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Balkanize USA and give Texas to Mexico.

Fuckin Chinese cannibals in siberia


California is rightful mexican clay too.

This is a fine moment to shout "AMERICA FIRST!"

So the whiter and less poor parts of Russia have less murders. Imagine that.

Are you faggots trying to turn mexico into an economic superpower?

Why if you can kill all nonwhites? Not even joking, all nonwhites should be killed and Russia can start the trend. Not like nuclear states get invaded?

You Just GOT 282.
Now you are on FSB watchlist, congrats.

O my god americunt are so stupid. Russia is very culturally and ethnically homogenous country, except for churkamountains and few national republics, where russians are the majority or at least plurality of population.

>Russia is very culturally and ethnically homogenous country, except for churkamountains and few national republics, where russians are the majority or at least plurality of population.
You still don't have a definiton for who you are, even a 1/2 Armenian + 1/2 Russian Mongrel can consider themselves Russian.

In case you are not sarcastic, FSB and “Russian” government can’t get any data from gookmoot. Not like I don’t take precautions anyway

>1/2 Armenian + 1/2 Russian Mongrel can consider themselves Russian.
People won’t consider him though. Fair looking quarter cockhole with Russian surname is the farrest Russian hospitality of Russian identity goes. It’s deeply Northern

DAY OF BALKANIZATION WHEN? First for animus Oblast

>It’s deeply Northern
*hugs in B*ltic*
Can I get bullied sarcastic qt?
Women here are loosing quality.

>definiton for who you are
kys labus ebany
I am Russian because I speak Russian, because I live in Russian cultural sphere, because I am white Europeoid of slavic ancestry, because I consider myself Russian... I think thats enough

In which Oblast will you stay and fight for during hunger games?

jokes aside i have no idea how the chechen question will be resolved when the man in kremlin kicks the bucket. we have to find a way to expend their young male population en masse, and very soon

Ryazanskaya Oblast probably.

>I am Russian because I speak Russian, because I live in Russian cultural sphere

>kys labus ebany
Working on it.
Good now continue that message my fellow Slavnigger

absolute state of R*ssia


If we kill all non whites in russia there would be no russians. Kys slavnigger

Chechenya will not only leave the Russian federation but will also drag land and small wars ala ME, due all Muslim cultural expansion

lol come and try, city boy.

Bring back First Mexican Empire.

ardent peruvian russophobe. how exotic

I hope free Chechnya will get rid of those pesky russians

Looks like Islam is the religion of peace in Russia.

Not nearly as croatian fascist russofilic eurasianist brony

>Looks like Islam is the religion of peace in Russia.
AHAHAHA. No they just rape women with empty beer bottles when they are drunk.
>Chechenya will not only leave the Russian federation
They will when gibs run out. It won't be soon though, it is easier to leave a docile teachers without pay rather than stop funding semi-wahhabist Chechen army. They are loyal.

Racially purified Russia and Baltics totally should be in a union. Somebody must offer a protection from the US enrichment

Likewise. There are three NORMAL options for Northern Caucasus: extermination, separation or apartheid

Holy fuck, get out of here degenerate.

>Racially purified Russia and Baltics totally should be in a union. Somebody must offer a protection from the US enrichment
And we can bleach your women, Perfect union.
Top notch, sadly we both are infested by bydlos and Liberashkas. You have more of the former and we have more of the latter. Quite sad my fellow slavnigger.

What do you think of the ROGpr Russian alt-right channel?

But heavily Finnic nature of Russians is what makes Russians unique. Balts of Latvian type can become just another % in ethnic Russian gene pool just like it happened to Norsemen, Finnish tribes and very few Turkics

Wait nibba who the lives in siberia?

>Balts of Latvian type can become just another % in ethnic Russian gene pool just like it
>Latvian type
The only difference is that we have slavic mitochondrial groups(we fucked a lot of natashas from belarus during 1930s) and finnic Y-haplogroups(N1a)

Those were Spanish colonies. The tiny "Kingdom of Mexico" you see between the Gulf of Spain and the Great Equinox Ocean has the same standing as Florida and New California.

and shes a race mixing whore like all russian girls

They'll just fuck things up. The Mexicans moving there are already turning those states into third world countries.

Basically the same people.
>(we fucked a lot of natashas from belarus during 1930s)
When did that episode happen on a massive scale?
>incel hapavirgin autism false hopes episode #381818
Get some money from your parents and buy a hooker, cuck

>two asiatics
>race mixing


Russia takes up so much land. It could've been tons of succesfull countries sharing ideas with a steaming competative market, but instead it is inhabitated by russians!

Is it true that Siberia was colonised by criminals kinda like Australia?

