Disturbing Trend of Trump Supporters

I've read something on another board and agree with it. It's not true for ALL trump supporters, but it is for many from what i've seen. As well as polls ive seen.

I've seen polls that say there's basically nothing trump could do to get a good chunk of his supporters to stop supporting him.

And I've seen people supporting policies of his that will hurt them personally. And only benefit the CEOs of companies and possibly those with massive ammounts in stocks of said companies.

Wanting the republicans to change net neutrality for instance. It is a regulation. That adds freedom. Kind of like the first ammendment is a regulation. Which bans laws prohibiting free speech.

With out NN, it will be legal for ISPs to censor you, block sites they don't like. This includes sites that disagree with their political or moral views. They can charge much more to access said sites as well. The NN regulations limit the ISPs freedom to control/limit your browsing habits. They increase freedom of the individual. They basically stop the ISPs from being able to legally fuck you up the ass.

Why do you support companies getting richer at the expense of your own freedom? You're literally paying people more to take away your freedoms. Losing your own freedoms while you gain money is disgusting as it is. But i guess some people only care about money. But losing your freedoms so some rich guy can get even richer? Completely illogical.

There will be no new ISPs formed. It costs massives ammounts of money to start one. Random guys cannot make them. I don't think there will be more competition. Just more greed and censorship.

And healthcare. Forcing insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions is a good thing. It saves lives. Does it really matter if some CEO is making 750,000 a year instead of 2 million? No. People being able to be treated for cancer is more important. Or those with mental illnesses or drug addictions being treated is more important.

Other urls found in this thread:


Daily reminder there is no ISP competition in the USA and never will be

Many trump supporters are supporting policies of his that go against their own best interests and against the interest of preserving your freedoms.

And the only people who win are CEOs who get richer. They sure won't be paying their typical employee (you and I) more. And even if they did.

Why would you trade your freedoms and a greater chance of surviving a serious illness for money? It's disgusting to me.

I don't think democrats are perfect. I hate abortion and laws that limit free speech. But I see republicans as the greater evil. Abortion will never be outlawed due to the supreme court ruling.

It seems to me republicans are for the interest of businesses and against most civil liberties of citizens. Excluding support of the 2nd ammendment, which i support.

Many republicans are against medical marijuanna legal at a federal level too. Why? It's better for your body than pharmaceuticals. And you can grow it yourself.

It seems to me republicans are backwards on nearly every issue except abortion and gun laws. I don't understand the loyalty to businesses and trump.

It's dumb to care about money and profits so much. Most people, baring high medical costs can do just fine on 60-100k to support a family. You don't really NEED more. You can have luxuries at that salary.

I really don't think God wants people prioritizing companies profits and the rich getting richer over people having freedom and people being treated for medical and mental issues and getting a better quality of life.

I doubt so too.

Its just fanboyism of man children

Why take it so far as to literally increase your risk of dying a painful death or for your family and friends to do so. Or poor people too.

Or to risk having ISPs censor/control what sites you use and having your ability to gather information or speak freely online limited more than it already is?

Why be such a trump fanboy to the point it hurts you?

Seems crazy. Makes me literally wonder if demons are influencing people.

then your problem isnt a lack of "net neutrality" authoritarian dictatorship policy but a lack of free market

If you actually support trump and drop him over net neutrality, you're retarded. If he cucks on his promises then you can drop him.

Why support someone who appoints idiots who fuck over the common man and allow the rich to profit?

>drumpf supporters are fucking retards
welcome to Sup Forums!

Kim Dot Com is creating meganet. Probably something in the works to launch satellite ISPs or some shit


Look at that spacing.

Because Trump has become some kind of Mythical hero in the minds of those retards. They probably lack the knowledge to think for their own.
I guess most of those Trump fanboys are part of conspiracy discussion groups like Alex Jones. I wouldn't be suprised if they really think Trump plays 5D chess and draining the swamp.
They get off on the fact that liberals are so pissed and fuels their pro Trump MAGA philosophy.

because they are fucking retarded
I think it's actually funny to see the split on Sup Forums, now that one half realizes that the other one unironically and full-heartedly believes in all the meme shit they were spreading for the lolz

Name some of his picks that fuck over the common man

This pure assmad is why I voted for him, thank you for providing

Reminder to just do the opposite of what the shills are doing.
>huge influx of net neutrality shilling on all boards and communities across the internet
>huge front page bot spammed upboats with walls of text and feelgood descriptions on why you should support it

I used to be on your boat shill, but I can hear the screams of the corporations who want this legistlation to live. And i'm ready to give up neutrality to watch them burn.

