
You mean traits?
The race is human.
All supremacists of any kind are just retards trying to stagnate their own gene pool. Of all the ones who fit the environment the best will live on. The environment decides who's fittest not you.

Dont give in to lies based on divisions. The real reason behind the world's problems isn't physical traits or cultures for crying out loud. Maybe if you come out of the circle jerk you'll see what I mean.

Other urls found in this thread:


the only true race is THE BLACK RACE

wh*Te subhumans need not to apply

>The race is human.
Human is a species you uneducated fucking nigger.

>niggers literally cucked into slavery by superior white overlords
>every single winner of World Strongest Man for the last 40 years is white

To an extent I agree, yet diversity and culture is still important, it's part of what defines a person's traits. If I were forced to racemix it would be an asian 9 times out of 10

Says the cuban.

The real problem is a shortage of world resources. %1 of the humans on the planet, control %80 of the wealth. Who are this greedy group of theives ? Do they have any traits we can identify ?

You like the jew cock


BLACK MEN are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make wh*Te women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can claim even entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the BBC!

When wh*Te bois see a BLACK MAN coming, they naturaly lower their gaze to the ground in submission, knowing full-well how completely and utterly powerless, pathetic, meek, mentaly ill wrecks they are in comparison to a BLACK GOD.

No matter how much you autistic cuckolds here on Sup Forums bitch and moan, natural selection already dictates that wh*Tes get weeded out of existence by more evolutionary fit Africans!

Im guessing due to them smelling all that money they have, they might have large noses

Black kings sold their own people to the whites.

What do you say to African marathon runners who win a lot?

Only people who have the money to have the time to train for iron man do so

It's not about race

Yeah, their trait is lack of empathy.
Self interest at the cost of other humans.

>The environment decides who's fittest not you.
>please america give us help while we are busy making t shirts about how you’re not helping us
puerto rico needs to be sunk into the ocean

Mr.BULL can you explain why niggers in american never got ahead of the wh*tes?

Literally the lowest of homosapiens. Good for manual farm labor, not much else.

>Turkish incel living in Istanbul that loves cuck porn has entered the thread

Puerto Rico is an american colony
We fought in all the American wars since 1898. The reason we are still a colony is because the people who own your famous companies love to open stores over here for a little extra cash.

I don't think you want a race war
White hunter good for 100yd headshot. Black folks with GLOCK holding sideways can't hit a broad side of a barn

Death grips rule

Oh look. A subhuman doesn't know what a species is. Color me surprised.

This is the one
The most ignorant question of them all

Suppress a whole people based on their traits and then ask why they haven't developed

Ruin their self image and have them desperate and in need then watch them create an absurd culture and again claim its because of their traits

The irony is golden here

Actually, blacks are better sprinters and runners in general because of where they evolved.

t. mutt

But if that is true

Are supremacists actually claiming control over a place to evolve?

Cause live in the equator for enough generations and you Aryan fucks will change and have dark skin

Alright Puerto Rico let me try to keep this as succinct as I can: Everything is genetics and physical traits. These things you refer to, like empathy, they don't exist. They're not real. They're abstractions of an emotions or a course of action, a mental tool used by a physical organ in an entity that believes itself to be an individual while carrying out their existence as a conscious animal within a greater hierarchy not unlike an ant hill or a bee hive.

I want you to imagine a meme. Not a meme as in an image macro or some shitpost, I mean a meme as in the Richard Dawkins meme. A meme is a piece of information encoded for a specific purpose and then dispersed to carry out that purpose. A gene is the same thing, except encoded in a protein sequence, then used to build your meatbag puppet body one cell division at a time.

Contemplate the complexity of what makes an individual, then reduce it to its most basic element: DNA. Everything else is just an expression thereof.

Waiter, this pasta is stale

Emotions are useful in a society. They are what makes your mom not leave you in the dirt after she births you. Even before that they are what make you have sex to be able to have kids. Emotions are tools. Self interest is a survival tool that works only for one. Empathy on the other hand is a tool that works for many.

I would argue that physical evolution has more or less peaked.
The phases of evolution that we're now moving through are societal, intellectual, and technological.
It does not matter how big or strong the army of Zulu's were, only how quickly the riflemen could reload and repel the attacks.


Puerto Rico is literally a cucked U.S. state, but not even a state. What do you know about anything other than suntan lotion?


Humanity is a species, KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEk

>Race? You mean traits?
subspecies is the most accurate

>The race is human
I don't consider shitskins human

>Emotions are useful in a society. They are what makes your mom not leave you in the dirt after she births you.
What you are referring to is an instinctive reaction to child birth in most women, causing the release of chemicals in her brain to influence her mind into her role as a birthgiver. This is standard biology, and nowhere outside the realm of genetics.
>Self interest is a survival tool that works only for one. Empathy on the other hand is a tool that works for many.
Here's the primary issue with your outlook: "Self interest" and "Empathy" mean different things to different people. Soviets murdered millions of their own people for what they believed to be the greater good. What they were doing wasn't "self interest" in their eyes, it was what you refer to as "empathy." Never trust altruists. Admire them, but never trust them.

