In the Roberta Arc, Bao is surprised at how unusual it is to see Rock without Revy

>in the Roberta Arc, Bao is surprised at how unusual it is to see Rock without Revy
Is she making up excuses to stick to him literally every day?

Other urls found in this thread:

They're partners.

Revy smells.

Rock is the only thing stable in Revy's life.

I think Black Lagoon is a great series and all, but do we really need 3+ threads a week about it?

She sort of wants his gun inside her, but Rock doesn't really care.

I liked this show even more because Rock and Revy don't act like autists around each other.

we have 30+ threads a day about Tohsaka Rin and her culpability in the bargaining of pleasure to old men


>Is she making up excuses to stick to him literally every day?

Either this or Rock has no confidence strolling around town without some kind of deterrent to ward away ass holes. I'm also figuring that she can tolerate people like Benny or Dutch, but isn't connected with them as much as Rock.

She just wants his hard Rock

Wouldn't you?

*rock deposits

>Sup Forums doesn't want generals
>"just make a thread if you want to talk about it!"
>makes a thread to talk about it
>"Jesus do we really need 3 threads a week for this?"

It would be nice to see Rock go nuclear and what Revys reaction to it would be

>I-It's not like I-I'm tagging along with you because I c-care or anything! I just don't trust you to get the job done! That's all! Hmph!

Revy has literally zero friends. Benny doesn't want to be caught in the crossfire when she finally catches up with her self destructive tenancies, Eda doesn't want to risk Revy finding out she's CIA, Dutch doesn't get close to anyone as a general rule, everyone else in the city is terrified of her. Rock is the only person willing to hang out with Revy, mainly because he doesn't have any friends either.

Rock has no problem wandering around the Rouanpor by himself in the early chapters.

>Revy has literally zero friends


>Is she making up excuses to stick to him literally every day?
Obviously, yeah.

I've hung out with a couple people like Revy (all dudes except for one lesbian). They are really, really hard to get along with and it's extremely frustrating to watch them throw away every opportunity given to them. And make no mistake, while they may value your friendship they will not give up their self destructive habits, even if they hurt you too.

It certainly would be. Much of the reason Revy is so attached to Rock is because he's the embodiment of the "normal" life she never was able to have. She hates the person he is becoming/became in the Roberta arc because she realises that he's been corrupted by Roanapur and her vision of purity (she is actually ridiculously naive) is crumbling.

Revy is literally the only person in Roanapur who doesn't realize they're a couple.

>her vision of purity (she is actually ridiculously naive) is crumbling.

Revy desperately wants Rock to be incorruptible, so she ignores the parts of him that don't fit in with that narrative. Because Revy wants to believe that Rock is so pure, so incorruptible she won't have to change at all for him to "save" her. That she won't have to take any risks, he'll just come in and lift her out of the filth without getting a single stain on him. She's not naive, just selfish.


You just described naivete. She is selfish too though but that's pretty understandable.

More please?

Fuck, I have a thing for art of characters along with their younger selves. I don't even know why.

New chapter WHEN?



I would say it's not that she 'doesn't realize it' as much as she has no concept of how human beings express affection for each other.

So let's talk about the latest story arc, "The Wired Red Wild Card". Even before Hiroe dropped the whole thing, it didn't seem like it was gonna go anywhere. The whole arc feels pretty slow moving and nonsensical, and Hiroe might have realized this, which may have killed his motivation. So, from a storytelling perspective, is the Wired Red Wild Card a complete fucking dead end?

Revy isn't stupid, she could spot from this a mile away if this was one of her friends instead of herself. But she won't, because she'd to admit that Rock can't save her. No one can save her except herself. But Revy will never admit that she could, because that would mean taking responsibility for her actions.

If Revy can save herself now, there's no reason she couldn't have done so in the past. She could have avoided everything. All the murders, all the deaths, all of it. But she didn't, because she was too scared to try. The crushing weight of that realization is why she'd dearly prefer believe that she isn't capable of anything, that Rock is her only savior, and her life isn't her own fault.

