The only thing that makes a man a man is his penis

The only thing that makes a man a man is his penis.

I have a 3.5" erect penis. It's growth was stunted after a botched circumcision and hypospadias repair. Now not only do I have a baby dick, it doesn't even function properly due to a urethral stricture from the scar tissue. I can't piss right, I only cum droplets, and I am plagued by recurrent UTIs.

I can never insert my cock into a woman and watch her face contort in pain and pleasure, I can never penetrate her cervix and dump my seed directly into her uterus.

How do I get back at the Jew doctors who mutilated me?

Other urls found in this thread:

your options are suicide or joining the FBI and becoming a mass shooter

Blood for blood

Find an asian wife

source on this big girl

Sign up for trials and experimental surgery on dick transplants. They will be a thing in the near future.

Unironically this. I have a baby dick too and my Asian gf still loves me.

Bait. You can’t penetrate the cervix you fucking moron.

Yikes - you’ll never know the feeling of jamming your 7” peepee into all your wife’s holes. Sad!

her thighs look like hammered sheet metal painted peach

Become a girl

>t. pencil dick faggot lil white boi

maybe dont frame it in "i have a small dick so I hate Jews" actually you sound like a shill but you are a leaf so you might actually be a real person.

Not an argument.

Show benis.

> this is what dicklets actually believe

Kek, manlet + asian, best meme


your case is an abnormality, and I price im sure most people are willing to pay for the majority of male penises being healthier and better looking.

I have 8.03 inches erect and I am virgin, I know a dude with 4 inches who banged 2 hot lesbians...
Guess what?Measurement doesn't improve your chance to get laid, getting laid is a skill separated from your equipment.


Not an argument.



Your friend is a dirty liar.

Humans have the biggest dicks out all great apes since women since the origin of our species has chosen big dicks.

They were real, my dude...
That guy is even ugly, don't know what is going on with women today.

dat jew der be juden!

an hero? guess that would show them.


OP, what makes a man is capacity to act. Not inciting violence, but taking revenge is the only thing that will ever make you feel good about yourself ever again.

I almost know that feel, OP. Mine's a bit bigger than that though, but it was fucked by the exact same operation.

I eventually found a gf who has a medical problem-tier shallow vagina so maybe try that

shave? and don't show ever again.

lol you probably think the dick won't come out the ass if you don't have a baby dick

I wish the sneaky bastard was telling lies, but deep down my heart I know the fucking shame...

hey i had a botched circumcision and hypospadias repair too. had to have 3 surgeries between ages 1-4 due to repeated failed attempts to fix it. my parents took me to a very young doctor who was still learning the procedures because it was cheaper. although my dick is 6.8" long (if i werent obese) and normal girth, the bottom of my cockhead is fucking mutilated to hell and my piss hole is slowly ripping downwards over time from the inside. it's awful and i cant even stand to look at the thing let alone show it to anybody. it hurts to pee and when i masturbate i never know if my piss hole will rip even more causing bad pain and worse pain during pissing.

Well fugg.......thats not much to work with. Protip, shave all the way to the base of the shaft. It will make it look bigger than it really is. Also, find an Asian gf.

I feel for you user.
Look it's easy to sit behind a screen and type go out gunz a blazin or suicide bomb jerusalem but the best way to go at this is publicise it. You might feel ashamed, but this isn't high school. Conquer your shame for the sake of little boys still to be born. Try to find a listening ear in the media somewhere. Tell them your troubles. Try to focus on women, they will be mobilized easier.

Well at least it looks like a dick and not some mutilated tranny water wigglie.


If you are "gifted" you can touch it, it hurt a woman when you go for her cervix.

Well, with short girls you touch it with less inches...

Are You Suicidal?

Become a cute girl with a feminine penis!

Sad, take comfort in the fact that you can still masturbate. Some people don't have dicks at all


There is only one solution
Some would say final solution

3.5 is not even super small, smaller than avg but not a micro dick. Just chill and don't worry about things beyond your control. Contrary to Jew propaganda not all women are size queens. And really your only 2 inches smaller than avg. Is a measely 2 inches really gonna be that big of a deal? Just learn to be good lover overall and your fine.

If it makes you feel better i have a 6" erect penis, have had sex with 25 women, 1000s of times, and i generally get the same response. Your life is no different than mins.

Some would say your offspring's offsprings are gonna be black, janne

Your only option is finding yourself a virgin who doesn't have a point of reference. Anything else and you are fucked.

So is anyone going to post the webm or not?

Look on the bright side, at least you don't need to dilate 6 hours a day for the rest of your life

>his dick has pierced inside a womb

Yours are gonna be gray, Morty


>I can never penetrate her cervix
That's not how it works, ever. You don't stuff something the width of a soup can into a tiny hole the size of a nostril.

OP, if you really have this problem and are in a serious relationship you should both speak with a psychologist who specializes in sex therapy.

If your not in a relation a therapist could help you with your other issues.

I'm sure millions of Sup Forumslocks will attack me for saying this, but consider my advice.