You’re right op, the Jews are the reason for our problems.

No. See, this is how I know you don't know what you're talking about. Supremasiscts see their race as the best race. They claim all lands because they see themselves as better.
As for the equator shit, you do realize white people already tan naturally, right?
You are also correct that it's not physical traits. It's mental traits that cause all the racial tension.

Why do whi*e men want to tear down black mens masculinity so much by demoralizing their thug culture.

Oh boy, the wonders of life dont stop here. This is just the tip of the ice berg, the future is our domain. Life will evolve in more and more complex ways. Far beyond what we can grasp today. We are at mercy of the universe and in the universe what is possible is borderline infinite.
This is no peak, this is but the beggining. Society in my opinion has only a few modes. Cooperation, non-cooperation and everything in between, one can lead to our death or an un-society and the other could lead to our flowering and connectedness. But as long as supremacists keep finding ways to divide us based on stupid un-facts we will not be evolving in society. On the other hand physical evolution will continue as long as generations keep coming or if that process changes, as long as we can keep evolving ourselves.

>1.5 standard deviations below white people in intelligence
>It's white people's fault they're violent savages that live in poverty


Seriously though go to Compton you spoiled little UofC cunt.

I don't deny our scientific origins, I know emotions are genetic, but they are genetic tools.

I think there is an objective way to view empathy and self interest. And it's pretty self explanatory.
The majority is the one who you should base your definition on. Or the whole picture.

I assume your source for the millions of deaths by the Soviets is from alexander solschenizyn the guy who wrote The Gulag Archipelago, the historic book without a single source. The book that his wife in a documented interview claimed was a non historical book he wrote while experimenting with writing techniques. The book written by the man who was exiled from Russia for being a fascist and also pro Franco in Spain and pro Pinochet in Chile.
I may not know the true story but i am not one to believe such sketchy stories from sketchy people.

The Soviets did fight wars tho and they did kill people, just as any other country

I mean live in the equator for a while, as in a few hundred years, and your complexion will change permanently.
Where is your race now?
Where is your superior genetics?
They fade

It's just me here, no one behind me either.

>hates white people
>hates Sup Forums

The description also fits well for the numale blackbeard

>I don't deny our scientific origins, I know emotions are genetic, but they are genetic tools.
So are selfishness, prejudice, and any other number of things humans are guilty of.
>The majority is the one who you should base your definition on.
So basically you're saying that whoever breeds the most should be the most important?
>I may not know the true story but i am not one to believe such sketchy stories from sketchy people.
Oh you mean like the Nuremburg trials? kek
The future is filled with all the amazing things you imagine. It is also filled with unknowable horror, especially for optimists and those who consider the majority their priority. You are not ready for an age of both blinding radiance and suffocating darkness.

If the environment decided who's fittest, niggers would all die off. But welfare.


I came here expecting legit arguments based on facts, now I see this is mostly an emotional thing. There isn't many facts here just misinformed people with feelings they can't comprehend well so they use a scapegoat to vent.

If you came here expecting less than 80% shitposting then you made a mistake.

Why do niggers commit so much violent crime op? Sociology-economic factors have been scientifically disproven. whats the deal?

Sorry by majority i don't mean those who breed more i meant all. As in if a group claims the other is acting in self interest, look at the whole picture and decide if their claim is legit. Same for empathy.

The risk of stagnation of gene pool is absurd especially when almost EVERY western country is so overpopulated.
>The real reason behind the world's problems isn't physical traits or cultures for crying out loud.
Then what is it? No, it's PRECISELY genes, which come from cultures which if mixed (especially between a high proficiency race such as whites and one that's low like blacks) result in mis adapted offsprings.
>The environment decides who's fittest not you.
Yeah and that comes from genes, end of the discussion.

different species

A country built on racism can't leave it's old ways. You segregate a race from proper education, social services, participating in the wiser culture and the work place. Then their culture degrades while your govt inserts drugs into their communities degrading it even more, they become more and more desperate, and since you can't commit genocide welfare is the next best thing to keep them in the filth you placed them in while everything goes according to plan.

Is sustainability a thing or just for white nations? I mean, telling people the world is over populated then asking productive nations to ship food to support population growth in unsustainable nations them importing the children of the unsustainable nations into the successful nations where they were told to reduce child bearing to save the world is contradictory and something only liberals can swallow but how does that fit with your theory?

Except nothing's that simple, and that process is easily contested as arbitrary or rigged. Who makes these decisions? Why do they get to make the decisions? What keeps them from being corrupted or biased? What classifications of groups are we using? Is acting in self interest inherently bad? Why?

