoped stalin didn't want to invade europe and should have focussed on Britain and crush them.If they have defeated britain I am pretty sure the US would have never entered (lets say the japs weren't autistic enough to attack pearl habour)enter the war and they atleast only had one enemy .
Pretty sure if they had the whole of europe they could have marketed them selfs as the last bastion against communism.
>in exchange for the Polish Corridor which was an ethnically and culturally German place
>935,643 polish population and 175,771 german population
>let's just take the only Polish access to sea trade which Polish government was extremely dependant on
Hitler had better chance in taking Free City of Danzig with was 90% german.
He was a fanatic idiot, his summary from the leading officers in WW1 said that this man should never hold responsibility over other people and is a mediocre soldier at most.
>inb4 but muh Eisernes Kreuz
He did a coup in Bavaria where he could prove to be a Pinochet-Tier savior destined to remove commies but he failed. In WW2 he was a military brainlet and the true geniuses were individual Generals and officers.
Pusdies didnt wantbto conquer soviet uniom, my ancestors did more and became immortalized as Gods.
Hernan Cortes burned down the ships, we conquer or we die.
Because anything after winning against france was a gigantic mistake.They just should have made peace and give france their own version of versaille.Instead they believed their own hype and thought they could conquer russia as easy as the rest of europe.
Should have just negiotate peace and take a chill pill for several decades and get their share of the east.Instead they risked everything and payed the price for it.
(((His men)))
Because he made many mistakes and allowed his decisive confidence to become arrogant foolishness
The amount of kike brainwashed brainlets on this board is too much. the_donald has killed Sup Forums. If you're not natsoc you need to read more.
Except the USSR would have benefited from the peace more than Germany.
some people just aren't loyal i guess. Why even start this thread? oh yeah..... you're a shill
you mean we should take part in even more brainwashing? This is what your idols Hitler and Göbbels thought as well, further massively funding the Propaganda Ministerium.
Face it, they suck and British & Italian Fascists were far better in what they were doing.
>doesn't attack dunkirk to crush britain and have pressure for peace negotiations
The British were also light on the Krauts. Hitler caught on to this and spared the British lives, because he wanted the British to not go on with the war
>actually autistic enough to fight with a gigantic front against russia
The Soviets were already going to invade Europe, so Hitler engaged them on his own terms while they were on their heels. Hitler only chose to attack as early as he can, as he received reports of Russian incompetence during the Winter Wars, thus giving himself assurance that the German army could mirror Finnish results. Operation Sea Lion was also seen as impractical, because a British invasion would cost Germany too much resources and manpower, leaving themselves exposed to the Soviets
>not rushing to the caucasus oil fields to have resources
He couldn't secure the vast Caucus region without controlling Stalingrad
>hold an entire 6th army in stalingrad so they can die as "heroes" for nothing
Stalingrad was make or break for the war. His Generals didn't understand the significance of the city.
>If anything they should have hoped stalin didn't want to invade europe and should have focussed on Britain and crush them
The British homeland was well fortified and would be a costly invasion. As I said earlier, the Soviets would've invaded and steamrolled over German Garrisons. Italy couldn't even control North Africa without Rommel's help, so they wouldn't be much use holding off the Russians
>I am pretty sure the US would have never entered (lets say the japs weren't autistic enough to attack pearl habour)enter the war and they atleast only had one enemy
Franklin D. Roosevelt was looking for every reason to attack Germany. The Japanese knew that the US would eventually enter the war, which is why they attacked Pearl Harbor, hoping to cripple the navy, especially the aircraft carriers
Stalin offered Hitler separate peace negotiations several times throughout the war. In late 1941, in December 1942 and in spring 1943. The basic offer was restoration of pre-war borders and economic ties. Hitler turned both of these down. How the fuck would've those terms NOT benefited Germany more than USSR is a mystery to anyone not high on meth.
The latter of course
Why should anyone in their right mind but germans be NatSoc and Praise Hitler? Why would a slav, latin, celt or any other praise the movement which caused death of thousands or millions of their people.
You do realise National Socialism was pan-germanic ultranationalist organisation which thought and cared about only germans first and would damn rest of europeans.
National Socialism wasn't for Pan-European or Pan-White idea, it was unironcally German Supremacy because they thought Germans were the highest on european food chain and deserved to rule everyone else. If they cared so much about other europeans they wouldn't even though about concepts such as "Lebensraum of the east".
Gonna generalize but, you're probably a burger who doesn't understand National Socialism and interprets his own ideas into it and thinks it a fact, you probably fell for NatSoc meme just because of pretty german aesthetics and nothing else.
Because he was too much in the end, killed his own men when there wasn't any chance to win the war left.