As soon as you use phrases like "against your own best interest" we know you're a shill. I've personally explained this to you, mmfa. Your script is weak shit. And it's why you fail.

>Many trump supporters are supporting policies of his that go against their own best interests and against the interest of preserving your freedoms.
Who the fuck gave you the moral authority to decide what my "interests" are?

Japan is smaller than USA
USA has to replace more outdated technology/ old archaic network systems. Japan and places like Africa get to start from scratch with no monopoly competition which is easier all things considered.

Jeff sessions. Increased penalties for non violent drug crime.Wants procescutors to seek the maximum. Wants medical marijuana more tightly controlled when it helps many with illnesses cheaply.

His FCC guy whos doing the NN thing to name two.

We have 1 shitty ISP where I live that thinks they can charge broadband price for a 350kb connection.

So your interests are allowing companies to get rich as they take away your personal freedoms?

That hurts you. And benefits them.

Most fans are fucking retards, water is wet and fire is hot, who fucking knew, amirite?

Exactly this.

Why don't we bring back Soviet breadlines to ensure every loaf is "treated equally?"

Net Neutrality supporters could not be more wrong.


Supporting healthcare paying for pre-existing conditions is retarded
You wouldn’t get home insurance paying for your burnt down house if it was a pre-existing condition.
The point of insurance is that you get it before it’s a problem


tru. Had a discussion with a Worst Corean about this a while back while I in my highly internet connected city had only shitty DSL and Worst Corea had residential 100Mbps all over the place.

Also the Jews hate investing in infrastructure because they want to destroy all countries and corral the goyim into UN Agenda 2030 cities and then blood sacrifice them.

The CEO of the company is going to be rich with or with out being forced to support the pre existing conditions. And with out it, people die.

What you're saying is basically
>I would rather have people die painful deaths than take away a CEOs ability to buy a luxury sports car every year.

>Sell drugs to people who don't need drugs
>those people then create an environment where you have to commit crime in order to get their fix
>Drug slingers can poison a nation and they shouldn't get punished for attempting it.
You need to kill yourself right now.

They can already shut you down. Don't you get it? even the current system is fucked as far as censorship goes. Ill show you..
"Hey guys lets head over to stormfront toda-"
"Oh, nevermind"
the idiocy of normies is astounding

It's simple Trump voters are cucks.

Wtf did u expect? Trump voters got literally cucked by a billionaire globalist conman from NYC. They are good soyim. Nothing more.

You didn't answer my question. What gives you the moral authority to dictate what my "interests" are. NN is a farce, the NSA already mines the data of many law abiding citizens for the sake of "security." Yet I don't see you bitching about that. You're point is moot, so please fuck off.

That's it? Those are the policies that goes against my interests?
What about what people actually voted for.

Do you support banning alcohol and cigarettes too? Both kill far more than illegal drugs. If you don't, you're a hypocrite.

Marijuana causes very little harm. Non violent drug addicts just hurt them selves. Ones who use in moderation hurt no one really.

Let's lock them all away for 5-10 years for something that shouildnt even be a crime.

Punish the violent ones and the thieves more severely if they are arrested when high if it's a repeat offense.

Let the ones who do nothing wrong continue to do so.

Check 'em
Drugs are bad mmm'kay

I complain about the NSAs illegal data collection all the time. It's horrible.

Why add more shit to the world like allowing ISPs to practice censorship legally?

Yeah you're right we wouldve been better with hill dawg. Guess im guaccing for Yeb!

I support using alcohol as a part of medicine, such as numbing tooth pain or cleaning wounds. I care not for cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. I don't drink, smoke, nor do I participate in sexual degeneracy.
Marijuana smells like skunk spray and anyone who can smoke that in the presence of others should be banished to a wasteland. It's absolutely distasteful and it enforces the belief that we should act like unruly savages because it's "easier". They're all violent if they create the opportunity for it. Sell drugs to rich people, why do poor people need drugs if you know once they can't afford it they'll rob someone or kill someone to get money for that drug.

>I've seen polls that say there's basically nothing trump could do to get a good chunk of his supporters to stop supporting him.
That's because there's nothing Trump could do that would make him worse than the Establishment. The worst case scenario is that he turns out to be just like the others and we've gained nothing but lost nothing.

Baning things you dislike is a bad way to go. Just because you dislike, doesn't mean it should be illegal and people literally lose YEARS of their life in a violent cage. Then they lose rights when they get out. That's not freedom.

Ban the violent behaviors and the theft and etc.. that addicts do. And add sentence enhancements for those who commit crimes when high or with weapons.

Allow the drug users who stay at home or chill with friends and just watch tv/internet/video games/or have sex and cause no issues to do what they want even if you don't like it.

