Sup Forums likes to defend Christianity...

Sup Forums likes to defend Christianity, but none of you act like you read the Bible or follow His teachings of forgiveness and love.

I understand the Jewish narrative of the chosen people who rejected Jesus, but I also realize that we are all sinners in need of redemption. In the end, God calls all of us to repent, regardless of what our backgrounds are. He also calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves.

God wins.


Yes, I agree.

luke 22:36

Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

I'm not pro-gun control. Neither is the Bible.

Acts 17:26 KJV
>And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation

It's never been hard for me to understand that there's something in all humans that makes us human, and we can all get salvation, but that doesn't mean we can't have our own countries or become one giant mix of globalist shit soup.

God and Jesus are Loving and do forgive but by no means are they so in the Western/American feminized sense of the word.

Hopefully more of Sup Forums comes around to the realization that the Semitic Christian narrative is not properly fitting the white man and that we need our own spirituality which doesn't chain us via weak universalist moral teachings, pacifism, etc.
There's at least one man I can think of who noticed this very clearly and implemented his own vision for what things could and should be.

Neither does it forbid the owning of firearms.


In Sweden god must now be talked about in gender neutral terms and pronoun. Just wanted to let yall know. New level of cuck

Now check out what he had to say about Christianity in private, with people like Goebbels.



>Sup Forums likes to defend Christianity
What? No, a few newfag retards do. But they're fucking stupid.
>we are all sinners in need of redemption
This is one of the major problems with Christianity, this disgusting self-hating misanthropic view of humanity.
>Yeshua discouraged his followers defending him and themselves
>they followed his words and died just like him
But, surely you know better.


longer version

>globalist shit soup
I don't think the government should support any kind of refugee program, but I think people should help those in need on a personal basis, even the ones that don't look like us. If we encounter dirt-bags, that's on them. We can move on to other people, unlike the government.

>solution marx
>the only thing he did was to talk about an utopia on his mind that never worked in real life
>not God just state
yeah the same

> Table Talks
> Confirmed Fraud
Yeah no.
That guy just made a claim thinking that it would carry some authority without backing it up.
It's the most accurate account of Hitler's views that's actually known, with high-ranking fucking Nazis corroborating a lot of it.
If the Nazis liked Christianity so much, then why did they push forth the Positive Christianity narrative, which sought to make Christianity amenable with much of the NSDAP's vision and goals, since Christianity itself wasn't good enough for them?
Why would Hitler make somebody like Alfred Rosenberg, who was a known Anti-Christian, a prominent party member and ideologue?

>That guy just made a claim thinking that it would carry some authority without backing it up.

>proceeds to say his own bullshit without any links whatsoever
At least my pictures had something you could go check for yourself.

>god separated people based on language
>god forbids his people to marry into another tribe
>god told his people to completely destroy their enemies
>jesus said he isn't coming to bring peace
for 2000 years nobody interpreted the bible as allowing open borders and not defending themselves. imagine if europe had this attitude in the middle ages.

Jesus brought to God, as a man of the realm, the greatest of all offerings: the consecration and dedication of his own will to the majestic service of doing the divine will. Jesus always and consistently interpreted religion wholly in terms of the Father's will. When you study the career of the Master, as concerns prayer or any other feature of the religious life, look not so much for what he taught as for what he did. Jesus never prayed as a religious duty. To him prayer was a sincere expression of spiritual attitude, a declaration of soul loyalty, a recital of personal devotion, an expression of thanksgiving, an avoidance of emotional tension, a prevention of conflict, an exaltation of intellection, an ennoblement of desire, a vindication of moral decision, an enrichment of thought, an invigoration of higher inclinations, a consecration of impulse, a clarification of viewpoint, a declaration of faith, a transcendental surrender of will, a sublime assertion of confidence, a revelation of courage, the proclamation of discovery, a confession of supreme devotion, the validation of consecration, a technique for the adjustment of difficulties, and the mighty mobilization of the combined soul powers to withstand all human tendencies toward selfishness, evil, and sin. He lived just such a life of prayerful consecration to the doing of his Father's will and ended his life triumphantly with just such a prayer. The secret of his unparalleled religious life was this consciousness of the presence of God; and he attained it by intelligent prayer and sincere worship—unbroken communion with God—and not by leadings, voices, visions, or extraordinary religious practices.

Talking about taking words out of context. This world is nearing its end. His kingdom will supplant all of ours.

King of kings. Lord of lords.

I have a question.

Why did God choose 1 AD as the year Jesus would be born? What was significant about that point in time, when God felt he needed to embody his only son in order to teach people the way of God?

he as born 6bc

That is irrelevant to my question. What does the scripture say about the timing of Jesus's birth?

Yeah, I read it. I got as much wisdom as I could from the bible, but I find it's a living document
and presents certain settings that reveal certain truths.. In life settings change and so do possibilities. Important to remain awake and not immersed strategies and formulas for success. To remain as creative as possible and as free from all constraint as possible. The word of God and a book... ANY book, no matter how spiritual, are entirely different things.
Just some thoughts