"A fleet of Iranian warships will soon depart for the Gulf of Mexico in bid to establish the country as a global military power, new navy head warns
"Khanzadi also said he intends to add submarines to the Iranian fleet's ranks, in moves that could give the US cause to fear a new cold war with the Middle Eastern power"

How do you feel ameriMutts ? scared ? you should be

Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking ZOGbots I swear.

Here is link:

Allahu akbar
Death to Amrica
Death to Israel
Curse on the Jews
Islam is gonna win tho

>Sending ships to our waters
RIP Iranian navy.
Mainland Iran prepare your anus for cruise missile bombardments

i welcome these glorious defenders of Christendom to our shores and wish only we had similar tales of heroism defending the last Christians of the Levant from the depredations of jews and muslims

Nice LARP, you stinking KIKE FUCK

>Iranian navy
>Gulf of Mexico

No need to provoke the biggest meathead in the gym.

Death to America
Death to Israel
Curse the Jews
Houthis and Iran forever

Didn't know a lot of Iranian diaspora are on Sup Forums. Or is it just vpn?


>Gets blown out of the water
Well you tried
>Gives trump an excuse to nuke Iran
So long shitskins

remember what happened last time?

iran>>>>>>>>>>>>>jewish states of america


Good luck with that shitskins.

Nah just an Anglo American who sick of ZOG

Also to:


Documentaries exposing zionism

CBS 60 Minutes Exposing Israeli Apartheid

Israeli settlements, explained

The Zionist Story. (Full Documentary)

Israel Lobby

The Israel Lobby's Impact on America

Documentary on Israel / Palestine - Occupation

The Pain Doesn't Go Away - Rachel Corrie's Parents on RAI (1/3)

huh? I only see empty waters

i judge nations by actions. iran serves their national interest. we serve israel and saudi's. pretty obvious which nation is worthy of respect.

Never met a real american who liked a middle eastern country expect Israel quit larping

Fucking based
Persia will rise again

>Iranian warships
In America those are called inflatable rafts.

Not Iranian. I'm just not willing to hate and want to destroy Iran because ZOG wants me to.

Why did you post a picture of the ocean?

because you are a brainwashed boomer and its your fault this country has turned to shit.

Persiabro reporting in.

I still think Trump's 'our guy' though. He just knows the way U.S policy works so when he suck's Israel's cock I can't say I'm surprised. Israel has been the problem. It's always been the problem.

Who is he your guy when he want to cut the nuclear deal?


What will happen? Do you really want to wage war on Saudi Arabia and Israel?

I met Moroccans and they hate the Shiites more than the Jews, are you ready to make war on the Sunnis?

Why are all the Amerigoblins in this thread defying their masters? Go back to sucking Israel's cock. LOL.

well someone has to. defeating the sunnis is the same as defeating americans and jews

Are they gonna occupy mexico? cause I'm all down for that.

piss off. No ALL muslims(except wahhb*es) will fight israel

believe me, I know many north africans (sunnis) and they hate the Shiites as much as they hate the Jews.

>no beer
>no carnitas
they are up for a wild ride

Ayatollah bro plz rescue us

AHAHAHAHHAHAAH NO, fuck you shia. We will destroy israel and then we will eradicate you heretics from the face of the earth.

Shiites are fucking heretic. Better convert now.

There are. There are shitloads on here because of the treasonous Syria generals.


>How do you feel ameriMutts ?
Do people seriously consider Iran competent? lol
> scared ?
of fucking what? Iran? Get real.
>you should be
Why, because they have ships?
>in bid to establish the country as a global military power
Call me if they get nuke you fucking sand nigger

God bless Iran, may they crush amerimutts and saudi dogs.

Bongs love Mohammed's cock. SAD!!!

wew lad

Yes I remember what happened when Iranians got too close to US navy

Iran has the biggest fleet in the Middle east and we have Russia. You only have kikes and camel jockeys. SAD!
Scared yet?

Almawt li amrica
Almawt li israel
Alanata ala yahud
Alnasr lil Islam
Gob bless iran

*blocks ur fleet*


you fucking kike, you subhuman son of a whore. I'll stick your keyboard up your ass and rape your mother in front of you sh*a.

Nice. Americucks btfo.

what is that ?

>dune coon navy travel for the first time in their history in international waters beyond sandnigger zone

A-Americucks b-btfo!

i miss the shah

>we have Russia.
>You only have kikes and camel jockeys
Do you know what a supercarrier is?
>Scared yet?
Not in the slightest

heretics who die

Let's archive

yeah cause Iraq is doing sooooo well now. You are all such stupid pieces of shit its unreal.
I don't know kike do you rember what happened last time
I don't like any middle eastern country. As far as I'm concerned we should colonize all you faggots kike and sand nigger alike and drill those fucking oil wells.
We said he is our guy, not your guy sand nigger.
America through off its jewish masters in 1783, 1833, and almost in 1963. If I had to make a bet, id say we do it again.
Your country died in the early 90s shut up ruskie faggot.
Yeah lol surprised Muhammad's cum didn't stick his fingers to the keys.
Russia stopped being your daddy when it signed the deal with suadi arabia and you faggots started running that stupid proxie war. Face it user, Russia only ever loved you for your oil, you are nothing to them
>NSA takes threat seriously
>>drone strike inbound.


fuck, how the hell are we gonna find him in ocean in order to tug it back into repair doc.

why can america and israel be literally off the shor of Iran (and even in their waters) but Iran can't go to mexican waters?

