ITT we trade ideas for thread filters, r8, shitpost, etc. pic related my current setup always looking for more

How do I filter threads

go to catalog mode and its on the right above the threads. you can see it in my pic.

Could add 56%

Can't see it; my dash looks like pic related

I have Sup Forums X installed tho, so that might have something to do with it?

>Not filtering CBTS


don't contribute filters unless you want the marketers/political operators to adapt.
top right wrench icon

>don't contribute filters unless you want the marketers/political operators to adapt
fair point, didnt think of that

nice list my man except for skyking

Why the fuck would anyone filter soyboy threads? Are you a butthurt soyboy?

I love my filtering system, fucking kike shills and nazi's can't get past my superior filtering system.

come on you you fucking sliders, go make threads, I won't see thme hahaha faggots hahaha.

>nice list my man except for skyking
it's fun to chat with the guys and learn about the radios and all that stuff

Never reveal filters, new friends. It just causes shariablue to switch tactics and make threads about the same tripe.
I currently have 63 threads filtered. Weekly updates are normal depending on what the trolls are repeat broadcasting. Oddly enough, if you browse other boards, you’ll find out sometimes the same garbage threads the mods won’t remove get posted on other boards.


>no kike shills
>no nazis

So your Sup Forums is basically empty?

This is a horrible fucking idea. DO NOT POST YOUR FILTERS.
Do you really want to do the shills homework for them? Are you fucking retarded. I have to update my filter list daily as it is.

Thanks user

>not having a filter bassed on regular expressions
Get on my level.

You should also install AdNauseam to hide all the ads.

>no one has "general" filtered


How to block flags? 95% of the time a Kekistani flag post is a troll thread.

can confirm
pic related