Of all people Russians have a good reason to not have it that great : 100 years of communism and 1/4 of population dead in WWII on top of millions dead during the Commiejew purges. Plenty of the capable ethnic Russians were siphoned off by European and American trans national companies

As far as the modern Russian "state" goes it's that very interesting case when EU, USA, Ukrainian government and Russian government all are the enemy of the ethnic Russians. (((Russian government))) interests are not the interests of the ethnic Russians.

Very much alike to the Soviet Union, Russian Federation does not represent the interest of the ethnic Russians. Nor the said Federation is run by them.

"At the first free and honest elections they'll vote for the nationalists and hang us all" - Armenian rat Margarita Simonyan, RT director

The Russian Federation is a legal state successor of the USSR and thusly illegitimate. Unless Russian Federation renounces every legal connection and historical connection to the USSR it's pretty much a non-country.

Putin is a president of literal unironic subhumans.

The Russian Federarion is like welfare state taken to ethnic collectivist level - taxes from ethnic Russian areas go to feed gook and mudslime republics.

Dropping them off and developing slowly is the only way. Russia has no man power or financial resources for imperial ambition(nor a public desire for it for that matter). Russians want to live in peaceful homogenous country, where they are not afraid for tomorrow fiscal stability and their kids safety. There is no money for quality healthcare, yet public expensive shows like Olympics and FIFA are thrown.

There are only two ways - peaceful ethnic balkanisation on model of Czechoslovakia and steady growth like in Latvia and Czech Republic, or another financially atrocious clusterfuck of break away like happened with the USSR.

Or just put all native nonwhites back under apartheid

Anyone else see those colors and think of chad

Truth of Balkanization is that ethnic Russians have nothing to lose - only to gain. No diversity, more money, almost the same territory

these slavfags were good when they were our bitches. then they decided that they grown enough to be live themselfs. keks happens till then

im not a gook lol,I don't dislike gooks any less than I do russians. Besides,I didn't even post the girl,you did. I just revealed her as a race mixing whore

hand in there bratan
it could be worse
having rus ancestry is worth all that bullshit that it comes along with
fuck the south

Damn i did not think that there were Russians not brainwashed by their media and politicians.Its actually sad when you put it like that since Russia had great culture.

Balkanization won't work, Russian nationalists will rightly see it as retreat. The only way forward for nationalists is to advocate for forced deportation of churkas to Turkey and Mongolia, as in imperial times.

Russian common folk has slave mentality and easily taken under control. There is nothing wrong about it though, as long as these resources are directed in the right way.

Russia has every right for its imperialistic ambitions and collectivist, herd mentality of Russian people could easily be made a foundation for the further glory. There's no sense in setting Russian people free - it would only disorient and confuse them, as liberal values are alien and dangerous to us.

What we really need is a strong leader, more of a monarch than a president, who will not differ interests of the state with his own (as Putin does), seeing both as one. Then and only then would Russia be great again.

That’s like things to do after. Goal is one 100% racially European citizen class. Only possible after a violent take over of Kremlin. Achieving it by balkanization, apartheid, ethnic cleansing or genocide - doesn’t really matter since nonwhites and Whites. won’t be leaving together either way
Great times lie ahead indeed my friends
Russian common folk is common folk. No particular slave mentality.
>own (as Putin does), seeing both as one.
Putin sees only one interest: benefiting his ex-commie internationalist hyena clan. Russian salvation lies in Russian ethnic fascism with good cullings and eugenic merciless cleansing of all the degenerates. Granted, maybe only 30-50 million ethnic Russians will make it to have a right to reproduce, but it’s worth it in the end of the day.

>Granted, maybe only 30-50 million ethnic Russians will make it to have a right to reproduce, but it’s worth it in the end of the day.
Your situation isn't even that bad. At least 90 million ethnic Russians would be able to breed decent Europeans if given iodine and other vitamin supplements.

Open borders with China? Check!
Open borders with Central Asia? Check!
Open borders with Southeast Asia? Check!
Open borders with Brazil and South Africa? Check!

Supporting White Genociders like Mugabe? Check!

Thieving everything, while many ethnic Russians and native nonwhites live in poverty? Check!
Denying existence of the ethnic Russians? Check!

Enforcing even stricter anti-gun laws? Check!

Enforcing the hate speech laws? Check!

Illegal to create a nationalist party because of the article 282? Check!

From 88% ethnic Russians to 65% under his rule? Check!

TOTALLY NOT internationalist Bolshevism

Here’s main Putin’s election propaganda piece. Very diverse!
“We believe in you!

You are young, thinking, decisive, ready to defend your own and Fatherland’s interests.

Ready to put your own efforts in personal and national development.

Now, you must invest your trust in us, because together we can do a lot.

Think with your own head!

Trust your guts!

Vote “United Russia”! “

*nevermind we failed to return apartheid, flooded the country with central asians and chinks, steal national resources while the ethnic Russian population lives in poverty* no refunds!

