Who was the coolest cat:

HITLER or MOSLEY? Or another fascist leader?

BASEST short Mosley video:
If blocked:

Equivalent for Hitler:
If blocked:

Other urls found in this thread:


Mosley was smarter imho.

Hitler was much cooler.

Are you sure?

That does seem to be the case, but it's hard to judge without knowing German. (Well we can't really tell without knowing them in person)

Don't forget Il Duce!


Learn to English, Norge.

Why are there barely any speeches of him on Youtube? Did they burn it all after the war?

Do you even meme brah?


Hitler was a manlet meth head that believed in fantasies and was mad.

Mosley was the smarter and better choice for Europe.

Based Metaxas.

Mosley was based and alpha as fuck but he ultimately failed to achieve his goals so....

And Sup Forums claims that real men don't wear shorts...

God we had so many great leaders in the past, Mosley, Rockwell, Hitler, Mussolini, all great men who you could get behind.

James Mason is a god send, with his book SIEGE, but i don't think street activism and leadership is his foray anymore, he's getting old. And people like Spencer are cucks, we need a real leader for this movement.


desu I think the most baste one was Goebbels. Reading some of his diary made him seem so relateable, and he was really good at his job. Plus pretty much all of his quotes are great.

>i don't think street activism and leadership is his foray anymore
For the time being, I agree. Have this super interesting pic about Pierce's recollection of his disagreements with Rockwell.

Btfo democraps, commies, shitalians.

Made massive reforms to Greece, made sure no jew could poison the mind of young Greeks by changing the literature to be used in the curriculum.

Truly the inspiring story from peasant to father or all greeks.

Goebbels was a based genius but I don't really think he was a nice person. He was an amazing orator though (and lots of great quotes like you said). Here's my favorite clip of his speeches (except total war ofc):

MOSLEY was our guy. Just look how well he is dressed.

Pierce was hardcore.
He saw it all so clearly.
I just listened to The Turner Diaries and it left me feeling like a fucking cuck. Pierce did not believe in half measures when it came to finally solving some of the questions we talk about.

That documentary is a must-watch. I love how Mosley has been gaining popularity the past year or so.


Yup, the guy was a true intellectual heavyweight. His broadcasts and the videos made from them are so good. I wish he was born 20 years later.

>Dr. William L. Pierce - The Lesson of Haiti
>Dr. William L. Pierce - The Jewish House of Cards
>Dr. William L. Pierce - The Suicide of the White Race
>Dr. William L. Pierce - The Jews are our Misfortune
>Dr. William L. Pierce - The Truth of Democracy

Fellow Anglo Mosley is my choice.




Is that meme text or an actual quote?



What the hell? Is something wrong with Sup Forums? All your pictures are coming out all pixelated and shit.


It's supposedly art. Basically, get an image, put a stupid distorting filter on it, and add some cringe text.

It's real of course, why do people keep asking me that? Even when I post my non-fashwave version () I get asked that.

>France is racially becoming more and more negroid, so much so that now one can actually speak of the creation of an African State on European soil. The contemporary colonial policy of France cannot be compared with that of Germany in the past. If France develops along the lines it has taken in our day, and should that development continue for the next three hundred years, all traces of French blood will finally be submerged in the formation of a Euro-African Mulatto State. This would represent a formidable and compact colonial territory stretching from the Rhine to the Congo, inhabited by an inferior race which had developed through a slow and steady process of bastardization.

It's called style mate.

I think Mosley was a better speaker, I like Rockwell but I think he misread his audience. Pierce was great too

I've seen you post this before, you should put them all together in one image. And the last one needs some finessing, but other than that, great job user.

it's actually a combination of filters (filter and distortion are different), distortion, manipulation and then text. A surprising amount of work goes into this stuff. About as artistic as digital art can be I guess.

rockwell had the best aesthetics


I dislike it, but whatever floats your boat. Don't let me discourage you.

Yea the last one needs work, people dont like it very much, I have a new one in the works.

>tfw he looks literally just like a hollywood moviestar


Hitler only got his speech style and cool poses from Musso. Not to mention Il Duce was first.

hes a big brain nibba

look at this cool calm stature


Neither, both were retards.

Fascism doesn't work.

Mosley was king of aesthetics but Rockwell was a cool guy, although naming your party "AMERICAN NAZI PARTY" is pretty retarded.

I've never heard that Hitler excerpt. There will never be another one, desu. The sheer determination and will won't be matched in my lifetime.

I love Hitler more, I want him as an uncle. Mosley was smarter and gave better speeches, but he seems like a mean uncle.

the weak should fear the strong

Stylized 80s is slowly coming back into fashion, soon this stuff (not as stylized perhaps and certainly not fascist) is going to pop up in advertising everywhere. I already have had to do some at my job. Soon you will see it everywhere.

he did it too seed out the cowards from real natsocs

he also had a succesfull career in marketing so he knew how to spread the word quickly and get attention
thats why his partymembers wore brownshirts, because it was recognizeable and rememberable

he mentions it all in his book, This time the world

Nah, Mosley would be the quirky uncle who shows you his collections of stamps, pocket watches and women's knickers.

Rockwell was the beginning of our modern era in terms of fashion and music etc, whereas Hitler, Mosley, Franco and all the older ones are the last of the old world. So Rockwell is closer to what we would traditionally call cool in our time.

It was a political party of Nazis who were Americans. What's so retarded about that?

Fascism is not a perfect political system, but when communists are trying to overthrow your government, or shitskin hordes are invading your country, any realistic solution would be pretty fascist in nature.

