Call the Ambulance

>Call the Ambulance
kek like they are going to rescue a dog
This is what a childless woman looks like.sad

Other urls found in this thread:

All pitbulls need to get shot or put down. They're the niggers of dog breeds.

dogs are shit. shoot em dead.

Good. I was at my moms once and took her maltese out front on her leash and the niggers next door pit bull unleashed craged our dog and ran into our yard. I kicked that fucker as hard as I could in the balls and told the niggers if that pit bull ever came on our property again I'd fucking shoot it.

Sup Ahmed

No, bullshit we've actually begun carrying pet oxygen masks on our medical units in my bum fuck fire department

I would have shot a pitbull coming into my home too.

> woman - mentally totally retarded
> doesnt like neighbour shooting her per
> goes to the next march fro more islam in her country
> islam kills all dogs and cats.

> why why why are women so FUCKING retarded !??

btw i would have killed any pitbull in a second too.

too sag that brave guy didnt shot that femscum too.

BTW we need to ban pitbuls. they are weapons. but unlike guns, they are absolutely not controllable and 'autoshoot' at everything and everyone. So why arent they banned ?!!??!!

If I had the choice to save one puppy and every brown person on the planet, I'd choose the puppy, because dogs are bros, more useful than any Muslim that ever lived.

The dog is the owner's responsibility.
It's up to her to keep him on a leash, or to shut him in her yard, it isn't permissible for large dogs of any breed to be walking around a neighborhood unattended.
It came on the man's property and so he had a right to shoot it.

I like how she says "he was wagging his tail!", yeah that's what the fuckers do when they attack. I've seen videos of Pittbulls chewing into people's throats and savaging children and other dogs while happily wagging their tails as they're playing with a chew toy.

>he was wagging his tail!

A well known form of pit bull taqiyya. A lot of pit bull owners repeat this mantra over and over again, which goes to show they are as stupid as they are careless.

>my baby
>call ambulance
>you'll go to jail for this
>"insert random threats"

What a dumb bitch... I bet she fucks niggers as well.

pittbulls and their owners ought to be shot.

Pussy fag scared of a dog.

Dog broke the NAP, owner's fault.

>Please like and subscribe

No ragrets, shoot it again

I also own pitbulls. IF mine was loose and on someone elses property your damn sure its getting shot

that or their dog would be fuckin dead quick

>In all seriousness though, this just proves it's the owner not the dog.
I suppose it's the culture not the race too, right?
No, it's the dog. The dog was bred to be a violent nigger, the owner being shit doesn't help but the dog is still a nigger.

t. has sex with dogs

Tragic footage of school shooting! Please like plus subscribe :)

Pitbulls are the worst breed.

Why do americans love pit bull so much? It's a considered a nigger dog here.
Just buy a german shepherd, it does the job just as fine.

Easy there Mohammed just pitbulls

And that's just fatalities... There are many more people and kids who have to live their lives disfigured because some cunts just can't understand rottweilers and pitbulls aren't safe pets.

A good owner can control a dog with an aggressive temperament.
The problem is that gangbangers and wiggers want a dog that makes them look tough, and so they obtain dog breeds that are difficult to train and control. Rottweilers, Pittbulls, Dobermans. It's the worst possible combination of unfit owner and dangerous breeds. If thugs wanted to own Golden Labs and Border Collies then we wouldn't be seeing these problems.
Let's not pretend that every Cholo who buys a mutt Pittbull from his cousin has the skills of Cesar Millan.

The fact is those dogs are bred for a purpose, be it pit fighting, guard duty, etc. They need a firm hand and good training that the kind of people who want to own them can't provide.

>youtube videk titled: my dad shot a pitbull with his glock

Now that's some funny shit

stupid women got the dog killed, it's my baby, no you fucking dunce it's a dog that needs strong leadership your cunt whore, fuck

Obviously she should have shot her neighbor for shooting her pet.

Video of the month.

A dead pit is a good pit.

