See this, what do?

See this, what do?


Try out the new hole.

Tell OP he's a faggot.

Every time someone types a run-on sentence it triggers the fuck outta me. It should've been

"See this. What do?"

or even

>see this
What do?

And the worst part is that Americans are the majority of people doing this.

t. Japanese high school girl

Wonder who is she


Niggers, lol.

Fuck you Rolo!

Hope you started HRT early

>See this response
What do?

give her a (You)

Unzip my dick quickly, it's still warm.

Praise Rolo for a job well done. Them give him the dick. Shirley was a shit character anyway.

You have to go back


Assist her! She's bleeding and is clearly in need of immediate medical help!

Kill my bother

>t. Japanese high school girl
Have you done JAV yet?

Get up, bitch! i've just put wax on that spot!

Call an ambulance


If Lelouch had just stayed calm and called the ambulance like he said he was going to then she would not have died.


Shit on her head.

Offer her pamphlets for car insurance.

She died in less than two minutes from Lelouch finding her, there was no chance.

I don't think so. speaks a lot of sense.
It was a very efficient strike. A single thrust under the rib cage just below the breast bone through the diaphragm and into the heart.
Look at all that blood.

Piss on it.

Cry every time

Wait a minute...




is this a jojo reference?

>jap shitter lecturing murricans on American education

Currently rewatching it and I'm so not ready for the Shirley crap.
She really didn't deserve all of the bullshit she went through ;_;

Her asking permission to love him again if she was to be reborn always gets me.

Wonder why I'm watching this shitty anime again.


Fuck off

There is nothing wrong with a run on sentence.

died 16ep too late hate that bitch

This. I much prefer run on sentences than sentences with too many commas in it

fuck thats old

>go back in time.
>tell her she is going to die unless she follows my plan
>have her lay in ketchup and let the me from the past see her and think she died so I don't fuck up the space-time continuum
>live happily ever after

steal pantsu

Lelouch using his geass to try and save her was a great sequence.

This is top tier bait you've made. Well done, user.

What's happened has happened, you can't change the past. However if I was in his position I'd still hold out on murdering the entirety of the Geass cult and not take emotional decisions. Or at least use mercs instead of Black knights to do the dirty work then delete their memories/existence, whichever leaves no records.

Still will kill Rolo though

All he had to do was Geass Asahina and Shibe into stop being fucking seditious cunts

He knew they were disloyal and were just looking for a reason to start shit


I still don't know why Zero didn't make sure Ohgi had an "accident". The guy is fucking trouble.

He grew too fond of his subordinates is what happened. He thought he was a heartless monster that used people for his own goals, but his management of said people didn't reflect his view. It's only when his friends/Nunnally getinvolved that he thinks of them as pieces in a puzzle.

I was glad when she died, one less obstacle for CC

Headpat my otouto for protecting my secret.

Check those dubs, of course.
Also, fixed

Britannian medical science is advanced, it can fix this

So how come they could resurrect Orange but not Euphemia or Shirley?

Orange is metal as fuck.