Now I want a series about a hardened mob boss raising her adorable daughter. I'm almost certain there's something with that premise out there.

I hate Feng, I hope she gets bricked by the end of it

Are there many cool girl like Revy in US???
I must go New continent!!!!!

>latest story arc
Final story arc*

Shut up.

Sorry, it upsets me too user.

>Revy has literally zero friends

Technically speaking it's not yet official, even if it does look rather likely at this point.

>You will never try to be Revy's friend.
>She will never punch you straight in the jaw when you try to hug her.

>that chapter where Rock is playing darts with Benny and Benny realizes Rock could be the most dangerous person in the city if he tried

Revy loves Rock, but I think Rock doesn't love Revy very

Keep in mind that when someone doesn't have any friends there is always a good reason for this.

I saw the beginning of the arc and immediately wondered why Hiroe was retelling Jane's story with a much less compelling character. He could have come up with a slightly more interesting way to dangle a love interest in front of Rock that isn't criminally insane like everyone else he's met.

If only he could have understood what he'd have to do to achieve his dreams. I wish Berserk would expound on Griffith's perspective post-sacrifice if he's even him anymore.

Rei Hiroe said he want to keep doing Black Lagoon forever. Which is great, because Black Lagoon will never end, and sucks because he has zero drive to finish the story.

>That feel when you realize that Rock being dangerous is so completely out of character for him it makes you wonder "what the fuck was he doing working for a Japanese software company at the beginning of the series?"

Fuck, this picture gives me feels. It's as if Femto is looking into his innocent former self trying to see anything of himself in him, and failing completely.

>you will never have a heart to heart with Revy about her childhood
>she will never tell you how hard it was growing up and thats why she lashes out at you
>the setting sun will never reflect off the water and onto her as she talks
>she will never go on and on in circles about her feeling bad
>you will never smooch Revy on the bow of the PT boat to shut her up
>Revy will never shoot you and throw you overboard after you smooch her

>She hates the person he is becoming/became in the Roberta arc
I don't remember this shit in the manga, am I a speed reader or you are talking about the ova?

Rock worked for a manufacturing firm, and one of the underlying themes of the story is that Japanese culture does not reward the talented or the intelligent. The very things that make Rock so successful in Rouanpur made him a failue in Japan. This is not as clear if you don't have a good understanding of real Japanese culture (ie outside of anime)

Dude is straight Yakuza. He joined that software company because he wanted to have a normal life.

Revy is a titanic dyke. This isn't even up for debate it's 100% canon. We're not even sure she's ever fucked a guy in manga canon. Rape, consensual or even semi consensual.

Why is ever thread here about how R and R are a couple? It doesn't even make sense.
I thought you people liked her for who she is. Are you forcing a het relationship and bisexuality onto her because you're bored of the tuff lesbian butch dominant bad ass who don't need no man?

It's the OVA. I liked it, but it was not faithful to the manga at all. Roberta acting insane and sexy was great but other than I treat it as non-canon. Especially the stuff about Revy being raped, I didn't dig that at all. It didn't really seem to jive with her character.

>Meido will never rape you
Why go on tbqh

>threatening to fuck a girl to protect a man's chastity makes you 100% lesbian

All the girls at the strip club love her. She's also not a fucking teenager she does not need to constantly surround herself with people 24/7. She obviously has people she knows and sees outside of the lagoon people like her arms dealer. Eda and her do seem to hang out on a regular basis like when they were drinking together.

>Are you forcing a het relationship and bisexuality onto her because you're bored of the tuff lesbian butch dominant bad ass who don't need no man?

Stupid SJWposter. She was a dancer and did the S&M show at the sex club retard. She's probably fucked 20+ guys.

Revy is clearly romantically interested in Rock. Sorry you're too disgusting IRL to have ever had a normal romantic relationship but when men and women who are romantically compatible spend a lot of time around each other, they develop feelings. Maybe if your hormones ever normalize (unlikely) you'll realize that.

