Previous Rundown
Going to keep reposting this until the redshitted tears dry up

The solution to a tech company oligopoly is to break up businesses that have become too big (Faceberg, Jewtube, Joogle, Normieflix etc)

All net neutrality does is make it easier for billionaire tech companies to buy what they want:
>Negotiate and fight with an ISP for use of their infrastructure every step of every update
>Buy a few cheap politicians and lobby Netflix Neutrality to give your business the privilege to do whatever it wants whenever it wants

Weevnerd super h4xor 3lite confirms

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop listening to shills and falling for redshitter raids

Netflix Neutrality is NOT /OurGuy/

>Netflix Neutrality is NOT /OurGuy/

That's right, user.

Soros money working overtime.

but I thought I was the shill for being anti-NN?

Weev is correct as per usual.

>inb4 anti-weev 8chaim kikes raid this thread.

Can one of Ajit's shills explain to me how NN repeal is good for me as a consumer? There's nothing to indicate it will break up regional ISP monopolies.

>Good for me as a consumer
Enjoy paying more for Normieflix and Jewtube charging a subscription you fuckin pleb

So it's not good for consumers?
Why do you shills think I should oppose something that protects consumer rights?

Fuck Netflix I just want this shitty service to die. Internet video should be restricted to mist low quality high compressed porn

no one knows who is shilling who. but net neutrality is a law with a name like "act to protect children" while its contents involve "rights for grown adults to fuck children"


literally whats going on right now.

Whats good for consumers is breaking up the oligopoly the internet has right now regarding Joogle, Faceberg, Jewtube etc

Neither the failed (((solution))) nor a non solution aka repeal the failed (((solution)))

Its not good to repeal NN, repealing it allows for good things to happen

>epealing it allows for good things to happen
It doesn't. There won't be new ISPs to compete with the current ones. We'll just get dicked by the current ISPs with their regional monopolies
The government should break up comcast, verizon and AT&T before they repeal NN.

>no NN
>must buy the Sup Forums package to shitpost
>kike ISPs now have a DB full of rogue goys
>oh noes, we got hacked and your internet packages are now public knowledge
>get perma black listed everywhere
>get abused by their legions of soyboys and SJW cunts

even funnier

>elections coming up
>they artificially lower internet speed for anti kike sites
>they double down on the shilling knowing you faggots can't do shit anymore

Not a shill, but basically NN is nothing more than government control over internet content. And when I say government, I mean (((jews))) and when I tell you the (((jews))) want NN then that's all you need to know to be against net neutrality

This is such a strawman argument. No, not all government regulation is bad. I'm actually quite happy the government sets quality standards for food and water consumption, and punishes companies who don't comply. I like not having to worry about getting splashed with industrial runoff when I take a shower. It protects my consumer rights just like NN does.

Did you even read the OP posts?

The next phase is the infrastructure plan Trump layed out: High tech new age cheap ISP innfrastructure under budget and ahead of schedule right after the wall is done

Weve been outdated for years and it's time to upgrade with a big change aka put Comcast either out of business or forced to compete.

Infrastructure can be built for the good of the people if a POTUS is willing to go against the establishment

Yes you can retard.

bunp thx

Why is Sup Forums against net neutrality? It seems like you’re being contrarian because reddit is actually right for once

basically THIS
only a fucking retard, cuck, or a kike would be pro net neutrality

Yup, you are correct fellow user, when you suppprt NN you are literally saying you're either a retard, a cuck, or a kike (or some combination of all three. Is that what you want to be??

Lurk more.

>he thinks comcast will be hurt by this
>when comcast is shilling for anti-NN
You are retarded.
not an argument

>Implyinng government regulated water is clean
>Implying millions of us wish we couldnt choose another water company and avoid a fucking RO filter as a necessity

Government regulating water literally results in bad shit in the water that wouldnt be there without government intervention

Go boil a glass of tap water and see for yourself

yep, I'll trust Weev over a legion of globalists anyday.

I agree the internet was fine even before 2015. Nothing changed and companies could compete.

>that wouldnt be there without government intervention
do you have a single fact to back up that claim?

Just let'em, i'll get some popcorn.

Why is Sup Forums against the patriot act? It seems like you’re being contrarian because reddit is actually right for once

>>inb4 anti-weev 8chaim kikes raid this thread.

Weev is correct but that doesn't mean that he is not a subversive kike and dailystormer is not a honeypot

Why are they right? Do you really think ISPs are going to make selective packages for internet sites? How stupid do you have to be to believe that.

Sup Forums has always licked the boot of authority even it kicked them straight in the face

Comcast has nothing to fear if they either want to compete or cant see the future

Both are likely

Its like the election all over again: either you will compete fairly and win by the agreed upon rules or you will lose. Net neutrality is a lie of a title trying to change the rules of competition by rigging the game

If a corporation gets too big: you break it up and rich people lose money while poor lose jobs

If a government gets too big: wealthy elite enslave the population using their militarized police

why is the symbol in bottom right an upside down boy child lover sign?

