can your name a one positive way how brexit will effect your life? honestly.
A question to brits
None of Merkels recently acquired brown 'friends' will be able to come here.
politicians won't be able to make the excuse that we're in the EU when someone asks them why they haven't reduced immigration.
>Implying your own government doesn't do the same.
We will also be able to make out own laws and control our country without mummy Merkel having a fit and calling uncle Brussels.
It was a working class revolt. I don't know any proper working class Brits who didn't vote for Brexit. But UK have serious issues with looking any further North than Leeds. or helping proper people get ahead instead of cunts in London. They led animals into the country who weren't even EU citizens and the citizens blamed the EU because UK politicians are spineless cowards
UK had a great deal in the EU, which Thatcher fought for. They were a good ally and a power full country inside it.
I have no issue with Christians of any sort coming to the UK, radical Islamists who wish to destroy the West, I am less keen on.
"working class" you mean lazy whites that are looking for gibs
No real European wants Muslims in Europe.
Look, we have a very good opportunity here to work with Trump and the commonwealth. Expansionism in Australasia and Canada would allow more jobs for poos and paki.
Syrians in Europe will not come here and Europe will learn a valuable lesson.
Hence, Brexit.
Shut up mongol
They’re hoping their country doesn’t turn into this fucking monstrosity lmfao
No I mean decent normal Brits who couldn't get access to services. Their country is like Japan 80 million packed into a small island. There's a real disconnect with older generation as well. They seem to think they "fought for their country" depsite the fact all WWII vets are like 95 now. People born in the 60's had it sweet. Spoilt toddlers going on about "Spitfires" or wearing a fucking poppy for Armstice day.
Tony Blair did a lot of good like settling Ireland but fuck me he was a disaster in other ways. Britain was killing it
>London financial capital of world
>Manufacturing back
>Science innovation, London Olympics
>Big player in EU and world politics
>Brits have bad teeth maymay
I'm never defending you on here ever again Finland you fucking cuck
>There's a real disconnect with older generation as well
t. 18 year old university student
I’ve noticed leftists in the media are acting smug about Brexit but it hasn’t even been enacted yet has it? The UK is currently part of the EU so how can you judge whether or not seperation was a good thing?
>Manufacturing back
Heh. Where?
>Big player in EU
LOL. Nah, that's a large part of why we left. We should have been, given what we are, but as we do things differently than they do on the continenent, we rarely got our way. This is fine, but it does mean we can't continue together.
But Brexit won't stop immigration. If anything we're likely to see an increase in immigration from the middle east post-brexit
>In 12 year olds.
What a retarded way to measure that.
So, it looks like you guys thought you were voting about immigration?
You are asking me to predict the future. But the future is based on whether a deal is or isn't done.
However one thing is beyond doubt. The UK constitution is based on a dualist system. The EU is geared towards monist systems. From the EU perspective we were the nigger in the woodpile.
Nothing desu, really starting to think it's a massive fucking mistake.
>The UK constitution
I thought there were no constitution in the uk?
Your daughters will receive free pregnancy testing after being tri-raped by Pakis in one night.
And you can watch.
Join us Norn Iron.
The best thing we could do is kill the monarchy and become the 51St State of the Union.
It'll never happen though. Too many brainwashed
You thought wrong.
Leave was clearly the right decision, the EU is unsalvageable. It IS still possible for Britain to crash and burn of course, but at least they'll have a chance now.
A civil war will start and only the strong will survive making this country Great Again.
the moslem invasion is called HIJRAH
that is part of their jihad
it was a political decision to allow the invasion, and it will be a political decision to remove every last one of them from the continent
Oranje Boven
My wages went up twice.