Yeah that entire thing basically screamed holy shit is she a dyke.
And not the skinnimax kind, the gross OiTNB and pro lesbian porn with fisting and giant strapons kind.

She both cockblocked a guy who's obviously not getting any trim by threatened to rape a hot slut with low mileage pussy.

Nothing about that entire scene said het or even awesome.

Dude, get that false flag faggot bullshit out of here.
She's gay as fuck. Secondly she was just into femdom with pegging and just getting wipped. A dick more then likely hasn't been anywhere near her cunt ass or mouth.
There isn't even a hint that she got properly dicked ever.

She's a gold star super lesbian.
The kind that is called a strong female character by THOSE people.

>Especially the stuff about Revy being raped, I didn't dig that at all. It didn't really seem to jive with her character.

I think it's critical to explain her relationship with Rock. Revy is very confident, open about sex, and she's clearly interested in Rock, so why else hasn't she asked him out yet?

>cockblocking Rock

Sorry, no, not even close. If you think that was her intention, read it again with the goggles off.

>Especially the stuff about Revy being raped, I didn't dig that at all. It didn't really seem to jive with her character.
I didn't like it either but it makes perfect sense for her character I reckon. With her background it would be more surprising if she hadn't been sexually assaulted at least a few times.


>SJW? Dude, get that false flag faggot bullshit out of here.
>Secondly she was just into femdom with pegging and just getting wipped. A dick more then likely hasn't been anywhere near her cunt ass or mouth.
There isn't even a hint that she got properly dicked ever.

You're aware Rei Hiroe is a notorious sex-pervert right? The creator of Black Lagoon loves sexy women. There is a 100% chance Revy has normal, consensual, hetero sex. Why don't you email him and ask? He'll probably write you a whole canon fanfiction about it.

This is a Sup Forums sister board and Black Lagoon threads doubly so. Eat shit stupid SJWposter.

I always interpreted it is as Revy's defense mechanism. Over the years she's probably had her trust betrayed a million times by people she cared about and it's really hard for her to take that final step, even with how close her and Rock are. She's so adorably tsundere it hurts.

See: Aloha Shirt

I never thought it was possible for someone to be blinded by his own delusions and headcanon to this degree but here it is, right under my nose.

Because she's gay as fuck.
That scene is there to create a bullshit justification for her eating clam and forgoing penis.
It's the classic "She's really straight but a past trauma needs to be overcome by that special guy" thing.

You mean the chicks who she's shown interacting with a grand total of once in a story that's implied to stretch over two years, and then only to call in a favor? Or the guy twice her age she buys shit from? Yeah, those are some solid friends right there.

The only people Revy is ever shown as hanging out with are the Lagoons and Eda, and she doesn't actually hang out with the non-rock Lagoons all that often.

You forgot the


I'll wait while you come up with a better explanation than "cuz I'm a big meanie".

Post two canon manga examples where she has pnv sex OF ANY KIND or even a relationship with a male that is clearly sexual and romantic.

I'll wait.
Till then. She's gay as fuck.

Post two canon manga examples where she has pnv sex OF ANY KIND or even a relationship with a female that is clearly sexual and romantic.

I'll wait.
Till then, burden of proof is on you.

>This is a Sup Forums sister board and Black Lagoon threads doubly so.
Retarded crossboarders inhabit entry level anime threads? Who would have thought?

off yourself loser

>Till then. She's gay as fuck.
>Abloo Abloo the Japanese won't build faggy SJW pandering into their media like western outlets do

Fuck off stupid SJWposter. Revy clearly loves Rock. Why don't you go post about your hormones on

>Doesn't actually say that or hint at that.

Okay sure. What ever helps your headcanon.

Look, why can't you accept that Revy is a deeply broken psychopath and at best is an overzealous lezbro to Rock.

She outright states that she fucked girls in prison. Never even hints that she fucked any dudes at any point.

>Look, why can't you accept my headcanon that has no explanation over one that attempts to explain her behavior?