>tfw we're all Russian bots.

Have you ever drank water that wasnt regulated by government facilities before reaching your mouth?

A simple taste test answers all your questions and yes there is almost nothing in even pure spring water if you boil it

Just buy a $3 bottle of mt douchebag water and boil a glass of it

>If a corporation gets too big: you break it up and rich people lose money while poor lose jobs
So why hasn't the government broken up Comcast yet? And what the FUCK makes you think they'll break them up after NN is repealed? You have no facts to support your claims.

>tfw Putin tries to hack your brain with his russian potato magic

Breaking up a company in charge of managing infrastructure can cause a lot of problems(closing off sections of the country to internet without a replacement ready is a bad bad idea)

Be patient or just keep pretending youre helping Soros for fun I guess

>Be patient
not an argument

do you put back electrolytes into your RO water or do you consume it "pure"? serious question because I have the suspicion that many people don't know about the dangers of electrolyte loss

Where in the laws they are presenting does it say that net neutrality protects consumers?

>they are presenting
They aren't """""""presenting"""""" anything. They're repealing it. I'm not going to discuss this with you if you aren't even aware of what's going on

It’d be far more profitable to do that, so yeah. And when it happens you cucks will say you now have more ‘freedom and choice’ when you’re paying for less internet access at a higher price.

The reason that line of thinking is because Netfliz and google are bandwidth hogs and don't want to pay their fair share for what they are using. I don't know why you are defending that.

I’m talking the current law. What does it say?

In other words you don’t want to say because you know the current laws don’t protect consumer rights.

it protects my consumer rights by forcing my ISP not to throttle me for lawful web use

Where does it say that? Source?

We don't have one single enemy in the world that ever justified this apparatus. Tear it down with prejudice, or with ultimatums. The American people don't have to tolerate it anymore.

You faggots just don't get it. It's not Net Neutrality vs no Net Neutrality. Do you really believe there are only two options? Try to think for yourself robot.

>>Right after the wall is done

So never?

Net neutrality means consumers will be stuck paying more for their Internet access to cover the big online companies' share.

shifting to Title II means that instead of billions of broadband investment driving other sectors of the economy forward, any reduction in this spending will stifle growth across the entire economy. Title II is going to lead to a slowdown, if not a hold, in broadband build out, because if you don’t know that you can recover on your investment, you won’t make it.

data discrimination is desirable for reasons like guaranteeing quality of service.

do you have a single fact to back any of that up?

Look at what happens with government regulation.
Our education is shit because of it.
Europe’s medicine sub par because of it. US has the best medicine in the world because it lacks as much regulation.

you need regulation with services such as this, which are classified as public utilities

>US has the best medicine in the world because it lacks as much regulation.
It has SOME regulation though. Like the Tylenol company can't put rat poison in your pill bottles. So that's kind of a disingenuous argument.

Or those that don't need to stream cuck porn for 18 hours a day will pay less. I haven't seen a billing outline yet but I doubt it will be any more expensive than what I already pay.

Yep, and if you did your research and understood the issue it’s still going to be regulated by a different agency...

Here are 4 reasons why people on this board don't mind seeing NN dying
>"sjw's are mad at this"
Yet, you could suffer more from the side effects, since those whiny "oppressed" folks are able to be in positions of power (See Twitter and social media in general)
>"NN was only a thing for two years"
2003 was when it all started, it's Title 2 that is 2 years old
How short is your memory?
>"but we're already getting fucked online"
Yet it'll only get worse
>Typical contrarianism
because being a retard is a choice

NN protects my consumer rights, why should I support a change when I like the status quo?

Because the regulations don’t protect your consumer rights... the laws currently in place do not say this. This is about the amount of bandwidth the large websites are using and wanting the ISP’s to foot their bill. It has nothing to do with consumer rights. It has nothing to do with censorship google is the biggest censor of all and they are the largest supporter of NN.

I agree with weev on this one.
If Google, Kikeberg, reddit and Twatter are for net neutrality, then I'm against it. Where's the free speech on reddit? I got banned for even questioning if trannys using the same Target bathroom as my 8 year old daughter is a bad thing.

Net Neutrality is great because it means your broadband provider can’t block websites, throttle services or charge you premiums if you want to reach certain online content. Why should my ISP get to decide where I can and can't go on the internet? I don't want my ISP to have that sort of power.

With NN I know my ISP can't throttle me for posting on Sup Forums, or playing online games, or downloading loli hentai, or whatever else as long as it's lawful. Without NN I don't have that guarantee.

