As expected, kyoAni is doing their archery boys LN
KyoAni Archery Boys
They can't choose a more boring sport.
Nice, joshimuke anime is selling really well so it makes sense.
Is this their next Free?
Yuribait failed. Let's go bact to yaoibait!
Well shogi is basically chess
and we have an anime about that running currently which is one of the most popular thing in the history of ever
So, not really.
>3gatsu anime
No, the manga is.
>broke 2 mil on a dead channel
>place in the same ranking of popularity as Doraemon and Detective Conan
It's the most popular show this season
I fucking hate fujo/yaoibait. Dropped, Evergarden better be god tier if they are going to animate this filth.
Will they actually act like males this time?
>archery club
They're fairies already
Have you actually seen how males act around other males?
Is this just another novel announcement or is this becoming an anime?
Yes. And I can assure you we don't make pajama parties.
GayAni already on their way
Light brown is the only cute one
Any info on when it's going to air? Also I'm dying to know the VA cast
It's only a LN, no anime yet.
>Free! tier "sport"
just a bunch of teenage girls (male) have friendship shenanigans. god I fucking hate this trope. at least YOI had the balls to be faggots without the pretence of sport.
kyoto animation was a mistake
>cute boys
These all interest me greatly.
Now we will find out the Yuri on Ice effect.
Yellow is best boy.
If they manage to not fuck up the character interactions like in Free then they could possibly surpass YOI. At least there won't be any QUALITY when it's Kyoani.
I want to rub my leaking cock on brown's scowling face.
Cute boys
MC looks like he could be a Haru clone, with the same autistic personality. I hope it's not the case.
What? So that's what "tanking rankings" meant? Doing really good? Any source?
What's next, you don't touch your friend's penises? Are you gay or something?
I might read it just because I really like the archery standard uniform. It always looks nice.
You make it sound like they have a choice in the matter. Fujo's realize Kyoani's LN division is basically their best chance at seeing their fetish animated, so unlike a vast majority of anime-fans, they are actually willing to do whatever it takes to get Kyoani animate their stuff, which includes learning to write so damn good, it wins the prize and Kyoani has no choice but to adapt it. I might not like fujo's very much, but I do admire their pure tenacity and actually willing to put effort into their hobby, unlike most other self-proclaimed fans.
Just novel, nothing anime related. Synopsis sounds pretty gay but that is to be expected I guess.
Looks literally like 1st season of Free!, I hope it's not the case.
You mean it ranked 8th on the first week because the people really like the manga and thought about giving the anime a chance but stopped giving a fuck after seeing the Shaft trash right?
It doesn't look like Free.
>autist MC
>tall moeblob
It's Free.
And thank God for that
Can't wait for the super powers like ricocheting an arrow off something to hit the bullseye
Dead studio
No Utsumi to direct it when it gets the TV treatment inevitably.
This shit has forced drama written all over.
I'm more interested with Kyoani's Botan.
I came here to ask this.
Likely to be directed by Takemoto unless they let someone else debut on it.
If they (or the official English release, trust me it's coming) don't call this 'Boys and Arrows' I'd be somewhat disappointed.
>just a LN
Way to blueball us, Kyoani
Will you?
Looks exactly like Free.
Holy fuck. It looks so similar. Anime when?
is this chihayafuru with boys and bows?
Not as manly as swordfighting.
That'll be another Ishithara romcom like Myriad Colors
Looks really good, I hope it's super gay like YoI to make the Kyoanusfag yurishits kill themselves.
Thank fuck, more based anime with boys.
Can't stand that degenerate lesbian yuribait trash hibikek, I hope kyoani learned their lesson.
Can't wait until yurishit finally dies.
>I'll definitely pierce you with my arrow
>You really hit my weak spot
>I'll aim for your heart!
I hate faggots like you.
Free boys were on a different spectrum of caricatural to be fair.
>more sports anime for triggered retards to scream queerbait at
MC best boy
This is bullshit. It was on the top 10 the first week with 3 points but then fell off and has never recovered. Detective Conan is a 7-8 rating point anime.
Nope, bitches in boy's bodies is the new trend. Embrace it.
He looks as retarded as Free's MC.
So my Kyudo club will soon be full of fujos?
I'm not looking forward to that.
Delicious soft boys
Way better than Free's designs
How so?
Haru is far more retarded and also shit.
Don't post trash here.
I'm not posting Rin though.
Don't pollute these thread with your Free trash.
Why can't Free have an artstyle like that? Fucking Kyoanus. Left and middle are nice, the others are ugly.
I'm no fujo but those designs don't look fujo friendly, neither does the sport, so I'm hoping for an actual sports anime.
No, kill yourself. The good thing about Kyoani is that even if it makes a show about guys, it'll never be ridden with tasteless in your face fanservice like YoI. We can go back to having decent shows about cute boys and not fanservice trash.
>Don't post anime on anime imageboard
Eat shit, faggot.
You're the Free shiteater.
Are you telling me this shit looks fujo friendly? Those beasts stop at nothing.
>not fujo friendly
Sorry senpai, fujos love that shit.
This shit will flop, I'm telling you. At least Free had nice designs, but these are just fucking ugly. Except left.
Haikyuu is not a fujo show, notice how they spend most of the show doing sports and there's 0 fujobait. Some fujos like it but that's not its main audience
>Kyoani's botan
>It's not actually Botan
And i thought that genderbender manga finally get anime
>nice designs
They all looked terrible. Ugly color schemes, grotesque proportions, and pointy pyramid faces.
What did he mean by this
None of the shows fujo usually latch on to are genuine fujo anime. It's always normal series that just happen to have a lot of guys, except when you have things like Free.
In Sup Forums fujo show just means any show fujos like.
Free designs were absolutely nothing special. Rei was the most creative one, all the others were pretty normal.
>boring character designs
Nah, other KyoAni boys look much better.
I'm not talking about artstyle, retard. Blame Utsumi and her shit taste for this.
Yuri on Ice isn't fujo?
>except when you have things like Free
Yuri falls in that category.
It won't sell nearly as much as YoI or Free. YoI and Free were shameless, braindead sexual pandering for literal pigs. The archery setting won't let the pig women see their bishounen be erotic so they won't buy it.
They're unremarkable in the movie too.
What recent shows that aren't intended for fujos have been successful because of fujos?
Free was nothing like YoI.
YoI is the true fujobuta anime.