Why aren't you pursuing a glamorous and rewarding career as a light novel writer Sup Forums?

Why aren't you pursuing a glamorous and rewarding career as a light novel writer Sup Forums?

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Is this the new template thread format?

I like having enough money to enjoy my weeb shit

And I also don't like the idea of me accidentally selling adaptation rights to some people to fuck it up

I don't speak nip so good.

No illustrator.

Still waiting on that Keit-Ai LN, fucking gooks.


I'm busy pursuing a glamorous and rewarding career as an imageboard shitposter.

How much do you get paid?

I am, my pen name is Sakamoto 667 and I' writing a story where a boy is dragged from his bullied school life along with his bully and TWO female childhood friends by a mad and dark god.

When's the anime adaptation by A-1?

What's it called?

How old is the average LN writer?
It honestly sounds like a pretty easy market to get into, not too far from the standard teen novel.

I wanna avoid being outed for comitting massive tax fraud.

Like 30

Mamare please.

Do they make a living off it, or do they just do it on the side? Most feel like not much effort was put in in them.

I've sincerely thought about doing so. But I'm only learning basic Japanese right now, and I'm not confident enough in my writing abilities. Maybe someday I'll be able to team up with some Pixiv artist and publish plenty of stories.

I'm planning to become a world famous youtuber who talks about anime and makes millions.

You won't.


My life didn't work so I can try at this LN thing. But western fags don't read amateur crap so is pointless to do it.

You're several years late to that party.

>glamorous and rewarding


ダ○ジョン コンテンダ

deja vu

I've just been in this thread before.

I'm actually writing a fantasy book.
Bot not YA garbage.

Higher on the front page.


10 cent for every post making fun of socialists and liberals.
15 cents for every sadfrog meme.
20 cents for misogynist comments.
25 cents for making fun of tumblr.

Easy life.

Who payed you to shitpost on the 4chans?

>glamorous and rewarding

That's confidential information.

Why LN? There's no need to limit yourself like this, it's leaving money on the table.

If you can just write the same shit you would if it was an LN, don't bother adding anime pics and call it a novel, you'll get much more pretentious peoples' money.
Just avoid the most obvious LN tropes and you're good to go.

A lot of loyalty for a hired shitposter.

Sounds great! May we know the tentative name and any other possible tropes in it?

i respect myself

are you computer generated?

Because I am not Japanese.

You won't get an anime that way though. Just a shitty Live action shit that butchers your writing.

>If you can just write the same shit you would if it was an LN, don't bother adding anime pics and call it a novel, you'll get much more pretentious peoples' money.
Actually if you did that it would still be a LN. The "light" in light novel refers to the difficulty/complexity of the kanji. Pictures and/or contents have nothing more to do with it than appealing to the demographic.

And I know it's my time to sage.


So I just finished writing a novel, how do I make it light?

A novel writer indeed sounds easier to make - but not so many people read nowadays. The market is pretty damn crowded, too. It's hard to 'get out there' with just writing. The internet exists, and this helped the market a lot - but it's fatiguing. I don't mean that reading 200 pages is fatiguing, but that novels get old; you lose interest.

Print it in toilet paper. I hear it's lighter than the average paper.

My name is NanashixUzumaki444, I am making a novel that combines both the suspense of a generic shounen with the self-insert cash grab of isekai.

It will pander to all groups, have more girls you can count and of course I will never ever commit to any relationship pairings in order to increase discussion among my fandom.

How long? Let's assume ~450 pages.

Make that 8 books that are approximately 150 pages of average density. Extend every little thing, every little action. Make weird comparisons. Stretch it all out and release a book about once a season. People will be all over it.

How does this sound?
A thrilling adventure which speaks of the eternal conflict between good and evil inside us and how a person can always change in life when he has to defend the values in which he believes and fight for the loved ones.
This is a deep story, which takes place through a thousand years of history till our presents days. An incredible cast, more than 100 characters perfectly described one by one, a universe created entirely for this series, 2000 pages of script are waiting for bring you in this amazing world.
The chronology of the tale on which is based the whole project embraces almost a millennium, starting from 1123 A.D. till nowadays.