>warehouse supervisor
>workplace flooded with poles willing to do anything and everything for minimum wage
>the board love europe as it allows them cheap labor
>referendum vote
>boss sends out an email telling everyone of the doom and gloom of leaving europe
>he actually sent this email from his villa in spain
>he refused to incrase waghes for years because of 'deh crash n shiet; despite the company's profits rising steadily year by year
>suddenly agencies are noticing a reduction in europeans coming to britain for work
>suddenly british born workers start leaving for better jobs with rival companies who are paying more
>suddenly emergency meeting where supervisors are grilled as to what is happening with staff quality and levels
>keep quiet as i am not fucking stupid and they would find a way to fire me
>wage increase above minimum wage for normal workers with likewise increase for supervisors
>still staff shortages as rivals still paying more
>wages went up again 2 weeks ago
I'm an oldfag who remembers how jobs ran int he 90's, suddenly companies cannot treat their staff like shit as there i no longer a queue of retards at the door willing to the work for minimum wage. And now the wages are going up again as per the budget, thus my wage will rise too. I should be on £14 an hour by april next year for doing the easiest job I have ever done.
It looks like we were both right:
Not being drafted into the German army?
Did I say German? I mean EU army
I voted Brexit purely out of spite desu. I don't give a fuck if it wrecks the economy. The remoaner tears are delicious.
I don't however think for one moment that Brexit will stop the mass-immigration of non-whites here.
Good shit brah, I've had a cracking year too
Have a taxi company, just secured £80,000 in school contracts today.
No I am right. There is a constitution. You are wrong because you thought there wasn't a constitution.
Like I said, nigger in the woodpile.
Nigel "cuck" Farrage literally campaigned against Polis himmigrants and more colonial immigrants thanks to BREXIT. Means: less "white" (well somehow, they're Polish after all) immigrants and more Pakis and Indians.
You have no idea what you were voting for.
Hey ahmed, hands off the girls.
Imagine eating a carrot with those teeth. blehbrbgghg
Unless they are led by dumbshits, they can pull through
>Amerijew shilling against a united Europe
Big surprise!
>UK government announces it will allow more migrants from underdevelopped commonwealth nations in, to replace the loss in Polish and other EU migrants
>uninformed britbong who doesn't follow what his government and parlement are actually doing thinks there will be less brown people
all the white migrants from eastern europe will basically be replaced with niggers and pakis mate
>Eastern Europe
I'd rather based panjeets than nigs via Germany and shitskin Romanians
whiter than all the Tyrones and Pajeets that will get free one-way tickets in 2018
John Lewis[Embed]
Marks and Spencers:[Embed]
Tesco's not only featured (((this))) but threw in some Muslims, gays and Sikhs for good measure so everyone can have a PC Christmas[Embed]
At least we won't have all the Abdul's and Tyrone's that are "German" citizens which are much more likely to be rapists and terrorists, unlike pajeet from India who just wants best for his family and eat curry.
>implying 12 yo's would go anywhere near a fucking Bong dentist to be counted in the first place
They are looking to generate a political atmosphere where they can sell a second referendum or just outright not leaving to the public.
KEK! Literally pic related.
Thread summary so far: Not a single good thing in everyday life, but lot of high level imaginary shit and muh immigration?
And I think driving scooters around grocery stores and shitting yourself is pretty retarded but you don't hear me complaining.
salt from my fellow brits.
I get satisfaction knowing europoors are mad about it.
>At least we won't have all the Abdul's and Tyrone's that are "German" citizens
true, but your demographic future predictions just got a shade or two darker
>not understanding how statistics are sampled
Britnigger or Paki? Hard to tell these days, you're as dumb as each other.
says the europoor
Ok so it's pretty damn depressing but a positive is the long awaited return of the commonwealth.
>high level imaginary shit
Like "The UK doesn't have a constitution" that kind of imaginary shit?
How the fuck do you actually let your teeth get that fucking decayed.
Must be an Ahmed.
My online business earns USD.
The falling value of the pound has increased my take home pay by 30% this year, whilst the price of domestic goods has barely moved.
I think a change in workplace supply and demand is a pretty fucking obvious positive for the majority of the british people.
Britain is the western world mate. You wish you was Britain.
