Gugure! Kokkuri-san

Well, looks like Gugure! Kokkuri-san finally ended. Honestly I'm kind of disappointed. I was hoping other characters like Tama, Jimeko and Yamada would show up in the last chapter, but nothing happened. Also, the whole thing with her being dead the whole time was kind of a cop out when you consider a lot of other aspects of the general storyline.

Still, it was a pretty fun series with an excellent anime adaptation. I will miss this one quite a bit.

Spoil the ending for us user.

He already did.

>her being dead the whole time

Meh, that's not even close to Kumeta level.

Wait, if she already dead than how everyone can see her?

Everyone could see spirits in this show.

Please leave us with a season 2 before you go

Fuck you. She is not dead you dipshit. She just being spirited away because Kokkuri-san afraid something bad happened to her.


How about Yamamoto-kun, is he an uchuujin?

Eh, it was an okay ending I guess.

Wow, rude. Just because Yamamoto-kun is a bit brighter doesn't mean you can call him Alien.

She's come so far.


The last third of the show sucked but the middle was pretty nice.

I liked it.

I'm sad it ended.
When does volume 12 release?
I'm also sad because I got spoilered by OP, but that's entirely on me and my bad habit of systematically hovering on spoiler tags because they're abused so damn often.

Good taste.


>her being dead the whole time
Fucking fuck

Wait, so does that mean that the girl we keep seeing in Kokkuri's flashbacks were also her?

Sup Forumsnon is full of shit.
She was not dead, she was protected by Kukkuri-san because she was going to have a short life thanks to a supernatural administrative error.
Kukkuri knew her from her past life, where she saved his life.
Ending was rushed, but I suppose story was not the focus of the manga.

It was her previous life.