That was my first thought too, but then I reread op and he's obviously never fucked anyone before so prolly also thinks you go in via the bellybutton!

Lol, that's all you got jamal. Wet dreams about shit that virtually whole europe couldn't pull off.

I know exactly what it feels like to to jam my 7inch peepee in your wife's holes my man.


All these botched circmsison stories. I'm glad my mom refused to let them cut my penis tip off like my dad wanted (he's cut)

Why do I get the feeling OP is into SPH?

But he will never get anyone pregnant, his sauce will just drip out of her.only if the lady prefer her holes unsaturated with spilled seed.

>I can never penetrate her cervix and dump my seed directly into her uterus.
noone can because thats not how vaginas work

Be a man, find the hospital that did this to you and burn it the fuck down.

>americans still defend this from time to time

Get a white girlfriend and watch her fuck black men, like me

3.5 is a baby dick? this is very unsettling.

Hypospadias, awrite?


thank me later

those stretch marks and cottage cheese thighs are disgusting. Are people really attracted to this?

Not sure if memeing, but knowing that some of my best relationships ended because the sex was too painful for them, and after you see yourself living with that person it is probably as much of a heart wracking experience, you don't want to cause that much pain to your partner. That's why I recommend having sexual intercourse before you catch feelings.

Like the other anons say, just get upgraded to at least 5 inches, or find an asian. Dick size isn't even that important to women unless they are the kind of thots you'll want to avoid either way, and I'm saying as somebody who's 8 inches. Knowing I'll never be able to touch an asian without breaking them is just as sad.

Botched circumcisions are definitely an issue, but the 3 posters ITT (myself included) had circumcisions + botched hypospadias repair. Hypospadias is basically when your piss hole is in the wrong location and requires circumcision to fix properly. Something like 1 in 300 guys are born that way but usually it's fixed at birth with minimal problems, but cheapo paki doctors tend to fuck it up.

tl;dr it's not that there's no such thing as botched circumcisions, or that circumcisions are good, but the posters ITT have an entirely different problem

How old are you?
You might be able to have treatment for it, or a minor corrective minimal surgery.

Someone said on here a couple of years ago something on this subject, he was dead serious.
"Never think that your dick is what you makes you a man, never ever think like that."

You have to realise there are other things, and however stupid it sounds, you have to remember that as fact.
Focus on other areas of your life, exercise, lift, eat healthily, study hard, work hard, learn as much knowledge as you can, help people, become successful by your own terms of what successful is.
Find measures to improve your condition, by surgery, medication therapies, massage, supplements, electro-therapy - do that in the background but don't let it be your focus.
Then, by whatever means necessary, try your dick out with some females.
Charm the women, take them to bed, use your hands and mouth a lot, then let her play with your dick, fuck her with it, using your hand at the same time, talk dirty to her, or tell her you love her if you do.
A lot of what a woman feels is psychological, really.

But face your fears and deal with it, because a lot is in your mind too. You'll never be a donkey kong dick, but what the fuck, be something else.

>Are people really attracted to this?
soy boys aren't

Fucking hell I thought those sites were related to OP's pic.


In my experience soyboys are the only ones who like fat chicks. Chads like petite girls

What are they? I was afraid to look and be put on a list

Seconded, source on slampig please.

I am, I'd fuck the shit out of her.

ugly and unhealthy
kys op

hypo sucks...this shit fucked with my mind since an early age. I haven't had any bad sexual experiences and had one long relationship but it is always something im feeling shitty about with each new person.

the only time i felt cured of my low self esteem was when i tried testosterone. 750mg a week for 3 months and I felt like a normal guy for once. the permanent half chub helps. I'll definitely be on TRT when I'm older.

please for the love of god and your childs DO NOT circumcise your child unless absolutely necessary. if necessary, go to a specialist with EXPERIENCE.


Jesus - the sex pest

Jelqing stuff.

There isn't help for men with this issue. It's not talked about.

Same here leafbro, was talking about it on here yesterday. Mine isn't as small as yours erect but it's pretty similar. I don't know what to do...

>water wigglie

why did i laugh at this

Dick growing exercises

Yes they work

It takes a little time and effort which is why nobody does it

Git gud with your tongue.

penis enlargement community sites

You can touch the cervix of a girl the same height as you with your middle finger. Even dicklets have a longer dick than their middle finger. A vagina isn't some cavernous tunnel 8 inches long. It's like a 3 inch long deflated balloon that your dick stretches out. It takes the shape of any size. Those plastic surgery 15 inch floppy porn dicks have most of the dick still outside at full thrust.

It's not the size that counts, it's how you feel when you are done using it. Find an asian or something.

They do???
i got 17/18cm but would be nice to gain a little bit aswell.

>b b b but it's cleaner
kek at cutfags

Lmao!!! And I thought I had a micropenis

>I don't know what to do...
It's simple. We lay down and rot.

Damn man, I'm sorry they did that to you. I told my wife about it, and she said it happens a lot more than you would think. You ever try to reach out to a group or something?