This is what childless 30+ year old women look like

>pit bull taqiyya

God bless this board

time to play metal gear solid 5

>it's the owner, not the dog.
Bullshit. Might as well have a pet lion. It may never bite anyone, but if, or when it does, it's going to rip them the fuck apart. Likewise with a pitbull. Why would anyone want an animal that can rip their fucking limbs apart?!

>heartbreaking moment
>mf while watching this
Get fucked niggerdoggo

regardless of the circumstances and how much of a retarded roastie she is, losing a pet fucking hurts and i don’t see how anyone could find her cries funny. like fuck off, maybe the guy had the right but it’s not like a nigger or a woman died. it was a dog and that’s not okay

Anerimutts are filthy cattle with their (((pets))) running between their legs in their dwelling. I'm a pizza delivery guy and I can tell you 9/10 animals in this country are around to be beat and constantly Scolded "shut up" It is just fucking depressing this is the endeavors of the most powerful country on earth, fucking tumbling in their barns they reason, I can't keep my floors clean inside so I guess it's time to decide on a breed type!

A pitbull isn’t a pet, it’s a set of jaws on a leash.
Fuck them.

I'm a pitbull owner and I think it was a good shoot. most people aren't fucking responsible enough to own goldfish let alone any breed of dog.

I live in the country and this is a very clear rule. If your dog bothers my livestock I fucking shoot it. I have enough feral dogs and coyotes to deal with. I don't have enough time to risk myself or my livestock getting fucking rabies to see if it's your precious dog. If it was so fucking precious you would have trained it.

>If this woman had a leash on her dog

a problem with women having big dogs is that they can't hold them back once they start to pull

Actually it is ok and her cries are crocodile tears.

She should also be arrested and charged with attempted murder.

Same situation happened to me. I told my neighbors the same thing, they flipped like it was my fault. I then witnessed that pit bull bite the mailman, and another lady. It also chased my family into the house a few times. I would have killed it, but they moved away. Presumably because the cops came looking for that fucking thing.

Pit bulls, the niggers of the dog world.

>pit bulls
should be put down en masse desu

And niggers need a firm hand and good training, but they're still niggers that don't belong here.

How do I kill a dog if I'm unarmed and it's attacking me/someone else/my pet?

Americans sure love their dogs. Real American dream tragedy, unlike those relationships with humans, where we laugh at Jerry Springer show.


That's a pit terrier not an actual pit bull like pic related.

I love dogs but if you have a big dog and it's constantly roaming around other people's houses/yards and gets shot, you should be charged with animal abuse for not having better control of your dog. Put up a fence, make it bigger if you have to, under no circumstances should your dog be outside without a leash roaming around.

Nobody cares if it's a Chihuahua or Pomeranian roaming around because those dogs can't really hurt you but if you own a big dog, you have an obligation and responsibility to keep it contained on either you or your yard all the time. And if the dog dies due to your stupidity or negligence, you should be charged with animal cruelty.

pit *Anything* is nigger tier

Stop humanizing animals, dogs are literally retarded mutant wolves.

The pitbull had to get shot, along with whoever filmed and uploaded this with "please like and subscribe" in teh title

>Stop humanizing black, niggers are literally retarded mutant apes.

pit fall isn't nigger tiers

>That is my baby!

Fuck off back to your sandy shithole. And quit stinking up europe.

memeflag bant is the saddest

Try to snap one of its' legs. Rip an eye out, it's nuts, if it has them, etc. You need to give it more pain than it can handle. Don't try retrieving your arm by playing tug-of-war. It will rip that shit off.

>on a leash
on the loose in this situation.

>People are responsible for their property and the damages it causes
>Expecting Bernie Sanders voters to understand this


i had a rottweiler for 9yrs before i had to put it down due to cancer and it never bit anyone and was great with my children.

As some people own lions for 10+ years, without ever getting mangled.

Jesus Christ, this shit is terrifying.