There are more users who don't cause problems then you think. And some get in trouble if they get pulled over or someone snitches on them cause they get in an arugment. Or their dealer gets caught and they get caught when the cops check the dealers phone.

so 98% of niggers voted for obama and never said 1 negative thing.. what was that again? i cant hear from all your bullshit.

Again, answer the question you fuck. What gives you the moral authority to dictate what others "interests" are? How do you know such things? Because you use language to share you opinion?

>I complain
That's nice, but is it doing anything? No. It's not. You're some faggot on the internet with an opinion that feels the need to share it. Everything is fucked, and the only way to make it better is to make it so bad that it is rubbed in the noses of everyone

>implying I'm banning it because I dislike it
No, it's been proven to destroy nations, like the Opium Crisis in China. You do not get to ruin a society because you think individual independence is more important than familial independence. There are no potheads that became multimillionaires, there are only multimillionaires that smoke pot after they've made their riches. I know many users who in the past just chilled at home, and once they were broke because multiple employers didn't want to have an employee that smelled like absolute feces, then they turned to crime and even killed their own mothers and family to get the drug. Do not play these games with me, user from reddit. You do not want me to face you with the sick reality that these drugs enable.

Did you even read the picture? All of those providers are using the same physical fiber optic layer. The only way that could happen is if the fiber optic layer is owned by the government or regulations force whoever owns the fiber optic network to rent it out to other companies.

The appointment of Jeff Sessions will undoubtedly ruin thousands of lives due unnecessary incarceration instead of treatment. He also laxed the rules on the govt seizing your property. It's pretty crappy they can seize it before you're even convicted of a crime. Medical marijuana will likely not ber taken off the federal sched 1 substance list even though it's obvious it helps people.
>Let's encourage dangerous pharmaceuticals over a plant with minimal risks because IT GIVES SOME PLEASURE.

His FCC chair appointment will possibly ruin millions of people's time using the internet. It leaves the door open to political opposition being blocked online if the ISPs support the people in power.

If he succedes at repealing obama care with out replacing it, tons of people will die.

If Hillary were elected (I dislike her, wish there was a better option but there wasnt) we'd not have any of the above happen. Trump was the worst choice.

He can't even ban abortion due to roe v wade. abortion sucks, it kills children.

Trumps plans seem to only help businesses, and for profit prisons. And fuck over the common man.











Plenty of potheads became millionares. And banning drugs does nothing. Prison costs more than treatment. And in prison, you meet gangmembers who have better drug connections than you had before you get out. And you get introduced into violence. It also cuts off years of someone's life and removes their freedom unjustly.

Banning drugs does nothing to help. And is unjust.

If I can get high in my room with out causing the world problems I should be able with out risking a cage and violence.

I am should be under no obligation to stay stone cold sober while working like a slave to help CEOs get richer.

However, using hard drugs around children would be illegal due to reckless endangerment laws. Could enhance the penalty for doing that too.

There are plenty of laws to ban shitty behavior when high. We don't need to ban drugs them selves.

It punishes the innocent as well as the guilty.

>It's better than 10 guilty men to go free than 1 innocent man to be punished.

One of the reasons why a lot of us here wanted him elected was because he was literally the chaos candidate that threw the entire election out of order. He took a massive shit on all the legitimate "politicians" and basically chadwalked onto the stage with no credentials and took the presidency while fucking around with everyone and saying dumb shit. From an older Sup Forums point of view he is exactly our guy, he did it for jokes and he actually fucking won.

I'm pretty sure most people feel pretty stifled by their wagecuck lives, Trump provides exactly the kind of excitement and chaotic world that people desire to spice things up. After years of watching drama, violence, and sex on (((tv))) it isn't enough for people anymore, people have gotten bored seeing these things over and over again.

tl;dr people want excitement in their lives, even if it means fucking shit up

Nobody likes to admit they were being a retard.
And every time they double down, it becomes harder and harder to admit it so they keep doubling down etc. etc.


A bullet to the head costs less than treatment, since you want to play the economics game. Those gangbangers could be avoided, if we just shot them or had them publicly hung for all to see in order to deter people from ever turning to drugs to solve their issues.
You can have your decision to do drugs, and you can also pay the price for doing so. You do not get to have your cake and eat it too. I'd rather ban the drugs and get weak minded people such as yourself out of the gene pool than to further corrode it because you lack the willpower to be a dignified human. I have children to worry about, I want the world they live in to be safer and without degenerate drug slums to fester and make our country look worse for them.

Killing people for getting high is wrong. And evil as fuck.

You just want to cause people pain who do things you dislike.

I've never posted on reddit. I've read it though. I just space stuff out cause I separate my thoughts that way.