Hitler was literally the only why the Third Reich got as far as it did. Every time, his staff would resist his orders. They told him Poland couldn't be conquered, then they said France, and each time he would prove them wrong, yet their attitudes would remain the same, defeated
Moreover his generals would also ignore his orders, exaggerate the success of their operations, and omit their failures. Rommel despite being regarded as one of the greatest tank generals, was also very predictable, which allied commanders exploited. Italy fucked everything, declaring wars that they couldn't finish. Their invasion of Greece would be final nail in the coffin. Mussolini wanted to impress Germany because he didn't want to continue disappointing Hitler after the North African shitshow. What Italy did however, was allow the Allies a backdoor to Germany's underbelly, forfeiting any chance of white peace. If anything, it was Italy's fault that the Axis lost the war
True, should have used a pure bred German, pic related
Hitler was a psychopath killer and you fucking assholes shouldnt joke about this shit. You're smarter than that.
> if you kill your enemies they win
Hitler was a cunt hair from defeating the Allies.
The DKNV tried to kill Hitler because they were reactionary and he was revolutionary. They were okay with his revolution when it was all about killing commies and removing Jews but not when it was about to cause economic and social collapse. Tbh the DKNV would have made a way better government than the NSDAP.
Ribbentrop was a fucking retard and largely responsible for hitlers early mistakes, if he had been killed in 1938 the whole war might have been avoided
Good post, nazism was a calamity for Europe and was targetting at the colonization or even straight up eradication of european populations.
Most people in Europe hate this ideology not because they are philosemite but because their parents or grandparents suffered under itL
That's why nazi LARPers pretending to be ethno-nationalists will always appear as utter retards because their ideology is quintessentially a german imperialism fueled by hatred of the neighbors.
All these plots against Hitler started after 1941, about the same time he started making a lot of mistakes.
Nobody did anything during peacetime.
Hello University of California. How's your studies going?
Strange to read this from a flag whose nation was 99% SS during the war
Shamefuru dispray Altaic Brother. Cease this faggotry at once !
It was Heinz Guderian that actually shaped and commanded German Army during France and Poland. Actually he was the father of Blitzkrieg.
Than he and Hitler got into a fight. Guderian said:
"Stop building expensive and heavy tanks. We need fast, reliable tanks just to get things done."
But no. Za Great Führer wanted "tanks that can take place of destroyed bunkers" Yeah... you read that right... He was "that" dumb
The LatviaBro is dishing the truth out tonight. Based.
>durr hurr national socialism was a german supremacy
Then why did Hitler support other NatSoc/fascist groups that weren't German? Why did Slavs volunteer for the SS? Why was he allied with Italy and Japan? Back to plebbit with you
The only "Slavs" (They claimed they were descendandts of Goths at that time) that were in the SS were Croats and Bosniak(Muslims) Serbs,Russians,Ukraininans,Poles and others were not in the SS and suffered heavy ethnic cleansing.
>Then why did Hitler support other NatSoc/fascist groups that weren't German?
He didn't tho. The only group NSDAP supported was Austrian National Socialist party which was fighting against Fascist Austrian government.
The only other groups they very slightly supported were Nazi party of Denmark, Netherlands and Norway(all germanic mind you), Even Mussolini did more in supporting fascist movements like Mosleys but Hitler almost never did it unless occupied fascist party adopted Nazi ideals like Degrelle did.
Nazis weren't fascist and they themselves said so. Alliance with Italy and Japan was because they needed allies in the upcoming war.
>Why did Slavs volunteer for the SS?
Slavic SS and volunteer armies of the east were formed in 1943-1944 when Germany was losing and Hitler realised that they fucked up and need more manpower which was lost in fighting.
German Generals like Bock and Manstein desperately advocated to create slavic divisions right in 1941 when Barbarossa began and when eastern europeans still saw germans as liberators instead of colonisers, but Hitler denied all of it...
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a plebbitor
refute me or kys, amerimutt nazi larper
pic related is what Goebbels thought about Fascism.
Nazism is called fascist because commies in 1920's called everyone who opposed them fascist just like they do today.
Only a brainlet who was fed on shit from mainstream news considered Nazism a fascist movement.
>Slavic SS and volunteer armies of the east were formed in 1943-1944 when Germany was losing and Hitler realised that they fucked up and need more manpower which was lost in fighting.
so they volunteered because Hitler realized he fucked up? What?
>Don't want to starve in a concentration camp
>Don't want to be shot by for deserting
>Don't want to to return to Soviet commie system
>Don't know what original nazi intentions was on the east because you can't read fucking minds and don't know that germans are losing
>There are all these new "German Liberator" propaganda posters everywhere and Germans now want you to fight together?
Sure thing people would join.
Why are americans such a brainlets?
Kung fu
That mean before 1943 there was no such battalions to "volunteer" to. And since Soviets were closing in and everybody hated them when given the chance by Fucked-up-Hitler they joined.
I mean come on ! Stop playing a low IQ fool. Was that really hard to figure out ?
Happens to every leader
Instead Nationalism has become a taboo in modern Germany. Why do Sup Forumstard LARPers worship Shitler and his Nazi retards so much?
Nationalsocialism wanted to return things to how the originally were: you don't have any right to your land if you can't defend it from invaders. Germans were the perfect example, while their fighting spirit was dimmed the didn't deserve the land, so it was taken away, but as soon as they mustered up their courage and their vigor was regained the fought back for what was rightfully theirs, and by rightfully I mean the divine right of possession of land based on racial superiority.