You're not really selling me on the concept here.

The species is homo sapiens.
Races are subspecies.
The end.

So race is real meaning blacks and whites are different races. Different subspecies. If they are different then how do you expect them to behave the same?

Sauce on that.
Crime has a motive and a goal. People steal for things they can't afford. Selling drugs is a job, an illegal one, but a job nonetheless. Violence comes from a workplace in which everyone is struggling. Which is just what wars are but in a larger scale.

All crime is socio-economic. Except those commited by the mentally ill.

>Puerto Rico a un drapeau unique
>mais pas le Québec


Nous sommes une nation

Sauce is the FBI on racial divisions for crime. Obama prevented then from publishing for some years but they did publish in 2013. Blacks commit most violent crime and in particular most violence against blacks is from blacks. Start with aggravated assault then look at murder/

Continue and look at inter-racial crime. Black on white violent crime is an order of magnitude higher than white on black crime. After correcting for population its even worse.

If you don't like numbers go to a crime infested ghetto and count white vs 'other' faces.

The whole race mixing thing is very pseudo scientific, you probably have Neanderthal genes in you and you're all right I assume. The claim that race mixing is bad is unscientific if not down right irrational. Do you think humanity was always "pure". What you know as Aryan came from race mixing, it's all race mixing and it will always be, because it's about traits not some specific notion of race.
What if i bring to you a smart and beautiful blonde girl who's past is not Aryan but looks perfectly Aryan, then What?

And no, genes come from the environment.
The world didn't spring from you, you came from it. The environment, mutations and genetic variance will decide your future generations traits. You have no say today of the future.

Race mixing is only bad in that it perpetuates nigger genes and produces low functioning offspring. Why make low IQ babies who will burden society with crime?

>Crime has a motive and a goal. People steal for things they can't afford.
Corporate executives embezzle money all the time and I don't see them having a hard time affording anything short of the 2017 PussyMagnet Super-Yacht®. People steal things they can afford all the time, and people who run drug cartels live like kings.

Reason, my man. Reason goes beyond race, traits or any groups or divisions you can make up. You look at all sides and conclude a truth.

If I say you eating the last cake is selfish. Look at the most facts that you can and find the truth.

Everyone can and should be the ones who decide. It won't be biased if everyone makes up their true mind.

Acting in self interest is not bad, unless you act in an unfair way?

What is unfair? Look at all the facts and see what is unfair

Our genes aren't that different. It's like less than 0.01% difference. Everything else is cultural or learned

In the beginning it was illegal to own a PR flag, the US army would arrest you. But to pacify us they let us choose our puppet governor and let us have our flag.

I'm not saying this is not true. But the reasons behind this are far from trait specific. It is not because they are inferior. It is because of the culture they created from their segregation.

I'd like to see sources. I don't think the violence is race driven. And I think it is normal for any desperate group of people to commit crime. Not saying its right, but normal in their situation.


There is no valid argument here, just you trying to feel superior.

>The environment decides who's fittest not you
Yet there is affirmative action.

have a sad cum

>Reason, my man.
So an entirely arbitrary concept with no real definition determined on a case-by-case basis? Alright great, fantastic, I'm glad we cleared that up. By the way, "fairness" doesn't exist. It's imaginary. Just like equality.

Boricuas are literally the 56% meme. I know because I'm Puerto Rican myself

You're right. What I meant was people steal for things they think they need. But some people steal for things they actually need.

There is a reason scientists aren't racists. Even people who do eugenics look forwars rather than in the present. Not all Aryan are smart, not all Aryan are strong, not all Aryan are resilient, not all have high immunities.

You imply that black people are less advanced, but in reality they just have different traits based off their environment. Dogs have different traits because their environment is filled with humans. It's a sort of eugenics. Leave a capable dog in the wild for long enough, centuries, and hell probably become more apt, because there are less humans manipulating his lineage. Wolves stayed more or less the same because there were no humans trying to tame them.
Black people or Africans weren't manipulated, they adapted to their environment just like you. Your skin might not stand a chance in harsh sun but maybe they can't handle cold as well.

White supremacy is just Europe's colonial greed made cultural.

I don't deny that you can kill a shit ton of people, anyone can do that if they believe enough lies for doing it.

All cases happen in an environment, it's not like the laws of the universe change for every case. There is an objective point of view. Its not arbitrary the facts don't change for every case, if they did they woudlnt be facts. If I do X I would have done X whenever after I check, even if I believe otherwise.

Never heard of that meme. What is it?

>What I meant was people steal for things they think they need. But some people steal for things they actually need.
"Need" is an interesting word. What is a need? Do you need food and water every day? Do you need your legs? Do you need freedom, or equality, or the right to vote?

