

You go back to the shithole you came out of.


Asylums have bathrooms.

outside like an animal where you deserve to go.

in kevin spacey's mouth

In a diaper because ur a baby

At home

You don't. You hold it in until your bladder explodes, your kidneys fail and you die so you are removed from the gene pool

Out of your pergina.

piss your pants monsters

In the litter box.

>Deny biology
>Expect special treatment for it

Keep it up, liberals.


the fucking gas chamber

Your dick.

Becaus I can see that your Adam's apple is pretty big.

*from your dick


But you are wrong. You are a man that is just in denial. Man bathroom.

In a mass grave

When you die you piss and shit yourself, something to consider.

Back of the oven.

We'll get you a bucket.

In the shower of course.

I sexually identify as a transformer.

maximum security mental asylum

>Quadroon of Mossad
>not being executed

Probably in his boyfriend’s ass.

Look at my avatar, now look at me, now look at your country, now I'm on a horse, now the horse is dead, now I'm beating an almost-dead horse. You're an attack helicopter.

in my mouth

Clearly we should build bathrooms for all 68 different genders the retards on the left pretend exist.

In the bushes outside

In hell, you fucking degenerate.

Outside u worthless cunt

in my mouth.

I can name 50-100 issues more important, but people rather talk about where we pee. What a bunch of privileged sheltered children. They should be glad they have running water!


The question has a false premise, humans are a sexually dimorphic species, your sex is determined by your chromosomes. You go to the bathroom which corresponds to your biological sex.

Well it depends, do you have a vagina or a penis?

Serious question for the Juices in charge of the board.
How is this been allowed to go on for what 1-2 years straight?

>what are Waffen Grenadiers

Dead people don't care where they pee. Let's help it out with it's conundrum.

Useful pawns that wouldve been executed once the Reich conquered Europa and America

but you are a girl, look at your bone structure

Youre also implying Sargoy of Cuckdad isnt reddit tier

suck start a shot gun!

What fits your biology or the disableds.

Nobody with a daughter should want mentally deranged men legally allowed in the ladies room.

The disabled toilets. Government buildings and businesses are required to have them.

>where do i pee

Does your urine have to flow through a penis to leave your body?
>yes; mens room
>no; womans room

The end.

You pee in California.

>Useful pawns that wouldve been executed once the Reich conquered Europa and America

The Reich was never supposed to conquer Europe and America. The expansion of the Reich was supposed to go East. They only took the Low Countries and Norway/Denmark for strategic reasons once the war started. France was taken because they are at war and that is how it happened to play out. The National Socialists never planned to take over the world.

Wow that is degenerate!

IF you were to ask the person in OP what chromosomes they have what would they say?

Does it make sense that pic related go into the womens bathroom with little girls?

You're the toilet

Got mangled genitals, so probably down its leg.


I hear India has pretty good streets

Should have thought of that before deciding to call yourself neither. But, stupid is as stupid does.


She needs to check her birth certificate. She should carry it on her if she forgets, like women tend to do.

They would most likely call you a bigot/sexist/transphobe and avoid the question.

You don't exist, so go piss in a ghost urinal.

Piss in both of your parents mouths for raising a fucking nutcase.

Hopefully on an electric fence.

Problem solved
>you’re a girl btw always

peep behind a bush like the animal that you are


Yes. It's better than any MtF going into a men's restroom with little boys.

In your pants ofcourse

Obviously not otherwise being 'trans' wouldn't be a thing. You can't be a trans woman if you aren't also a biological man. If they were to actually deny biology they would deny that they are even trans they'd just say they're women.

Bosnians aren't welcome on Sup Forums

On exposed electrical wires.

The answer is no it doesn't make sense because you ask 1000 people if thats a man or a woman and I guarantee they all say its a man. A little girl sees come in the bathroom after her and she freaks the fuck out because shes not going to think its a trans person she just thinks shes alone in the bathroom with a grown man.

Trans persons are less likely than not to be recognised as trans. If someone simply identifies as being a woman but hasn't taken any serious steps to transition I can see your point but for the sake of consistency people who look like women use the women's bathroom and people who look like men the men's.