New Mai Ball
Is this Yuri?
New Mai Ball
Is this Yuri?
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Yes. Next question.
Left is obviously a boy.
>Is this Yuri?
Dropped before I even picked it up. Thought it would be something nice but it's just fucking garbage hetshit.
You're welcome.
Triggering /u/shits is one of the best things about Mai Ball.
What did they mean by this?
Your tears. They are delicious.
just some scenes
they should remove the coach already and push yuri for the better
It's really vague. I don't know.
>John Grisham
Kill yourself my man
What's is it with /u/tards and namefagging?
I just want a football girls manga without any romance.
You just want a yurishit manga
>romance is bad
You're mixing drama with romance, user.
I honestly wouldn't care either way. I just want cute girls playing football.
Good thing this isnt one
Twins are cute CUTE!
Then this is your manga.
Do they at least have football idols now?
Truly best girls
Reika is the only football idol for me.
>Those shots under their kimonos
What a great chapter.
Next chapter.
Slutty bitchy catgirl football idol.
I'm sorry, by idol I mean actual football players the girls are fans of.
I haven't read that far but I see only Kunimitsu would qualify as a football idol for them.
Good riddance.
Spambots are evolving.
They are really just doing for the D, what a letdown.
>shitposting Mai Ball
Kill yourself, OP.
>Hasn't read the manga
Also coach stated he wants to take them to the finals. He not only has to play for his team but he is also dedicated to coaching the girls as well. So the admiration is well deserved.