>this example counts twice somehow

>This is a Sup Forums sister board and Black Lagoon threads doubly so.

As a proud jew, I would like to be the first to say take your faggotry back to the dark hole you came out of. Black Lagoon had a whole arc about how you are all pathetic little pieces of shit, this is the last place you should be expressing your bullshit.

>Never even hints that she fucked any dudes at any point.

Did you read the manga?

Purityfags please get the fuck out.

Black Lagoon is not for you

Oh please, anime gets attacked on the daily by Sup Forums

By the way, all of these are canon and drawn by the author.

>the author of Black Lagoon is a giant sex-pervert
>Revy is the main character's love interest
>she has worked as a literal hooker
>an entire arc where Revy and Rock go to Japan and have a relationship building experience
>somehow she's never fucked dudes

Loving every laugh tbqh fampai, you are beyond delusional. I guess those faggot hormones you're taking have ruined your brain and your body.

Fuck off kike lmao, Sup Forums doesn't care about stupid Stormfags on a boat. We idolize the sub-captain not the Neo-Nazis in that arc. Smug anime girls are the basis of our communication as well.

That's not actually fucking a dude, that's a bdsm show where she's the dominant.

I don't think you understand how generic pnv sex works or have a very wide definition of what it is.

>everyone that disagrees with me is an SJW
very impressive

If you weren't secondary scum you'd know that she's been confirmed to have had sex with women.

She did bdsm work where she beat the shit out of dudes while wearing fetish gear.
That does not mean she took dick or even touched one with her naked skin.

Everybody looks at this dumb purityfag and laugh.

But seriously, you think that the street kid turned hardcore dominatrix who ALSO knows how the hooker game works and knows all the strippers in Roanapur is a virgin?

M8, you've got a problem.

>being Gay for the Stay in prison is the same as being a voracious female-only lesbian
She's worked as a hooker and exotic dancer, she has fucked more men than you've probably seen in your entire life.

P.S. Sup Forums loves yuri
It's just some delusional tranny that wandered in from /lgbt/. They aren't purityfags they just want Revy to be a STRONK LESBIAN archetype which TexMex clearly doesn't give a fuck about.

I don't drink a whole lot, but honestly, Dutch seems like he'd be an amazing guy to drink with. Benny would be fun to hang out with, but Dutch if definitely someone id drink with.

You realize that even Hiroe whores the fuck out of his characters, right?

For fucks sake, he provides art to rape doujins of Revy by Azasuke.

He literally does not give a fuck.

You mean the sub-captain who said it was his greatest joy that that the Nazis were defeated so that his family would never have to live under their hatred again?

Face it faggot, this is the last anime for you. The entire main cast are a black dude, a jew, and 2 Asians. They literally beat the shit out of white supremacists. They would hate your guts.

revy is a chinese girl from new york. go to chinatown

Keep Sup Forums out of these threads you dumb maga-poster.

We've been here longer than you.

That's pretty interesting to ponder on. He did choose to sacrifice everyone, but did he know how fucking awful and hellish it was going to be for them?

Of course, after becoming a demon he couldn't give two shits anymore.

FUCK Sup Forums

>Oy vey the ebil Nazis on Sup Forums find personal honor to be a better way to live your life than blind hatred

Pretty scary when whites stop eating up the Nazi bullshit controlled opposition and start being proud of themselves huh Schlomo? The holocaust didn't happen, but it will soon ;^)

P.S. Do you guys enjoy getting your cocks sliced and sucked by Rabbis when you're babies?

You really don't think the character who was raped and abused by the police and even her fucking father isn't a lesbian even though she's been confirmed to have sex with multiple women?

Delusion isn't just a river in Egypt after all.

You people are all fucking retarded. Like, amazingly so.

You're only beat in the "Retarded fucking idiot" section by the guy claiming Revy doesn't like men. And even then I'm not sure if the Neo-Nazi isn't tied.

Remember to replace your official versions with this version, provided by based user.

Everybody look at the anime-only moron and laugh.