Installing Taylor Swift as the New Queen of Belgium

Now that the old families are toast we should think of ways to take full advantage of this opportunity.

I propose the installing Taylor Swift as the new Queen of Belgium because fuck it why not.

>shes rich
>shes popular
>shes perfect
>fuckin kek

>Can't think of any

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What is this thread and why isn't it on Sup Forums?

TayTay deserves to be a Queen

Admit it

Installing new royal bloodlines is political

I mean really, does belgium even have a government?

Not this is retarded; fuck off with this.
You're either a shill for T-Swift or so brainwashed by that you do it for free.

It wouldn't have to be taylor. It could be any hot chick. Taylor simply seems the most royal and take little effort on our part

another reason to invade belgium *.*

first I pick her up in belgium and then we have a romantic dinner in paris *.*



Queen of the global Fourth Reich

isnt belgium a immigrant shithole infested tho?

Someone have the 1488 version of this? I saw it once and forgot to save it.




>OP is a faggot
>in all fields

Work her into this meme I made if you like it

I would but I've faced enough rejection

this is all i got
>also thread theme

post higher quality pic please

Anonymous always delivers

what did she mean by this?
leopold did nothing wrong

I was half joking when I first thought of this but when the lid comes off the Qsaga Belgium people are not going to be content with bussiness as usual. Not to methion the two financial entities proping up whatever soverign government will be gone.

Whatever transitional government they have is going to have zero soul. Meanwhile thos CBTS folks are going to be wanting a new project. You dont go from electing Trump and help bringing down the NWO and stay content with watching normie fucks carve up the spoils of your work

Besides, what does it really take to crown someone Queen? Popular support, a power vacume, and a big jubulent ceremony.
Popular support - check, expecially in low moral post NWO fall fanned by CBTS types
Power vacume - check
Big ass jubilant ceremony
not only is that theoetically simple to pull off after she got crowned she could perform a concert

And Sup Forums would have established a royal bloodline
Talk about epic

isn't "is" a word? so that would be 6 words.

best i could find atm

She meant she wants to be our queen

what up with belgia's government
how easy would it be to cuck after the Trump is done with rothschild & co?

Thanks, you can have this until Youtube removes it:



how's that?

>pop stars start pandering to neo nazis

what an era

She'd probably bang him


Daily reminder she wouldn't be hot if it weren't for that 7% italian in her dna.

You faggots will change your view on sovthern evropeans depending on how much it helps your agenda.


she is a shit artist


I don't know. Tay is a known Sup Forumstard. Most of us are or at some point have been. Somehow I'd be exited to see a Royal Sup Forumstard but honestly I'm probably more scared to see one.

the girl in your pic? yeah, we know.

What's the plan?




Sup Forums fucking sucks now