There won’t even be 90 million ethnic Russians after the oldest generations die in this decade. It’s not about health of the stock per se, but health ruined by the lifestyle.
> Drunks, druggies, idiots, mongrels and cucks breeding
>prosperous healthy Russia
Pick one

Russia is much closer to Asia than Europe, so slave mentality it is. Not a bad thing though, as I said.

Putin supports his friends which is a good trait for a man but bad for a president.
I do not support ethnic cleanings, it will mean death of Russia and Russian Idea. Russia is a truly unique and great country which has it's own way - neither European or Asian.

Russian Empire has always been tolerant to another ethnicities, and we must not deny peoples of Caucasus or Middle Asia in their right to join us. The governing role of Russian people however needs to be stated really clearly, which we lack now.

Fascism proved to be practically unworkable and we must make a step forward. I think that the best possible politics for Russia is The 4th Political Theory developed by Alexander Dugin.

Nah if the Mexican empire is brought back chad white 100% Spaniard males will run it and make it great again, better than your limp Anglo virgin leaders or king nigger.

Germany had all that even worse yet they're back in top 5 global GDP and GDP/capita.
It has to do with Slavic people imo.

prove that last statistic or fuck off dolboyob

Australia is much closer to Southeast Asia, so Anglo-Celto-Germanics are seaniggers.

You can’t even comprehend the idea of living space and biological struggle and yet try to lecture people about how the will of the Folk lives on?
>I do not support ethnic cleanings, it will mean death of Russia and Russian Idea.
That’s because you are a subhuman bolshevist mudblooded vatnik. Ethnic cleansing will mean Russian FINALLY getting out of coma.

You don’t get a happy nation with demographics of Kazakhstan, crime rate of Brazilian ghetto, AIDS level rivaling African and phenotype of Greece

>Russian Empire has always been tolerant to another ethnicities
Apartheid and anti-miscegenation laws. Very tooolerant. And Empire wasn’t perfect. Far from it actually

Also, Dugin

So subhumans who post shit about Dugin look like pic related

Why would ANYONE even bother to post about him? He’s NOBODY in Russia. Only you autists think he matters
>father worked for KGB
>junkie through all of 80s-90s
>did literal gay shit with his buddy Eduard Limonov(Limonov sucked a black cock in NYC - source his book "Ya Edichka") back then
>have been to mental asylum several times
>is a schizophrenic
>his supporters are very very few
>all of them are omega cucklords, that get beaten up by the Russian Nationalists when they show up there
>Dugin believes that having a beard will get you to heaven
>has tatar ancestry
>is anti-White

No wonder the murder rate is so high. All those fucking mongols and asians killing each other in the East. The descendants of nobility and Tsars wouldn't shank someone.

You should be thanking based Putin for saving your churkas from Adolf Navalny.

This. Russia is becoming very diverse, and it must, otherwise it won't survive

>The Chinese are invading Russia — not with tanks, but with suitcases.

>Alexander Shaikin, in charge of controlling the Russian-Chinese border, said on June 29 that 1.5 million people from China have illegally entered the Russian Far East over the past 18 months.

>It’s IMPOSSIBLE to know the exact level of Chinese migration into the Russian Far East; Russia has not run a census in over a decade. But by all indications, a significant river of people is surging across the border.

>The Moscow Carnegie Center, the only organization to launch an independent study, claimed that there were about 250,000 Chinese in Russia in 1997. The Interior Ministry has claimed that there are 2 million. Other estimates place the Chinese population at 5 million.

>Regardless, the Federal Migration Service fears a flood. The service has repeatedly warned that the Chinese could become the DOMINANT ETHNIC group in the Russian Far East in 20 to 30 years. Such an occurrence would require an annual influx of about 250,000 to 300,000 Chinese, LESS than one-third the rate that Shaikin currently claims


Here's the archive

I actually know a fair amount of people who have some Belarussian ancestry but consider themselves Latvian. However it is probably so because of commie times.

Chinks just want to peacefully grab our powerhouse, so they migrate here in vast numbers.

Just bring it back. FOR fucks sake

for some reason I've managed to only meet degenerates among my fellow countrymen on Sup Forums. You obviously need a proper education to stop writing this bs making foreigners believe all Russians are that dumb.

Mr. Dugin is the greatest thinker of modern Russia. His ideas have a certain degree of influence on Russian elites as well as common people, and that influence will only grow. Good example is the latest meeting of Putin Erdogan & Roukhani. Dugin regarded alliance of Russia, Turkey and Iran as the only way for us to become comparable to USA & allies long ago, and now it's happening.

Russia has always had deep connections with other people of Eurasia, and only being united we'll be able to be great.
You must either be unfamiliar with Dugin's real work or too stupid to comprehend it. Anyway I recommend you to reconsider him, you have totally wrong picture of Mr. Dugin.

