Shitposting stupidity aside.
How do you honestly feel about gender studies, post-modern feminism, "non-binary" pronouns and such?
Shitposting stupidity aside
Everyone involved should be executed. Now take off the meme flag; you're first in line.
It’s all just deflection from the truth of the matter lmao that Americans actually looknanf act like this lmao
But im greek
I'm not an advocator for any of those ideas, and to be honest I lean more towards Sup Forumsacks general posture on such topics.
I was more or less expecting anons to articulate their disagreement on such topics. Hoping such thing isn't too much to ask for this board.
Largely trifles that distract from the real issues (e.g. race relations, family stability, unemployment, public services, etc)
Valueless time-wasting schlock, poorly sourced, sloppily researched, heavily biased junk. Any intense scrutiny shows incredibly poor methodology in their studies, minute or unspecified sample group sizes, methodology which either allows for or specifically promotes the observer's biases, pre-supposition of conclusions which data is altered or re-contextualized to support, and on, and on, and on.
It's pseudoscience trash, I view Gender studies professors, post-modernists, and their works with no more respect that flat earthers. They are devoid of credibility and their entire field exists only to promote a political agenda.
lurk moar faggot
If a child is told that noise is distracting it, then it may focus on demanding others silence all micro aggression tones, until the sound of its own heart becomes an intolerable injustice.
>gender studies
necessary, studying what worked for their gains in terms of citizenship, might help in securing allies to and tactics to revitalize the modern american working class from the globalist menace
>post-modern feminism
post-modernism is just a maymay to justify elites in their money laundering (via art, literature, real estate, etc).
its essentially determines value only by how much rich people can store my money in it, as opposed to any intrinsic benefit/utility/beauty.
post-modernism is pure neoliberal cancer.
likewise propping up new female personalities to be the elite overlords that were males prior will make no difference.
>"non-binary" pronouns and such?
virtue signaling by those who propagate it. by now even normies understand how much of a mockery the idea is. if you want to keep it simple, there is already a time-tested non-gendering pronoun: "they"
May I lick you?
I suspect you may taste of fail...
Also, the example that springs to mind is that absolutely trash study where the "1 in 3 women are raped in college" bullshit comes from. A study in which (if memory serves) broadens the definition of rape to mean if a man does literally anything to a woman without her explicit consent. It could be anything from looking at her to brushing against her while walking somewhere, in this """study""" all of that counts as the same thing as throwing a woman down and forcing her to have sex.
Of course the study is often embraced and lauded by the predictable groups of people, not because it actually proves the hypothesis (as the data evidently does not substantiate the conclusion) but because it looks pretty as a bold+capslock header in the MSM when pushing a specific group's agenda forward.
Anyone stupid enough to get seriously involved with any of this trash is a genuine threat to civilization and must be purged
most responders to this are cis white males, so they have no experience in the matter and their point of view is irrelevant and antiquated
gender is a spectrum
In order:
Worthless degree to sew help sew division among the sexes and promote mental illness as a form of expression.
Active destruction of the nuclear fabric and an attempt to isolate people from familial support network.
An attempt to normalize mental illness. We should just say pronouns refer to sex and then acknowledge that you cannot change a person's sex, not even at our level of technology. You can create a bastardization, but their chromosomes wont change and nor will their true sex.
This is the one and only time I will indulge in an AnCom flag.
>Gender is a spectrum.
Gender Studies... what fuckwits study in order to avoid becoming wealthy via STEM subjects, so that they may be clearly identified for future involunary euthanasia by the normal humans.
Retarded and degenerate. As a society, we should keep it in the dark where it belongs.
Mental illness.
If everyone was healthy, it would not exist.
I honestly despise it
I don't hate blacks or Muslims, I just don't want to live with them. The kikes behind the rot of academia deserve no mercy. That's no meme
The science is settled because you said so! All that gay and trans pride is supported by the low suicide rate in those communities, too.
Some of the most brave and noble! Now lets give them other peoples kids!
You people belong in padded rooms or prison camps.
They are worthless because they dont controbute value to society.
"Muh feels" isn't value.
Sexis not a spectrum. Gender means what you want it to mean. Subversive fuck. Women always assume the sexual dynamics of men, by the way, even though they have no clue what it is like to be a male.
White men and "white society" is being deconstructed by elites in education, media, and politics. This agenda will fail.