Fuck needs, if anyone cared about their needs they'd renounce all their material possessions and live the life of an impoverished hermit under a bridge. The only thing anyone cares about is their wants. That's the beauty of privilege: Having the time to bitch about things like racism without actually being persecuted by it.
>There is an objective point of view.
Nothing is objective if the verdict always falls on the majority. The idea is flawed on its most basic level because the larger the environment gets the less it works. Speaking in global socio-political terms, it'd be a disaster. Whatever group can claim the most members can override everyone else. This all falls under a lovely little thing called Tyranny of the Majority.

How's Africa lol

I'd like to say that I've never been more disappointed in a post and wanted to hang myself more than i did reading this.

>There is a reason scientists aren't racists.

You clearly don’t know any scientists.

Scientists are overwhelmingly ‘racist’ in that they recognize the obvious differences between races. Scientists don’t even argue about it because it’s such a clear fact backed my mountains of studies.

The only fuckwits who argue over this non-mystery are idiots.

I think we can all agree that humans seek happiness be it subjective it still is happiness.

To be happy you need to be alive to feel it, to be alive you need food, water, shelter and health
If you don't want to be alive you don't need any of those things but you won't get happiness either.

You saying people only go for their wants is not so true. I think that in their wants they believe they will find happiness.
Which usually isn't the case.

Unless they KNOW it won't make them happy in which case there is no reason to want it anymore cause it will only be another hassle.

On the objectivity issue.
I'm not talking about amount of people, I'm talking about amount of facts. In statistics the more data the better the conclusions. That is what I'm talking about. Fuck groups and hive minds this is about truth.

You will not be missed.

Great argument

Pursuit of happiness for its own sake is little better than hedonism. People are covetous, and there's no way around that.
>I'm not talking about amount of people, I'm talking about amount of facts. In statistics the more data the better the conclusions. That is what I'm talking about. Fuck groups and hive minds this is about truth.
Truth is the last thing people care about and you know that already. If people cared about truth they'd have already realized that equality doesn't exist, everyone is racist, and that there's absolutely nothing wrong with either of those things.

You should check out these channels
I used to believe most of the stuff you're spouting but after checking these two out recently I've been convinced race is real.

One specific thing I think I saw you say was along the lines of "scientists aren't racist so races aren't real" or something. The truth is that looking into racial issues and IQ/genetics is very taboo and those who say anything about it are ostracized from the scientific community. Not because they're wrong but because it's "racist" to look into it.

Seriously though, if you're looking to challenge your views you should watch their stuff and maybe even shoot them and email telling them why they're obviously wrong or some shit.

you are trying to redpill somebody who is in active denial about reality you could as well try to convince a river to flow uphill.

Race is a pseudoscience originally conceived of by Ibn Khaldun as part of legal argument for why the enslavement of Muslim africans was not a violation of Sharia.

except that the concept exists far longer and even the ancient egyptians described different races so did the ancient greeks , romans and pretty much anybody else long before islam ever existed.

Pursuit of happiness is hedonism?
Then go do heroin or meth, feels great like you solved all your problems and made it to the pearly gates
The ultimate hedonistic endeavor
Cause it's gone so we'll for everyone else
Happiness is not hedonism, it can't be because hedonism brings ills. And ills don't make you happy.

Everybody cares about truth except when they think it won't do them good.
But when is having truth bad?
When you are delusional and want to believe your own delusions.

If equality doesn't exist then you are implying that there will be divisions even amongst the "upcoming" Aryan nation
And when that splits happens there will be another one and another, so on. Because as you say no one will ever be equal.

You know where this line of thinking comes from, this hierarchical notion of existence?
Religion and or monarchies
I am the king chosen by God these holy men are my witness and you are all inferior by birth.

And I'm sure none of us are "high born"
So where does that leave us?

If you want to be in the dirt where someone is going to place you, then so be it. I don't. Equality is farines is justice.

This can even be described mathematically
3=3 Is fair, equal
4=3 is unfair, equal

You're a faggot retard.

What is ethnicity and why did you feel the need to simplify thousands of ethnic groups into a handful of races based on superficial characteristics? Your ancestors did not. They were comfortable living in a complex world simplified and unified only by the inescapable truth that foreign people suck, we rule.


Ill check these out.
But i bet that (I assume 100%) black professor with a phd in maths at my university is smarter than a lot of Aryans?
Is it then about capacity for knowledge?
You're saying you can learn more than them if you try?
Try then, I'm sure you can
But I'm sure black people can too

IQ is ok at best in my opinion, how is one test enough to gauge human intelligence or capacity?

niggernose, niggerskin, niggerteeth, niggereyes, niggerniggernigger. i'd wanna breed that shit out if i was born that fucked up 2 and i'm sure all that nigger would be too stupid to kys for humanity's sake. niggerniggernigger