It took America 7 years and 70 thousand lives to gain their independence while Canada gained theirs without firing single bullet. Who is the superior country again?
It took America 7 years and 70 thousand lives to gain their independence while Canada gained theirs without firing...
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Yeah without us you would have no credibility, literally just riding on our coattails
You got your independence after and because of ww1 dipshit
The United States because we took what we wanted rather than waiting like a little puppy for master to give it to us. Canadians are, always have been, and always will be the biggest weenies on the planet. You should be ashamed of your country because it is full of weak, spineless cowards.
No .. we gained our independence because our IQ average is much higher than that of an American and our logic and reasoning skills are superior. We are able to solve our problems without violence.
You're still a subject of The queen faggot
Imagine being all strong and independent and having a tattoo of your oppressors face on your chest. You fucking pussy. In fact everyone from NA is a fucking pussy. With your guns and your 'freedoms'. You'd all get your heads smashed in over here.
You aren't independent though.
You're still a crown subsidiary.
Obvious bait is obvious
This dumbasses
>Canada gained theirs without firing single bullet
Uhmm... No. You don't have your own independence. You still bend down and take a knee to the Queen. You don't even own the rights to your own land.
>The majority of all lands in Canada are held by governments in the name of the monarch and are called Crown Lands. About 89% of Canada's land area (8,886,356 km2) is Crown Land, which may either be federal (41%) or provincial (48%); the remaining 11% is privately owned
Fuck off Leaf. Fetch me some maple syrup and get back to leafing.
It seems like leaves aren't taught their own history. This is the second incorrect historical leafpost today.
My ancestors were loyalists.
Funny coming from someone whose "great empire" couldn't beat a bunch of drunk farmers hiding out innawoods in a war and whose country now openly allows their former subjects to rape and murder their citizens while they collect benefits from working native people.
You fucking bongs are even more disgusting than any fucking leaf could ever hope to be. Your kind literally make me sick.
Pic unrelated
I'd love to put a fist right into your eye socket.
You don't even know what ruthlessness is yet, bong. But you will.
The Queen has no real power or influence and our country .. we keep the connection with her out of respect and tradition. Canadian lawmakers are the only ones with the ability to change policy.
I'd like to see you try. We can brawl and then have beers after. Like real men.
Jokes aside I still love bongs and leafs. Doesn't mean I won't fight you though.
You personally, would get buried.
You'd get snapped in half.
Much better men than you have already tried.
shallow grave.
Canada has no free speech
Lookit ya, carrying on like a regular everyday milktoast Brit.
Saaaay ya had anymore soilders get beheaded in broad daylight?
I'll be in hawaii for a couple more years. If you aren't too poor to afford a ticket, come play.
Wew lad. Canada officially beat the fuck out. Hoe can they ever recover from such disaster?
Canada got lucky that the world wanted to move past royalty having power after they sent everyone to their deaths in WWI just because one Royal who was the heir to the Holy Roman Empire got killed.
Im gonna beat up a British person just for that post
the English Monarchy still holds absolute legal authority over you
Are you referring to pic related? Women aren't scared over here.
Believe me...the bones in your face would break.
That's simply not true .. You need to educate yourself on our history. We are not an isolationist shithole country like America so we didn't completely shutout the UK like you did. It benefits us to have them as our allies.
>The Queen has no real power or influence and our country ..
Funny you should say that.
>pic related
Take the Red Pill and become woke.
How does this argument hold any value?
Independence is about one country splitting from their home country, which has an interest to keep it because it is valuable.
Arguing that Canada is better because no one cared if they fucked off is a hilariously backwards argument.
Canada has no value besides beaver pussy and moose shit, that's why independence was so easy.
This thread is b8
Come here. Come and have a drink in the pub, we'll put some music on and go at it. I guarantee you will put in hospital.
>I guarantee you will put in hospital.
If I didn't go to a hospital for stab or gunshot wounds, why would I over a fist fight?
>canada is an independent nation
We have her on two of our 10+ pieces of currency ... out of respect and tradition.
well that's it for our country I guess
The Haitians are coming
>Canada has no value
Hey you can't forget about maple syrup and Hockey.
fuck u and fuck the queen
Where dem rakes at?
When the person stabbed you, did they bite your nose off? Did they lay elbows into your eyes until your sockets snapped to pieces? Did they smash their fist into your teeth until all your gums were showing? Come have a go. You'd get hurt over here without your guns.
Is that why Supreme Court cases are:
Cuck v Her Majesty The Queen?
Come over here and bring your hockey stick with you. We'll wrap it around your neck and strangle you with it.
