Hey Sup Forums,
Which group do you hate the most?
The centrist or the commies?
pic is not related.
Hey Sup Forums,
Which group do you hate the most?
The centrist or the commies?
pic is not related.
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You. Nazism and Fascism are both in the middle.
I know that, but I keep see these fucking horseshoe theories everywhere and these centrist faggots keeps implying that both sides are bad and that they are the only good guys.
They bitch non stop with this crap without coming up with better solution on how society works.
>left-right meme
Maps like this never fucking work out good.
Facism, Nazism, Communism are all Totalitarian which needs it's own category.
You can't place these on a line and hope it will work.
All of them. Economic Nationalism that preserves the best parts of the status quo while being hard on corruption is the only system that's really valid.
You need a 4d graphic
Commies 100%. These fucking full on socialist lefties need to be shot. Being a pinko should be a capital offense.
Reddit newfag what kind of question is that? Communism must be removed on sight, and Centrists are just normies wanting to be redpilled.
>which group is retarded
all of them
Anarcho-communism has to be about the most autistic ideology so far.....
>politics is a spectrum guise
All those groups were fronts, or at least started as fronts by Secular Jews aka (Satanists), so ALL of them!
Communism and liberal centrism are indistinguishable in the post modern world fuck them both equally
that spectrum is completely wrong.
communism and nazism are both totalitarian, so they are on one side, like the left side.
anarchy is no government, so it is the opposite of both nazism and communism.
You have to be on the green dot
I Fucking hate centrist, I don't even know who I hate more, the commies or the normies. Whenever you try to criticize this group of fence sitters, they get easily offended and think you are attacking them for not choosing a side.... EVEN THOU THEY CLEARLY HAVE A POLITICAL POSITION THEY STAND! I swear they are the most smug individuals I ever met. They also complain how both sides rejected them and they end up being the center party.
Both sides rejected you? Hmmmm I WONDER WHY!!
They think there movement will change how society works. THEY CONTRIBUTES NOTHING TO THE POLITICAL CLIMATE!!!!
Fascist and Nazi are the true center and at least they have solutions on how society works unlike those fence sitting fags.
That is the most retarded political "spectrum" I have ever seen in my life. What is it even supposed to be measuring?
Political ideologies can never be represented by a single axis. You're all stupid.
what a retard, in order to make a number line, you have to define a variable. In your graphic there is none. So it makes no sense. BUSTED
>monarchy is now left
>muh 4-axis spectrum
>muh "left" and "right"
Meaningless terms. The only thing a political spectrum measures is the amount of control a government has on a populace.
Monarchy is ultimate control over a populace by a single individual. Where would you place it?
Commies because they actually pose a threat
You can't have a flat line for ideologies. It fails because each ideology has 2 or 3 major key points that blur from left to right.
Democrat: Socially liberal, big government
Republican: Socially conservative, small government
Libertarian: Socially liberal, small government
Nazi, Fascism: Socially conservative, big government
Communism: Socially liberal, 100% government
Anarchy: Socially liberal, 0% governemnt
They all blend out around different things.
Everybody is a moron, especially OP.
>Socially liberal
>Socially conservative
These are absolutely meaningless unless you have a government willing to ENFORCE the norms. Stop thinking in terms of "left-right". It is silly. The amount of government regulation is literally the only thing that matters. Laws dictate what is and isn't allowed.
Commies are disgusting, nazi's and fascists are shit eaters.
Commies are more of a threat than the Alt-right, Sup Forums(Sup Forums), russia and even Trumps USA.
Not only that but some of them have the power as well to challenge the US.
The left right meme is just that, a meme. Dont try to divide in one dimensio, try at least 2
What I mean by this is stuff like LGBT, weed and other drug use, religion or atheism etc.
What does the political spectrum have something to do with my question. The Pic in the OP is irrelevant.
This what i think the spectrum looks like.
What in the actual fuck am I even looking at here? It seems like you are just trying to insert random nonsense terms into a 4-axis chart to try to "prove" that it's somehow relevant. Again: a spectrum measures ONE thing between two extremes. That's how they work - doesn't matter if it's "politics" (government control) or sound or electromagnetism. There are no 4-axis spectrums.
Those are all individual preferences. The only thing that matters is how much the government dictates what is and what is not allowed. From your own example, you have listed "Socially liberal, big government" and "Socially conservative, small government" - do you not understand how both of those are oxymorons and impossible? How can you be "liberal" with massive regulation of everything via big government? How can you be "conservative" with small government if everyone else is running around acting like degenerates?
Social norms are up to individual preferences and they only become a problem when a government attempts to ENFORCE them on everyone.
it is a 2 axis, you fucking mutt iletrated faggot, and i didnt invent it.
I don't give a shit who "invented" it - it's retarded for the reasons I have already stated. Misinfo much?
You're right though - it is technically a 2-axis chart. I was misusing the term "4-axis".
your reasons are not such, you are a retarded mutt, there are only TWO FUCKING AXIS, not four, and where the fuck did you get that spectrums only use one? Waltmart?
ok then
Well Communism should be introduced into the American government so far-right is the most retarded.
You were right, but my points still stand - there is only 1 axis because the only thing we are ultimately trying to measure is how much governmental control do we want. Especially in the US, we have seen time and time again that "left" and "right" are completely meaningless and the only thing that gives us true freedom is less regulation overall. In my opinion, the government should have nothing to do with social problems anyway.
More accurate.
>no govt.
gas yourself commies
Anarchy is terrible (0% government). Totalitarianism is terrible (100% government). Why do you refute this? Do you not want to at least try to strike some sort of balance?
>far right
No, what you just posted is the most retarded political spectrum I've ever seen in my life. Do the brainlets that make this even into philosophy just a bit?
>No, what you just posted is the most retarded political spectrum I've ever seen in my life.
Explain why. I've already stated my position and arguments several times in this thread.