Google is a search engine, not an ISP.

So everyone else should foot the bill for the amount of bandwidth you use? Are you a communist?

Okay, so let's say that Net Neutrality ends up getting repealed. Now your ISP can decide which sites you're able to access. Right now, you have the option browse Reddit or Sup Forums. That's your decision, your ISP doesn't make that decision for you. But once net neutrality gets repealed, your ISP could very easily decide that they want Sup Forums to be inaccessible.

So I have to pay for everyone’s bandwith use? What if I only use email? I’m getting ripped off pretty hard then.

So you want to throw taxpayer money at profitable businesses so they can provide upgrades they should be paying for out of their own pocket. Got it.

Why are you mad at him? Everybody benefits from Net Neutrality, not just that guy.

Defending Net Neutrality allows the public to ignore the real problem(oligopolies) with the internet forever

Let it die and start going after the oligopoly

I pay for unlimited bandwidth and that's what I get. Why shouldn't I be able to use the things I paid for?

repealing NN will do nothing to break up Comcast or promote new ISPs to appear. It'll just make it harder on consumers.

Don't pay for broadband then. Take the lowest internet speed provided.

Name some symptoms worth caring about

Why would they do that? How would they profit exactly from this? What’s their incentive to do this? I could see them making google and Netflix pay more but why would they attack me the consumer?

Your ISP doesn't need to block websites. Google already does this for them. There are no good guys here.

Dont forget ads(run on "free" websites to generate revenue) and how much data they collect

Are you retarded? He pays for his own bandwidth, not you.

That's a lie. Google doesn't have the ability to block websites.

The real big part of no more net neutrality 8s there will be a reason to make a decentralized distributed internet protocol. Aka the kind of internet that can't be censored. We will be able to advocate for the huwite man for eternity.

Netflix pays its own ISPs to connect to the internet backbone. You pay your ISP to connect to the internet backbone. Now your ISP decided that charging you money isn't good enough, so they want to jew Netflix as well.

That cost is inflated because google and Netflix users are eating up all the bandwidth and all data is created equally.

What if I want innovation so that I can get specific taylored specialized infrastructure? I would like low latency for gaming but I won’t get that anymore because of net neutrality because no innovation or investments will happen.

>getting fucked over once by websites isn't good enough, I want my ISP to fuck me over too.


>Cant put poison in your pills
>What is acetominophen?
Fucking newfag babbies that dont know what a bad job gov regulation does at protecting people in a country like America

Netflix is big enough to negotiate its own price and be happy. They dgaf about nn. Their CEO has even said so.

I don't think you understand, ISP's are not innovators. They are just middlemen

With NN gone you will be able to visit any site you want, except sites that promote piracy those need to be blocked. VPNs are pirate tools so those will be blocked too.

Otherwise this is a good deal for consumers because you can pay a low montly rate for unlimited access to jewtube and faceberg that will not count against your (((bandwidth cap)))

So you think that situation would've turned out better if there was no government regulation and Tylenol could've just swept it under the rug and told no one?

They don't want you to visit sites that either speak I'll of whatever hurts their bottom line. And ignorant execs will fall for the anonymous bogeyman. They just don't wanna deal with possible bad pr.

They are already paying more for bandwidth. You're a retard if you think repealing NN will increase innovation. They already have enough profits to invest more into their infrastructure and R&D, they just choose not too.

You morons have demonstrated that it would be so easy to PSYOP Sup Forums. All it takes is to get a bunch of organizations you don't like to support something, and no matter how devastating the opposite position could be, you idiots will be adamant that there is some underlying conspiracy as your freedoms are stripped away.

Oh they don’t create infrastructure? Who does then?
How will these law help with innovation and keep pushing the internet in its infancy forward?

Hello i am your local unpaid shill , i am shilling for internet neutrality,if you are really interested in helping this cause , GET THE FUCK OUT HERE , and publish your opinion in all your social media , like myspace.com ,the popular geocites and Livejournal, publishing your opinion in this echochamber is pissing in a ocean of piss , use your time and energy to convince normies like chads and stacys, tell them how they will lose followers, people will hear their opinion over yours and that will help this cause more than you ever belive, stop feeding the trolls here whic only want to waste your time and get the fitgh were it trully maters , out this circle jerk site .


>trumptards prefer their internet censored like the chinks just because daddy trumpy wants it

Uhm.. google definitely does have that ability, Little fag

see here: what happens when you give public infrastructure to a private corporation

Your ISP has that power

There is noone that stops them from doing this

Call 911 and tell them your ISP is throttling your internet

They wont care

Andrew Anglin got banned at the ISP level for making jokes about jews when jews feature him as a joke in their videos

Do you realize that NN is a trojan horse of protection that does nothing to protect the rights of those who speak out against those in power?