I don't get people not using leashes, I love my dog. I'd never risk him nipping some shit nosed kid and getting put down. Everyone thinks he's a pitbull even though he's an pure bred American bulldog. He's like 50 pounds heavier than pitbulls but he has a short snout so people assume. Home owners association took me to court over him because they claimed he was a pit.

Idiots like the woman in OP's vid are fucking retarded children that can't be trusted with such dangerous, physically strong animals.

It depends on the breed really, there are feral dogs that will jump in to help a person just because it is a human while other breeds will be domesticated from birth and still maul down a child out of nowhere one day.

>mf while
go back to redd.ddit 'please'

>That is my baby! That is my baby!
No, that's a dog. Babies are human beings.
You would now the difference if you ever had one inside your uterus.
You crazy cunt.


They shouldn't be allowed dogs over 20 pounds. Even with a leash they aren't strong enough to keep grip if the dog bolts.

stupid white american bitch should be killed aswell.
KIll americans

did you get anything from it? I mean, taking someone to court with bullshit accusations has to cost you something, right?

Irresponsible pet owner DESERVE to lose their pets, one way or another.

Only thing you can kill is a woman's sex drive

Objectively correct

FUCK the owners and their dogs.

Wow damn man who would have guessed that I guess that's it then pit bulls and rottweiler are not dangerous you sure proved everyone wrong here, after all our argument was 100% of pit bulls kill children so your story is very eye opening well done lad.

Everyone who has a Pitbull should be put on a list and have death squads sent to their homes.

In the middle of a counter suit right now for them to cover my legal fees since I had to pay a lawyer about 2 grand to go into court with my dogs papers that proved it wasn't a pit. They offered me a settlement but I'm not taking it, I want to waste their time like they wasted mine, I don't need the money.

>dog cucks literally enjoy picking up animal shit everyday
>dog cucks enjoy having an animal that doesn't wipe its ass drag said ass across their sofa,bed, car seats and floors
>dog cucks enjoy having the slobber and disgusting shit from their dog bulls mouth all them and everything in their house
>dog cucks enjoy having their dog bull hump everything in their house

>b-b-but muh loyalty

Dog cucks are fucking pathetic

This. You think a random person is supposed to see a large dog they don't know, and a pit bull at that, running around at random and think 'oh its tail is wagging so it's ok!'? Fuck that. If I see a pit bull I don't know running towards me, I'm either shooting it or running. Could it be harmless? Could it be friendly? Sure, but I don't know that and I would assume it's reasonable to fear the worst out of it. As an owner it is your responsibility to ensure it's under control. If it's on a leash but growling at me, I'll be cautious but I won't take any action. The second that control is lost, all bets are off. Sorry for your dog, but your dumb ass is the one responsible for its control, not me.

Go cuddle with your cat soyboy

>that title
>that video
holy fuck

Poor cat had no idea the shit it was in, until it was far too late.
Thought it was an average dog encounter.

>s-s-soy boy!

Describing yourself? Go fuck yourself dog cuck.

Daily reminder

Shooting it is a better choice, I don't even hate pits but out running one is near impossible and will trigger their chase instincts. Best to protect yourself if it comes at you over running.

Women are fucking insane
They get dangerous breeds, trust dangerous people, and invite dangerous thugs, niggers and muzzled who want to kill us at any chance to our vulnerable homes, children and environment, and then cries and blames the very voice of reason that pleads her not to do those wretched things. Women, especially trans women like in the webm need to be put in their place, once and for all.

I agree that PET owners are pure cucks, but i know you are a muslim for only being against dogs.

pitbulls are the devil

song related


Trash women* not trans, although they are trash too

>I'm muslim

Nope, not a fucking dog cuck. Go walk your dog bull before you eat dinner cuck boy.

that cat lived too

t. has sex with goats

Fucking shit animals. I bet she grabbed her dogs and left the cat there like nothing happened.

Hahaha amerimutt logic at its finest

Probably allergic to dogs because you're a soyboy

>living next to niggers
HAHAHAHA truly an amerimutt

Nope. allergic to being a cuckold.