Just NO. USSR = by nonwhite subhumans, for nonwhite subhumans, of nonwhite subhumans

At ethnic Russian, Baltic, Finnic and German expense. For mongoloid, iranic, turkic and even imported negroid/spic scum

Stalin was a dedicated internationalist and anti-racist. Check what they filmed on Stalin's orders

I mean if he didn't have all power in 1941 must have been a cuck of a leader. Of no surprise, Georgians are notorious idiotic inbreds

You know what Russians did to celebrate the 9th of May? (Cult of Death type V-Day for redskies)

They put plenty of internationalist, anti-colonalist, anti-racist propaganda.

In 1970s they came up with a shitty movie about pilots to show it every year near and during the 9th of May on TV.

They still do it.

That movie Putincuck orders to be shown on major state-owned TV networks each 9th of may - "V boj idut odni stariki". You know what this movie is about? Uzbek subhuman breeding Russian Slavic girl who happened to be a pilot

That's what the USSR and Red Army stood for in the long term - interracial breeding
That’s clean genetics at very least, unlike that dark tatar cockhole shit. What’s their story?

>Russia has always had deep connections with other people of Eurasia, and only being united we'll be able to be great.
>slaughter fuckton of siberian natives, force to assimilate the rest with tats
Russia can only be successful if it is Russian t b h stop shilling for racemixing

>1 post bread
how would you know?

>junkie schizoprenic WHO THINKS THAT HAVING A BEARD GETS YOU TO HEAVEN is a great thinker
Made reply/10

Being racemixed or living in multiracial society is PEAK degeneracy. Literal revolt against Nature

And again this bs on chinese invasion...
Chinese have vast empty territories on their west and also some low-populated areas on their south. All of them are far more suitable for settlement & have more resources than some shitty parts of Syberia where no Russian or Chinese would want to live. You're just being brainwashed by your nationalist propaganda, fucking bydlonazis


>Mr. Dugin is the greatest thinker of modern Russia
dude just stop.
you make our country looking crazier than people think of it already.
>had deep connections with other people of Eurasia
you are right in a sense you know.
look up the frequencies of R1A paternal DNA in Asia, you will see that some of our ancestors went quite deep there...

Dugin is a great troll too. Love his ironic comments, especially when they are taken at face value by uneducated vatniks, libcucks or bydlonazis like you

>So the whiter and less poor parts of Russia have less murders. Imagine that.

Yep. Such as Chechnya and Dagestan.

>haplogroups meme

Compare Russian with any gook and see for yourself

isn't dugin a traditionalist?

Why the hell then they rent huge territories here for 50 years and do nothing?

>Chinese have vast empty territories on their west
It’s chinese - the literal subhumans, we are talking about. Even one is too much
Also, reminder mongols and tatrars carry Y-DNA markers like C3* and R1a-Z293. These markers don't show up in native Europeans.

The genghis cuckhan paternal lineage is non-existent in Eastern Europe, but common all over Asia where the Mongols were present for a long time.
>racemixed anti-racist pro-racemixing former junkie with a boner for JewSSR
Amerishart post/10

That's what my post implied

easy way to tell whites from nonwhites

>Supporting White Genociders like Mugabe? Check!
hes gone now

not me, it's fucking dumbass skinheads like you. I seriously recommend you to stop listening to alt-right bullshit, it's just another kind of propaganda, irrelevant for russia btw.

Yes, he is. Can answer your questions on Dugin's ideas if you're interested, his English is just so terrible to listen to lol.

>chinese rent some shitty territories (not even huge, its 1150 no one really has plans for
>invest in its development, create jobs for locals

can someone tell me why the murder rate is so high in Novgorod?

>Russia can only be successful if it is Russian t b h stop shilling for racemixing
You should have more children then

>The genghis cuckhan paternal lineage
There is debate over which Y-DNA he had.

I'm half-kraut and don't have a very good income yet so sustain a family.

what is this chart supposed to tell me?
about haplogroups: anatoli klyosov
>The genghis cuckhan paternal lineage is non-existent in Eastern Europe
maybe its because he was R1a also.
>dumbass skinheads
wow, you really are a shizo.
i just thought you were stupid.
are you writing a dissertation about crime rates or do you want to visit a historical town?

>are you writing a dissertation about crime rates or do you want to visit a historical town?
neither. I have russian ancestry from novgorod and tula and was just curious.

Cali and Texas combined had a population of less than 10k Mexicans when they were taken by the USA, who brought 20 million +Europeans to these areas. Not to mention that the 10k Mexicans were stripped of their land owning rights, voting rights and all for being non-whites. They had nothing to do with building Cali and Texas, how exaclty is that their clay?
The Mexicans that fill up Texas and Cali are literally new arrivals, a result of an open border for the last 50 years