Christians will defend this
Destruction of ancient European statues
Other urls found in this thread:
>a square inch Cross etching vs the outright destruction and pillaging of shit when the empire fell apart
not sure what that has to do with this. Christians wanted to destroy the native paganism from Europe. And it wasn't just the cross, they beat the nose off and destroyed the whole statue
wow! who would have thought christcucks are niggers?!
dude looks like a literal alien.
Why are all their noses gone?'s called defacement
> As well as being stolen, works of immeasurable artistic value were destroyed merely for their material value.
> One of the most precious works to suffer such a fate was a large bronze statue of Hercules, created by the legendary
> Lysippos, court sculptor of Alexander the Great. Like so many other priceless artworks made of bronze, the statue was
> melted down for its content by the Crusaders. The great Library of Constantinople was destroyed as well.
Fucking snowniggers
What again?
It was Venetian christians
That's what you get for not worshipping my magic Jewish corpse, you white scum.
>keep idols of false gods
>claim to be Christian
Greeks deserved it 100 times over.
This post needs to go into the Christcuck pol edition, Mr. Judeo-Christian ISIS
>destroy your native masterpieces
>for my kike on a stick
>"such statues of the gods as were especially famous for their sanctity or their artistic merit, including that of Jupiter at Olympia, should be brought from Greece, in order to remove their heads and put his own in their place."
this, the only truth path is that which destroys all previous traditions and replaces them with something quite Jewish. Oh... where have I heard that before?
>the chad big dick pagan
>the Judeo-Christian micro-penis virgin
*blocks your path*
> Destroys pagan art 1000x better than christian art at the time
Include a Jewish star with the cross, then it is almost accurate
Every single one of the people posting with the templar flag is some form of mutt or shitskin. Almost no exceptions.
the christcuck will defend the destruction of European art and culture
the christcuck is a menace to the European man.
Christianity isn't Jewish at all!
*slobbering sounds*
We are all (((united))) in Christ!
Abrahamic religions got a thing for destroying shit.
I think it turn them on actually.
I will defend this. Fuck Paganism. Deus Vult! God bless Constantinople and Valentinian.
>jew on the right
>At the solicitation of Theophilus, Bishop of Alexandria, the emperor issued an order at this time for the demolition of the heathen temples in that city
But hey the statue was about 1500 years old or so and would have been about 2300 years old today, glad It's gone!
Who wants to have 2300 years old bronze statue of Hercules still around?
>muh skin
>pagans were savages
>Rome is degenerate
>praise (((Jesus)))
>Jesus is in the Koran, too! We love him!
>Germany will be muslim
I know.
but Christianity isnt all that bad. It works when literal Jews aren't running it.
I also love when they criticize people for reading the eddas, who where written
down by christianized icelanders, with "They wuz christians it's not accurate! Fake religion!"
But then in turn they 100% believe every negative description of pagan culture written down
by christians with "Christians would never lie or distort something!"
>constantine goes Christian
>best emperor best roman moment in histroy
>some fucked up relative want to go back to paganism
>rome get fucked
Julian was best Roman emperor
Who preserved that statue until the chimp out?
And all churches. Cuckianity should be forbidden and all remaining cuckians should be marked with an armband with a clearly visible cross.
This would end all the problems.
>It works when literal Jews aren't running it.
Okay. Take all the prophets of the bible, including Jesus, out of it then. Scratch that, delete the entire bible.
Awww Mustaffa is just mad he couldn't finish up in Palmyra & Nineveh.
My point is that christians were not flawless and perfect and that we need to eradicate the templarpers who rather fill Europe with christian niggers than anything else.
was the last of his line (cuck), pushed paganism, let rome fall
sounds great
>fuck paganism, deus vult
Literally mudslime-tier logic.
The Eastern Roman Empire
>best emperor best roman moment in histroy
>this is what semitic lions food actually believe
>best emperor, best time in Rome
kill yourself
>hundreds of years of history
>giant temples and statues built
>at its greatest extent in 117 AD
>>greatest moment was in the 300s
Stop posting, Bergoglio. Back to those niggerfeet!
