Its (not) okay to be white

What if we start putting up: "Its not okay to be white" signs to bait the mainstream media again.

Itd look like a blm movement and will get praised

Remember that whoever wants to change the message is a shill



Anti-white (((media))) would love it. Someone please make a PDF of this for irl shitposting

Original message is best message

>Itd look like a blm movement and will get praised
Thats just what we want, normies will realise that they are getting cucked by other races

The poster posting neckbeards here were exposed as neo nazis, as in they were literally holding nazi flags at another rally. These signs aren't fooling anyone.

I would have to be big if it had to be a succes. Otherwise, media will know that we play them. People will have to react and bring the attention of mainstream media.

It would have to be in churces, in the Disnayland, jeweler or something, in the places considered for rich people, so it would link those places by this flyer with a higher class status. That would give people a thought that niggers did this, so they treat white people as a higher class that opress the lower black class.

I think you may have little attention of kek itself

memes are moving into the real world.
donald trump is a meme.

phase 2


Sage all shill threads

If you come up with an idea like this to false flag, it is a good idea to not post about it here

just for future reference.

That sounds like a shitty idea.

well he is indeed.

I want to see this "It's NOT okay to be white" in the news, in the rich people guarded neighbourhoods.

This could work, getting people angry is the best way of getting them into action.

We should try and get the song ‘I’m dreaming of a white Christmas’ banned for racism

lets focus on getting them put in prison

Ill be posting em again

No, people deface it like that anyways




I like this idea. It won't be hard to find a hot take from Root or Thought Catalog, then it becomes a matter of creating a hashtag campaign that gets mainstream attention


Keep putting them up and ignore threads, just keep putting them up and never ever pay attention to threads for anything but news on liberal butthurt about it.
Do not change the message ever.

No false flag don't work with the lying press lurking every thread

I don't get why these posters got so much attention in US. Here the whole thing would seem childish

we plan on hanging a banner, and a ton of fliers. Original pic-related, no false flag. New chatroom set up.

I swear I see any other of these shill/newag threads and....

don't add an 'its okay to be black' poster next to it, to see if they take one down but not the other?