It develops in parallel in two different dimensions, Earth and Purgatory. As for the “butterfly effect”, what happens in one world can, in our case too, affect events in the other.And that is the theory and the philosophy underneath.

The tale is based on three main characters: Vincent McKane, Sir William McKane and Astaroth the demon.
Everything begins when, in 1123 A.D., Sir William McKane, a Scottish Templar knight, and his heroic crew fought against a bunch of witches trying to summon the most evil and powerful demon from the other side of the “mirror”: Astaroth.

The lord of evil forces is about to reach our world when William, showing great courage, sacrifices his mortal life in order to prevent this disaster. He jumps against Astaroth and they both fall into a dimensional hole. They end up in an other dimension, unknown to both of them; a world that is in between Earth, land of the livings, and Hell.

it's like Berserk will meet Ghost In The Shell under the direction of Go Nagai, with a dip in Death Note, a story worthy of the Dante's Divine Comedy, spectacular animations of Akira and the power of the super robot's coming from the 80', all mixed up and shaked with Devilman.

200 pages, it contains 3 different metaphysical stories about a teenage boy named kariya. It's about him growing up and rejecting the physical incarnations of both the past and the present while chasing after a girl that represents his future.

>under the direction of Go Nagai
Except you're not Nagai.

>spectacular animations of Akira
look at that text go!

>Yuzu grabbed the book and threw it across the room, and then threw it on me

>Yuzu, my beautiful, yet at the same time, ugly, friend, grabbed a hardcover copy of Machiavelli's "The Prince" with a swift motion - that of an experienced hunter. Her eyes didn't even twitch, she didn't even take a breath. It all happened in a microsecond - she launched the book I've loved to read time and time again, like a catapult. The next moment, it was up, in the air, pages violently turning, and the book itself, was spinning beautifully, just like that sweet Russian ballerina with the exquisite golden braids from yesterday's news.
Ah... it's violent, yet at the same time, beautiful.
Just like Yuzu-cchi.
Like a skillful muay-thai master that has been practicing for years, and that hits people without a second thought; like a bathing tsundere whose bathroom door was opened by the boy she hates, the book hit me coldly in the face.
I could smell the smell of old books, even though that book hadn't been in my library for that long. Maybe the other books imbibed it.
At this moment, I saw the truth. It hit me! I had no right to be selfish - I had to conform to society. Why had Yuzu-chan picked such a roundabout way to tell me I'm wrong, I haven't got the slightest idea. But I'm thankful for it.

it fell on me*

>It hit me!
Fuck, this is cheesy.

10/10 for accuracy.

>You're several years late to that party.
Yeah, I know. Seriously though, I just recently started making some anime videos analysis and whatnot for fun. Most of the ones on youtube are shit or boring and for all the times Sup Forums correctly bitches that anime youtubers are shit, I thought I might as well try using Sup Forums's standard. Whatever passes as insightful concerning anime on youtube is insanely shit.

>I thought I might as well try using Sup Forums's standard
Not exactly a recipe for success there bud. You have to make the choice between being accessible and potentially successful or catering to a niche within a niche within a niche and be a literal who as a result. You can't have your cake and eat it too, especially when you're already rollerblading uphill by thinking any kind of youtube anything will ever be accepted by Sup Forums at large.

>Whatever passes as insightful concerning anime on youtube is insanely shit.
The reason for this is because the audience is insanely shit. You're barking up the wrong tree.

>Not exactly a recipe for success there bud.
You're probably. I was recently reading a book by Scott Adams and he explained that when he started making his Dilbert comic, he wasn't being successful. The creator of Family circus apparently came to him and said that he liked his work but that he was simply ''trying to impress fellow newspaper comic authors, and not the mainstream audience''. And apparently, after hearing that, he tweaked his product a bit and it became successful.
I get the feeling that my videos would only be something Sup Forums would enjoy as it would meet the standards that Sup Forums would like. Informative, insightful, not wasting time, etc. And because of this, I'll probably remain forever a literally who.