Just so I'm sure, there are people in this thread who DON'T understand that Western Christianity is a combination of Christianity and Paganism, right? As in, these people don't understand the two were melded to form one which is why it worked for 1000 years before being (((subverted))), but the (((subversion))) was just pure coincidence.
Gee, I'm glad this board isn't full of complete retards. Remember that part in the bible where Jesus is born under an evergreen? Execute (((yourselves))).
>Christians will defend this
No we won't......why would we?
How about this one instead?
>continuing the legacy and traditions of your ancestors
>"pushing paganism"
who cares about those temples, they were destroyed cause they were pagans, constantine tried to do the right thing, but they fucked up trying to go back to paganism
you are going to get fucked by muslims so i only pity you
What are you talking about? He crushed the Germanics then he would have crushed the Persians if some ((())) didn't go and assassinate him. He would have returned Rome to its former glory.
Also he was such an intellectual heavyweight that the christians had to go and burn and outlaw his book against them.
>let their country fall
>oh man my family eat shit every friday, let continue our legacy
the highest moment of christianity in Europe was when it was the most pagan influenced, we know
its """subversion""" started exactly when protestaniggers turned it back to square one with sola scriptura and going against the tradition, reviving its innate semitic origin
it's not a coincidence you were the ones who came up with the judeo-christian meme
An honest case against the Jews
what signs of paganism are there that i may be familiar with
>fuck that tiny jew sect lol kill it with fire
>kek they don't defend themselves what a cucks
>le mighty pagan meme
>2000 years later
jewstianity killed bagans! WE WAZ SUPERIOR N SHIT the HORROR
rome never had glory by their own, they had to be great so profecies about Jesus could happen
they needed to go Christian to subsist (like everything) but that stupid roman went full pagan
i dont get this, i thought jews were behind socialism and communism
Even Varg admits this
Muslims imported, prepped up and shilled for by Christcucks. Exactly.
This. Modern rome worship is pushed by the kikes. Romans were wild and barbaric illiterates who never amounted to shit before Christianisation.
nothing wrong if they fuck up atheist and pagans like you, cheers
Judeo-Christian morality and thought, yes.
>Why are all their noses gone?
gravity... White noses always crumble
Jesus: voluntarily give what you can to the poor of your own free will
Communism: lets force everyone to mandatorily give to the poor by threat of death or gulag until everyone is poor
>ignoring the entire thread
>Romans were wild and barbaric illiterates who never amounted to shit before Christianisation
holy shit, these people actually exist and browse Sup Forums
The brits should have glassed all of you
There you have it folks! The (((based Christian))) attitude right here! Are you one of these guys, my dude:
Christians were hunted down because they behaved like muslims today.
The only reason it became big was because it was backed by the Roman Emperors.
>kill pagans and destroy european monuments
>invite jews to become important businessmen
Christian here, i dont defend destroying statues for not being christian I wish it were preserved and I believe those people went about spreading the Christian faith the wrong way.
this is why Christians deserve nothing but pain and suffering
I don't know about argentina, but in the civilized world we don't eat shit and never have
Christians are ok, heretics are the problem because they combine all the negative aspects they already have with hypocrisy and the fake mask of a saint.
It doesn't matter what you do. Europe is gonna fall whether you go pagan or Christian.
I would tell you why but nah, it's best that it happens.
>went about spreading the Christian faith the wrong way
it's the most faithful to your holy book, particularly the straight up jew part of it, the old testament
>implying the commie one isn't backwards
meanwhile in real life Christians destroyed every last pagan shit on Europe
it's a fucking God purge and you cant even see it, you are going to be muslims unless your country start praying to God
but you wont
He's honoring his ancestor's customs as well, not the traditions of a foreign semitic people. There is no good reason for a white man to worship Yeshua... unless pic related
Keep in mind that the people behind the templar flags are very often Turbomutts that don't belong in any culture.
Make sense that they would spread falsehoods like that.
>who cares about those temples
it makes sense that an argintine mutt like you wouldn't care
They do and they really believe this shit.
yes, they forcibly invaded, raped, killed and so on. nigger what
Ancient Greeks
>invent almost everything
>btfo the east
Modern "Orthodox Greeks"
Did you know your church celebrates the Maccabeans? See what they did to Greeks