You mean the one who sold out to Am*rica?
>Russia stopped being your daddy when it signed the deal with suadi arabia
lmao Russia has long relationship with us. they stuck with Assad why not us

>deal with suadi arabia



Iran is based and Hwhite

>Iran is white

maybe for poos standards kek

God bless Iran

>cold war
>middle east

You do know how we operate over there, don't you? When we come to the Middle East, we bring fire.

Right now the U.S government is basically puppeteered by Israel in regards to his foreign policy.

Most people are blue pilled as fuck on this though. Point is, Hilary wouldn't have been better. Plus I'm not some sort of faggot single issue voter. One president can't shift all the (((interests))) mired in US foreign policy. Trump basically has to be pro-Israel as fuck to ensure his survival but at the end of the day, it doesn't change much. Yes, Obama wasn't AS pro-Israel as what came before him, but his other policies do as much to harm Persians in other ways.

They're just trying to maintain their regional hegemony. That's it. As for the Sunnis well, it would be great if the Western powers would stop being so retarded that they see them as potential allies. I think Iran will do what is necessary.

Shiites are basically an abomination to Sunnis. It's an bastardization of what their idea of Islam is. Even moreso when you factor in Sufism. Sunnis were always at war with Shiites at least in this century.

I think the Israelis will support the Saudis in a new proxy conflict (not openly of course).

Do I want war? No. I'd prefer to take care of Israel in some way though perhaps not militarily. Saudi Arabia just needs to hasten their collapse already, but I got no hate for them.

The Shiite/Sunni divide is a tricky issue that goes beyond 'lol low iq shitskins', but it is clear that if it wasn't for all this (((intervention))) there would be a lot less conflict.

“The only thing we have to fear is Jews themselves”

Those doubles speak the truth. Fuck Schlomo

I dont even know where i can buy your flag to stand on it. I'd probably have to go to a special print shop because literally no one cares about you country.

Meme flag

Fuck off JIDF

t.tranny methhead

G..guys I live on the gulf coast. How fucked am I?
My answer.
I fucking dare you.
Your ships will be sunk before you ever reach the gulf.
How I know that?
Three words.
Air Force bitch.

Amerimutts are already forgetting Iraq and Afghanistan. I sorta want to them to go to war because I want to see burgers btfo'd for the third time even though I'm iranian

We could destroy your entire navy in the span of 5 gun deaths. You are absolutely nothing.

Do you not understand that most of the gulf of Mexico is considered to be international waters?

I wish Iranians nothing but the best, great people.
To be honest I wouldn't mind more Shi'a in Argentina so they can keep in check the Joos that operate in this country.

says the traitor who likes flushing america down the toilet

Nobody gives a fuck about you inbred shitskins.

America's in Iraq and Afghanistan... I wonder what countries they border?

A lot of Tuskens hang out in Syria general posting treason and other autistic faggotry. They're here now to spout more of their inane nonsense that had them thrown out of /k/ for being so laughably unrealistic.

Please do it Iran. You know Russia will get involved if shit hits the fan. I want to see Russian bombers wreck our towns and cities just so I can go and join in immediate bloodshed.

Yes leaf. 3 miles off the coast and out is international waters. Do you think Trump would allow a threat to get that close to the US?

It's accompanied on deployments by a stealth tugboat.

Why dont iran fight israel?

Iran would probably get nuked by israel.

You guys are fucking deluded.

>good luck with that shitskins
>posts a picture of water

What? Poseidon is going to help you faggots or what?

We are already right next to the most violent country in the world(Mexico and their cartels) so what are some dumber sandniggers going to do anyway?

based iran, I wish we could team up them to fuck over the saudis and israel

I know right, it's kinda sad that the entire Iranian fleet will be decimated by a ship they couldn't even detect.

If multiple digits, we invade Iran and get Persian QTs

>their inane nonsense that had them thrown out of /k/ for being so laughably unrealistic.
Like what?

lmao pic related

Iran is a Clown front that will soon die.

Cutting the nuclear deal isn't about Iran.

By jumping ship, he would ensure that the US becomes isolated from Europe and Russia could entrench itself there. Iran is already cucked by the deal.

They should not antagonize the US but they are dumb sandniggers, their only redeeming characteristic is opposition to israel.

I wonder how well they're doing?