I want to ask one question. Why would Yui stay in the club and try to be friends with 8man if he were to reject her...

I want to ask one question. Why would Yui stay in the club and try to be friends with 8man if he were to reject her? She never intended on being his friend. It would probably be better to ditch him.

Because she's a dumb teenager that's willing to burn her brigdes with yukino for the 8man dick

>Watching Gay-On!

I am not talking about her being friends with Yukino, it is a given she will. I am saying why would she stay friends with 8man.

Because like i said, she's a teenager acting on her impulses not on rational ideias.

I don't think she should if she has nothing to gain from it. Unlike her relationship with Yukino her relationship with Hachiman is based on becoming his girlfriend.

We shall see what will happens if watari gets off his lazy ass and releases vol 12

>burn her brigdes with yukino
Didn't she try to help Yukino on the double date?

She declares war at ep8 and almost goes nuclear in the sea park date, hadn't been for 8man quick wit, we would've white album 2 autism edition

>almost goes nuclear in the sea park date,
No, she was in control. She was trying to help Yukino to the end despite her giving up on 8man in the process.

I have a feeling many will be disappointed. Especially the deluded ones.

They got an entire novella for that

Irohafags didn't. I don't think some people who should like ANOTHER are completely satisfied by it.

Because she is best girl

>yukinofags shitposting about best girl
They are afraid. They know she will win the main series just like ANOTHER. I can't wait for the back tracking.

the fact that yui had to win in a AU setting was the final nail in the coffin
Don't delude yourself young man

ANOTHER stands as a precedent to her winning. It is possible and proven to be possible, unlike any other heroine.

Yui is still the only heroine who intends on being Hachiman's girlfriend.

Read the afterwords lad, you girl had to win in an AU not canon setting so japanese yuifags didn't burn watari down.

Best girl already won

Because Hachiman will cry like a bitch again and it will move her to try friendship.

Where is that stated?

At being cancer. Now fuck off. You faggots have had your fun shitting up the threads. Volume 12 isn't going to focus on this cunt at all. I at least hope you faggots will have the decency to keep your cancer away when volume 12 comes out. Who am I kidding, of course you won't.