That's because nobody ever gave a fuck about Canada.
Clearly it the British that are superior, just think how brilliant we were, giving you all your cute little countries back. Aren't we lovely!
You still have the queen on your money you maple syrup sucking, moose fucking cuck. Go jack off to pictures of Celine Dione and Alannis Morrisette scissoring each other.
when the ale runs out brits turn into nancy boys
What makes you think the ale runs out?
>I fight like a hobo
>be scared!
You're adorable.
Your country is so shitty that your colonial rulers didn't think you were worth the trouble of keeping around.
I fight like a savage. You don't know the type over there because you're too used to shooting each other from half a mile away and then acting like a big man. You wouldn't know how to behave over here.
Yet your Prime Minister in that picture was such a flaming cuck he had Fidel Castro impregnate his wife.
If you kill your enemy, they win right?
>You don't know the type over there
No, I do. That's just garden variety hobo on PCP.
Doesn't scare me m8.
>We have her on two of our 10+ pieces of currency ... out of respect and tradition.
You don't own your own land and subject your currency to the Queen.
Doesn't sound like independence to me.
Perhaps we simply enjoy a better level of Independence than you Leafs.
You should be saying "I'm sorry!" more often. Isn't that your Nation's Motto?
>he thinks repatriating the constitution means canada has independence
>he doesn't know what the governor general is
>greatest country in the world
Canadian education
>Hey you can't forget about maple syrup and Hockey.
Don't forget Curling! I love a Clean Sweep!
it's more likely that they double teamed her. Trudeau senior wasnt a limp faggot
We don't have a PCP problem over here. Imagine your PCP degenerates, then add some boxing skill, then add some completely fucking sober to the mix, then add some British Empire fire in your blood, fighting a fucking American cunt, and your getting your head stamped into next week.
>daddy hands you something
>you work, bleed and sacrifice to take it for yourself
Cancucks confirmed beta males of the Anglo world. Americans confirmed alphas.
All you had to do is wait for a 100+ years and wait for the home island to go bankrupt.
What an elucidating cultural exchange.
thats right just keep spending all your time shadow boxing americans leaf while your country ceases to exist
But he was a faggot after all
Nice divide and conquer thread..dont forget folks, we are all that's left.
Leads, bongs and burgers.....maybe the Aussie too.
You sound like a good drinking buddy m8. You play malicious, but you really aren't.
Where I'm from, people cut your throat and dump you in an abandoned apartment.
Keep dreaming
The US, by far. Brazil also became independent without violence; learn to understand different circumstances, you massive fucking idiot.
we wuz redcoats n sheeiitttt
No worries, the day of the rake is coming.
Is being a cuck and ASKING for your right to self rule something that makes you superior? I guess it makes sense for a canuck to think like that. You guys do help dogs mount your women.
HAVE FUN WITH SHARIA LAW U pig fuck the crown fuck u fuck england fuck london fuck britain fuck the Uk
fucking this I did a study abroad program in China and one of our professors openly said Canada is not an actual country, my Canadian classmate was so butthurt I couldn't help but laugh
Why does Canada still have the old British lady on their paper money?
Canada was never responsible for creating its own history though. This was largely America's responsibility and as a result, the U.S.A has ended up with the superior culture, music, cuisine and manners.
Canada still belongs to the queen, you moron.
At what point did you think it was ok to say that? At WHAT point??!!
If that is true, name one thing that the Queen has legislated in Canada since 1982. And I'm not talking about policies written by Canadian lawmakers and signed by her. What is one change that she came up with on her own that came into effect in Canada?
Check Fucking Mate.
I cant take you guys seriously with trujude in office.
weak troll, you cancer
>Totally disproves your statement
>Must be troll
You're welcome Canada for the US continuing to pave the way for your easy life. Living off America's coat tails seems to be the Canadian way.
Does every law you pass have to be singed by the Queen?
Technically yes, but at the same time she has never refused to sign one and will never refuse because we are an independent country and she respects that.
We keep it this way out of respect and tradition.
>Technically yes
No, it's literally yes.
Does it not grind on your a little? That would really become a cheese grater to my soul the more I thought about it.
If England was our parent country.
America was like the rebellious older brother who moved out, had a big fight with mom and dad, and made himself into a huge success. He later made nice with mom and dad after many years, and they are very proud of him.
Canada was the fat faggot neet retard who wouldn't move out, so mom and dad had to finally tell him he should go live on his own. He's been a trust fund kid failure and a faggot laughing stock ever since.
>France still exists
You should all be ashamed, the fucking lot of you!