I just never saw it before, and its Nostradamus-level accuracy freaked me out. The more I see that Uncle Adolf was objectively correct in his diagnoses and predictions, the angrier I get.

>So Rockwell is closer to what we would traditionally call cool in our time.
what I dont understand is why people dont mold themselfes like him
why leaders dont act like him or follow in the footsteps of him

Because you had fought a war against "nazis" only 20 years earlier, sadly. Also "nazi" is a Jewish insult and "taking it back" doesn't work unless you have the media on your side.

Avraham Stern: The Ungassable Jew

>yfw (((they))) removed the tools of societies to create great men that would speak from the heart, to give speeches to inspire greatness
>yfw when great men throught history were able to have speaches to armies, and bring them to their knees with just a few words
>From Cesear to Hitler, the area of great men leading is dying, as (((they))) suppress the tools that make men, men and subvert our minds to pornography, denegeracy and lies about freedoms, as we shackle ours selfs to eating, smoking, drinking and meanlingless sex as we cry in our sleep at night trying to waiting for the pill we take to fall asleep to take affect.

really makes you think Sup Forums really makes ya think.

>George Lincoln Rockwell hot.jpg

Kill yourself faggot

>swastika pins on his collar
>eagle and swastika on his tie
>eagewings and swastika on his shirt
god bless his tacky taste

There's a reason the Jews banned the book where they could and demonized Hitler to ridiculous levels

are you saying he isnt good looking?

No, I’m saying you’re a faggot

He's just Swedish

im sorry im gonna have to deny

I know nazi was an insult to the NSDAP at the time, but now and in Rockwell's day it just means the 3rd Reich. I don't know why people get hungup on this "nazi" thing today.

>but now and in Rockwell's day it just means the 3rd Reich
Not really, the word scares the normans.

read this

i think he meant most based

>If Mosley had won we'd have never gone to war, our empires would have grown alongside one another as natural allies, destroyed communism as brothers in arms and we'd have explored the deepest depths of the oceans and colonised the moon and mars right now

Hitler, as he actually succeeded. Mosley was thrown in jail with all of his supporters.

Well I get that, but I agree with Pierce on this issue: It really hasn't been possible to spread the word to the masses for us since the war. Either

>scares the normans

Honestly though the media has been calling everything and everyone a nazi for so long it's starting to loose any meaning to normies. Still though the nazi stuff worked for Rockwell but when modern Americans do it it just turns out cringey like the NSM.

>77 votes
Do you know if he was redpilled on the Jews at the time?

People dont know this but 2 of them where shot and some of the BUF died in the second world war due to conscription, a war which they apposed.

The imprisonment without trial, the loss of key members and propaganda meant Mosley was never able to recover.

One of the most interesting political careers all down the drain because the higher ups didn't like the term fascist.

bottom step is a complete regression, stop aligning yourselves with failures responsible for killing millions of europeans.

The thing is Hitler got into power, made a change. That automatically makes him cooler.
SS soldiers are the coolest soldiers of all time. Hugo Boss man, need I say more?

>Honestly though the media has been calling everything and everyone a nazi for so long it's starting to loose any meaning to normies.
so much this

whenever im out with a couple of normie friends we make nazi jokes and look at fashwave videos. they comment things like: "Wow, it looks so organized" and "Imagine living during that time, that would be so fucking cool"

hell, im not even shitposting now, once me a few friends and a stranger ended up singing nazi march songs (erika, horst wessel, panzerlied) while being drunk


>Still though the nazi stuff worked for Rockwell but when modern Americans do it it just turns out cringey like the NSM.

Nazism is stupid.

Rockwell is apparently right about commies. The only way to get more support for anti-communism is to highlight the cultural marxism in popular culture, and it's sources.

How did Rockwell do in elections? It's really fascinating how well the students responded to him at that speech he did at a Brown University.

>responsible for killing millions of europeans.

Anyways that doesn't change the fact that Hitler's diagnosis of the worlds ills was spot on a whole century ago. See

Not very well, he barely got any votes at all in Virginia. But he died at the worst time. He was just starting to rapidly gain in popularity. If he had only lived a few more years I think he really could've changed things.



I'm afraid not until it was too late, I hate these interviews when he's old, you can tell he knew he was right and he can't say shit it's the same look the old men have now seeing immigrants scurrying around

Based af

I've seen both the interviews on Youtube. I agree he's hiding his powerlevel somewhat, but he's not really cucking desu. He decimated that kike rat in the audience in 1967

There's a reason I avoided inferring he cucked out, it's why he fights on every point about "muh anti-semitism" and "Muh hitler", but that's my point he can only defend himself because he knows if he goes on the attack he's fucked the audience and public have been primed to scream nazi if he steps out of line

>higher ups didn't like the term fascist
>imprisoned people without trial for their politics
The irony.

He does talk about how the Jews made England and France declare war though, how Jews were sent from eastern Europe to disrupt his meetings.. I think he handled those interviews in the best way he possibly could.

You dont know what fascism is, or more specifically Oswalds Fascism. Becoming fascist does not mean you no longer have a functioning Justice system, it's about actually enforcing justice which does not happen today. Hillary Clinton is an example of where justice is not enforced, just because people like Hillary would be in prison during a fascist regime does not mean it was without crime or trial.

Imagine how powerful Sup Forums would be if we had webms with sound.

I know what Fascism is. I'm talking about the "democratic" politicians like Churchill who cried wolf about fascism while throwing people in prison for wrong think.

Oh I understand now, yea sorry mate.