Pop Team Epic 25 / Honey Come Chatka 8 / bkub thread

bkub thread. Starting with newest Poptepipic, which is getting nendoroids by the way, then Honey Come Chatka, and then maybe some IP Police Tsuduki-chan.

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A good and pure page.











>the jokes are getting weirder and harder to understand

I don't know if it's a good or bad thing.

It's getting more absurd with the time. I like it,

If anything it's just gotten more referential.

He's still angry with Takeshobo, huh?

Got distracted with Tsuduki-chan, HCC now.










Popuko seems kinda off.

He hates TPP with a passion.

Thanks OP.

Also here's this.


He better be re-drawing that shit once TPP stops being a thign with the ascension of our god emperor trump


Still can't believe producer is a guy

Yes, but I didn't feel like it needed a TN note. If people know Nube, they'll get it, if they don't it doesn't effect the gag.

I don't believe it.

Is that the mangaka?

He's moe as fuck.

I laughed far harder than I should.

It's this guy


This got me good.

Ebin :D

Now I'm just frustrated by this joke, because I can't figure what the bottom constellation is supposed to be.

It's the Popuko-chan constellation.

Still giving Takeshobo shit, I see.

>World of Final Fantasy


Where the fuck is the joke?

You mean you don't get it?

I still have no idea what they mean when they say "subculture bitches".

>Tfw fun.

How much cocaine does bkub do

I want to fuck that Sachi.


If I don't get these """jokes""" do I pass as non-autist?

Just lighten up a little man

You still posted in the thread, so that means you failed.

Can't attest you autism over your internet behaviour, user.
However, it seems your sense of humor is impaired

>Poptepipic, which is getting nendoroids by the way

Sweet, any idea when they'll be available to order?

It pretty much means "special snowflake" women. One menu dish at the IRL bkub collaboration cafe (where the background soundtrack was generic carnival music mixed with random explosions) was "Subculture Kuso Onna Pancake".

There is something really nice about seeing such honest and unhindered hatred towards something, it makes me feel closer to the author in a way.

I wish that i too one day, can show my loathe so publicly against something or someone one of these days.

>it's a bkub thread
Fucking mint lads.

Where's Tsuduki-chan you fucking nigger.

>pictured: dave grohl, james franco

Isn't Takeshobo his publisher?

>not a single chen image
Sup Forums is dead

>he doesn't know poptepipic lore

Time to read up son.

What the hell happened to DJ Copy & Paste?

He was so excited he made a new pose.
Didnt you read the chapter?

I can't find anything on Google. Can you enlighten us sempai?

>tfw didnt get a single reference except pineapple pen

what a miss

Oh it is that thread "we pretend that we get those jokes and feel smug about it" again.

That sentence you typed. Wait, what?!

Oh it is that faggot "just because i don't get the obscure references ill call that whole thing lulsorandumb" again.

Yep. Time to mine for some fresh new memes and reaction images


T. "user who doesn't get those obscure references and yet he defends it"




10/10 Cosplay desu.

I bought the manga because it caught my eye at one of the stores I usually go to (I didn't know a tank was out) and I only read a few strips a day so it lasts longer. I have like a 30% of not knowing what the fuck the joke is in the strip, and not knowing if it's some obscure reference I'm missing, if my moon slang isn't up to par, or if he just huffed a bunch of paint before drawing it and the joke doesn't make sense to anyone.

So far the Line stamps joke and the glasses joke made me laugh the most.

i feel like this is a reference to american politics or something


Hold on, I've seen this somewhere before...




>where the background soundtrack was generic carnival music mixed with random explosions
That's incredible.


I believe.

where are the new reaction images



Very nice