Making a society dependent and weak while raising the next generation is a surefire way to destroy the nation, and supremely evil to be sure. You just want to destroy this nation and it's potential, all so a few druggies can live for a few more years before OD'ing. You can fuck off back to r e d d i t now, since you can't argue your point without assuming my character and personal opinions.

>'ve seen polls that say there's basically nothing trump could do to get a good chunk of his supporters to stop supporting him.
The question is not how to get Trump supporters to stop supporting him.
It's what you need to do to gain their support.
Shilling for net neutrality certainly won't help.
If it was so great, why did broadband shrink by 6% since it was passed? That hasn't happened since the creation of the internet. How did we get by so well without net neutrality? The only people this affects are the Facebook, Amazon, Google, type companies and their shills. Removing it will actually help level the playing field and let them face more competition. That's why they are shilling so hard against removing it.

For 1, net neutrality will make all the internet content go under govt control. As it is, companies can censor you all they want. That is untill they take a bunch of govt money or become something EVERYONE uses.

As for trump, you wont see what his supporters dont like in poll or a single article. But everyone I know who likes Trump has a good number of things they dont like.

But whats great is how well Trump is doing with draining the swamp.

Like it or not, getting the PERVS was a big goal. And its happening more than ever.

And soon the Clinton crime cartel will go down, all because the Clinton Foundation hasnt been legal since 1997.

>I just space stuff out cause I separate my thoughts that way.

In other words you're a retard.


amerifats retarded
water wet

No Trumpfaggots are going to respond to this post.

He posting something with Jeff Sessions earlier that I responded to, so now he's just circlejerking. Sorry.

So much reddit spacing in this thread- you guys are really on damage control aren't you?

I disagree. Not everyone is going to shoot up heroin and roll around in the gutter and do nothing.

Sending those to jail who use drugs compulsively does nothing very often except ruin lives and keep people in cages. You can huff gasoline right now, and get high. Not many people do it. Because it's bad for you. Inhalants are addictive too.

Not many people will start using meth and heroin all the time if it's legal. Some will, but if there was unbiased info on the drugs many will not. Not everyone who touches a drug gets addicted. And weed doesnt even cause severe withdrawal symptoms. Neither do hallucinogens.

I'd rather have a society with slightly less progress in the sense of new electronics, and etc.. and more freedoms than a society where people are fucking caged for getting high and not even hurting anyone.

More toys and money isnt everything.

>Regulations adds freedom
>1st Amendment is a regulation

Wrong. Regulations diminish freedom and add power to the hands of corrupt government. The 1st, and other Amendments are Rights endowed by the Creator, not regulations conferred by the hand of government. Big fucking difference kiddo.

NN regulations restrict private companies from restricting your usage on the internet.

The regulation increases freedom for everyone but the CEO of your local ISP. And the only freedom he's losing, is the freedom to censor the views he disagrees with, or to charge more for any non mainstream sites


>Forcing insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions is a good thing. It saves lives.

No, it's a fucking price control and drives insurance out of business. Insurance is for healthy people; in a functioning healthcare system, those with chronic conditions pay out-of-pocket, and healthcare is cheap.

But we have a shit healthcare system exactly because of people like you. You don't know shit about economics, so you just assume any law will do exactly what it says on the label.

So you're retarded or a shill.

Blaim the modern left for this. They made people hate them so much that it's now at the point people literally prefer Armageddon to voting for a leftist.

That is why this is this way. Left has no one but itself to Blaim. Social justice is a menace to modern civilizations and should be crushed under foot.

Hahahaha No.
The regulations are restricting our freedom. NN just means ISPs can't restrict large traffic sites. It has nothing to do with how those large traffic sites treat their users. And because Google, Facebook, Amazon etc can't be restricted or required to pay more for soaking up so much bandwidth, there is no downside for them shitting down their users throats. Where as if they had to pay more, that means their smaller competition would be paying less. Giving them a more fair playing field. And also removing some of the desire of the large companies to shit down their users throats and thus sending them to the competition.

Something to consder OP, and that's the people opposed to Trump are not seen as any better of an alternative, even if they disagree with Trump on any specific issue.

Consider the amount of opposition trump faced from within the republican party to even be nominated.

I think you're making the mistake of focusing too much on your read of the specific policy issues.

You really want to understand? Do less of this where you tell people what their position is, and get to know the mindset of the supporters.

If you're on the right and you're enabling the destruction of internet freedom for the sake of big business based on a few years worth of trump memes, you're a brain dead retard just like all those that you disparage

Yes I made a mistake and was wrong for telling him why he did thinks that way when i cant actually read his mind. I am sorry for doing that.

Thank you for the advice.