Britan will be containment island
It will burn as the people will vote for muslims and they will enforce Sharia
Civil war will break as muslims demand sharia, and chirstians cucks can't do shit about it.
We will see their containment island burning and it will fuel a new holy war where christianity takes back constantinopol and the great Muslims exil out off european clay will happen.
Lets see then when Britan burns under religious civil war as we are reminded that Britan was once Christian, it's leaders, it's queen christians british, not arabic speaking muslims.
>Britain is the western world mate.
In the liberal democracy sense, yes.
>You wish you was Britain.
Don't insult based Mannerheim, please.
>a change in workplace supply and demand
how do you think it will effect your ability to compete?
>Christian cucks can't do anything about it
There are no Christians in this country my brown friend.
Makes people I don't like angry.
The glorius western civic nationalist paradise
Lol. This is the level of retardation I have to deal with in this country everyday. The majority of those German migrants were never going to come here. Brexit is only going to stop immigration from Europeans. Niggers, Indians, and an assortment of other shitskins from the colonies will get special treatment to come here. One of the biggest arguments Nigel Cuckrage made. Less Poles, more colonies. Apparently immigrants from our colonies were being discriminated against coming here because too many Europeans were coming.
We won't have this hag as our leader
Holy shit, what happened to those teeth?
The English mixed agrarianism and high technology.
The cities emptied out and become wastelands for foreigner and refugee occupation only.
As the plague spread throughout Europe, cutting ourselves off as they did, heightened their security Although it was viewed as an anachronism at first the British only just managed to save themselves,if they had left it ten years more they would have fallen like the other eu countries did.
Brexit is just another thing to complain about while having breakfast. Not a lot happens here so gotta have something to talk about.
Won’t be paying into a corrupt system completely destroying the wealth and traditions of Europe so they can House unskilled third world migrants who believe im a Medieval religion who’s profit is warlord who said to okay to marriage your cousin.
We’ll be able to control of boarders once again. Nationalism will only grow being independent.
pretty much this
We won't be leaving so redundant question.
As much as id like it to happen
Soros and co have bought off to many mp's etc to allow it
Man we don't want to pay for a bunch of poor countries that don't pull their weight and just ferry immigrants to us.
Then they complain their banks need bailing out or they have too many kikes. The shit is just going too far.
Germany can pay for a dozen poor countries and take the lions share of nothing in exchange but potential terrorists.
it's not Finland it's a proxy flag
Look at the colours again
Know any other flags with the same colours?
You're being trolled
You never had. And May is even worse than her.
>The majority of those German migrants were never going to come here
I don't want *any* of them here. None of us do, that's why we voted for Brexit you insufferable tit.
Brits know they fucked up big time but are too stubborn to admit it. You will only get meme answers like this idiot's
>Germany telling other countries they don't know whats good for themselves
merkel is that u
Bye Germany, happy to see you fail.
So you get Pakis and Poos and based black men instead of Poles.
I really can't wait until NATO is dissolved and you leave my country for good.
by judging by this this thread: it looks so.
Yeah, yeah. Nothing new on the Northern front.
It's not going to be great, but the purpose of that referendum was to twist our arms into signing off on a bullshit mandate for EU expansion for the next 50 years and to squash further opposition to it. And the only answer to that is no.
What are you on about?
You'd better keep France and it's nukes happy after NATO, or Russia's going to tear your pooper right open.
lol good. we're tired of picking up your defense tab so you can focus on fucking up your culture and society.
UK likes to do some isolationist things every now and then to please the working class. I did not quite follow the brexit campaign, but I imagine, people were promised less European (read, Polish) immigrants, more jobs, more gibs, etc. On the news you can still find stories how mischievous Poles are abusing the British welfare system. I guess, something along the lines of the UKIP programme during the elections (which they failed big time).
I guess, he is talking about the time when German refugees become citizens and decide to move to the UK. Then, UK being outside of EU prevents this imaginary nigger invasion.
Any other Brits here think we should just invade the cunts?
Love dem teef.