The reason why he wanted to take part of Poland/Russia was because he knew of the inferiority of the Slav in comparison with Germans, I believe he has been influenced a lot by Gobineau in this regard. After all Germanic migrations all moved towards Western Europe and accumulated there (due to Attila the Hun fucking them up), leaving Slavs (who were mixed with some Germanics at the time) to mix with suomi/mixed white-asian populations.
I very much doubt he was going to starve Russians to death, the generalplan ost was made up, as it says on the wikipedia page, using scribbles God knows who wrote.
The Lebensraum only meant expulsion of Russians/Poles, I believe these would have in turn expelled inferior races and so on. I'm not trying to D&C here or understimate slavs, but history has shown an undeniable proof of the superiority of Germanics over slavic populations, at all times.
Why do you even care? It's not like he was gna fuck with Latvia, he held Baltics in great regard (Rosenberg was a baltic btw)
The Chad Display vs. the virgin group huddle
Nothing but JIDF propaganda points. No Hitler did not want war with other Europeans, he did not want to ethnically cleanse non-germans.
GTFO my board /ptg/ boomer retards holy fucking shit just die already.
>germans wanted to unironically genocide was the poles.
WRONG. Hitler was close with the poles until their leader croaked and the kikes sank their claws into the new (((government))).
Fucking retard.
>history has shown an undeniable proof of the superiority of Germanics over slavic populations, at all times.
Guess that in the end Slavs proved otherwise...
>I very much doubt he was going to starve Russians to death, the generalplan ost was made up, as it says on the wikipedia page, using scribbles God knows who wrote.
I agree about that, the only people germans wanted to unironically genocide was the poles. Rest of east of that would be governed by krautish autism just like it's written in "Zweites Buch" and "Table talks", Nazis wanted to reduce east europeans to serfs, making basically all illiterate peasants who had no self government or representation... This system as all retarded german systems would backfire in eternal partisans and uprisings.
>Why do you even care? It's not like he was gna fuck with Latvia, he held Baltics in great regard (Rosenberg was a baltic btw)
Rosenberg was a baltic german, nothing latvian about him. He made most delirious observation in human history that it's laughable, just by reading "The Myth of the Twentieth Century" you can see how much of flaws and larping of nazi ideas of race and history had.
Don't know how it is in Argentina, but even a slight idea of my nation being governed(cucked) by foreign autistic and degenerate krauts makes me want to vomit.
Because he was a bit of a drug addict madman which are not the best traits to rule over a country.
Not always like that. When Berg is preceded by a color or a precious metal it is ALWAYS ((())). Everything else needs to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
> the Post-WWI, JQ-informed generation of german high command thought anything would end well post-Barbarossa
they just wanted to still have children to brainwash, they knew they what the west wanted to do to the spirit of the continent
Yes. Hitler had good relations with poles until he invaded Czeckoslovakia and broke Munich agreement.
This freak poles the fuck up and they knew that they were next, so decided to make protection treaty with Britain and France.
Hitler pissed about it, like a good saviour of europe then made a pact with Soviets on dividing Poland... He made ultimatum on taking not just Free city of Danzig, but entire polish corridor which was majority polish which Polish government was very depended on for sea trade.
Tell me, little snowflake.
If Hitler didn't want war and wanted only german land.
Why did he invade majority slavic Czechoslovakia?He did receive fairly Sudetenland and was supported by British, even promising that it was the last demand they made. Why would you risk destroying relations with British, French and Poles?
Was it maybe because of Autism and wanting for Lebensraum?
Oh gee why would anyone ever want to betray their leader.
Sup Forums was and always will be for Free Speech and good discussions. If you want your nazi larping safe space, go to cripplechan and obsess with sucking
superiour german cock every day.
>I know all about your "point out the logical flaws in my argument" tactics, Shlomo!
This guy gets it
It was Nazi Croats who wanted their own country and Hitler promised them one if they fought for him.
Based Raitis Ivanans
Hitler had many great generals. How the fuck did they not see this and the fact that Hitler was gonna fuck them over?
Don't forget they didn't have a problem with sweden. Heck even Goering wife was swedish and we even had the institution of race biology. Many of the major leaders here was national socialists back then.
Most of general staff knew about it and were actually pro-plot but refused to take part in it due to "Muh honor n'shiet"(which is a reasonable excuse for generals)
Those generals who did partake and even didn't but were suspected where either executed or forced commit suicide...(Didn't help the fact that a lot of these generals served on eastern front and it harmed german efforts even further...)
The plot was almost absolutely successful but didn't manage to kill Hitler himself because they didn't plant a second bomb.
Funniest part about croats, is that Hitler didn't even think they were slavs but germans who only spoke "disgusting slavic language" and their "disgusting slavic culture" is just result of assimilation... Just read "Hitlers table talks" i shit you not.
This is all you need to know about how autistic Hitlers prespective of other europeans was.