>especially when you're already rollerblading uphill by thinking any kind of youtube anything will ever be accepted by Sup Forums at large.
Depends. From what I've noticed, a decent amount of people have good knowledge of the who's on youtube to a degree, but most have the general opinion that most are shit because they have nothing to offer. If you have something insightful to say, it will be liked. Though, Sup Forums hating youtubers because they're connected to the mainstream is another thing. Or, who knows, maybe Sup Forums, or a few people since this is a niche as fuck medium, would like me until I get popular and then hate me like the plague like all things that get popular.
Not that I'll ever get popular.

>You're barking up the wrong tree.
Which is why I'm barking on Sup Forums.

>You're probably.
You're probably right*

But i am.

Because I can only write horror.
I've already deleted two of my own novels and countless stories, after feeling genuine rage and anxiety from reading them.
And writing isn't a real job, unless you do something with mass market appeal like a video game script or generic urban/medieval fantasy.

I like writing and making up stories but my problem is I often miss words out and spell poorly when I write be cause my brain is stupid and prefers maths.

>Which is why I'm barking on Sup Forums
Sup Forums is no better.

That's why nobody ever releases the first draft of things. It's also why editors exist in the first place.

Even an illiterate person can write a readable novel.


Better than anywhere else.

Yeah drives me round the bend though. My brain just goes faster than my hands and skips ahead.

But if shit like 50 shades of grey can get published its a sign anyone can do it.

theres no shit in these posts

>But if shit like 50 shades of grey can get published its a sign anyone can do it.
Why do people keep acting like this completely unremarking piece of erotic literature is the worst thing ever? It's just a regular book that doesn't appeal to you. It's not written well, it's not exactly atrocious either. Is it just the only "bad" book you can name or something, along with Twilight?

If Overlord could succeed as a Web Story, anyone can make it.

But for it to be an anime, you still have to be Japanese

I am though.

It's a yuri about two girls who begin to suspect the other girl is a trap. They soon realize they're both actually dragons, and hilarity ensues.

I tried and am still trying to write erotic stories.

So far I've yet to finish two of them, one is about a shrine maiden who needs to satisfy the gods by having horses baptize her womb with hots semen.

Another is about a woman living lavishly on a lie as a renowned Lycan tamer, but has difficulty in barely holding her facade together. Reluctantly having him mount her in order to keep him well behaved.

It takes a lot of willpower to finish them.

The more popular and shit a product, the more people have to be reminded that it is REALLY shit.

For it to be anime it needs to be ADAPTED by Japan. Source material doesn't matter.

As if this is an acceptable excuse to not write a light novel.

Any examples in mind that supports that? I doubt it

Passages like that make your mc sound insufferable. Please avoid usisng this style for first-person narration.

That's the joke

The joke
You're head

>If Overlord could succeed as a Web Story, anyone can make it.
Anyone who wites isekai, yes. I ctrl+f'ed through narou's top 300 yesterday and feund less than twenty non-isekais, the most popular of them holding 26th place.
>But for it to be an anime, you still have to be Japanese
As in, "the adaptation will be Sup Forums, not Sup Forums" or 'Japasese are never adapting it"? The latter is false. Stan Lee and Marvel got several adaptations, tho drunk Russians memed The First Squad into existance, Moomins anime is a thing.




I'm somewhat tempted to share a link to a video I've made to know if it's something Sup Forums would like on my opinions but I'm too cowardly to have Sup Forums shit on it.

How does one make themselves not flop? What did SAO, Shinmai and Mahouka have in them that Hundred, World Break and Bahamut didn't?

I think you're really on to something here, please take this stack of money.

It's low-effort content, but if what I hear is true, you are expected to keep a frankly insane publishing schedule.

There's also a load of money to be made writing porn if you look in the right places.

I'm thinking up a story about a normal highschool boy getting a cursed hand, possessed by a vengeful spirit and in need of his help. Hijinks ensues, though I just keep writing different scenes of how he accidentally grabs and fondles schoolgirl breasts and even his mother's.

Devil's Legacy, right?
I am still not sure how much of the whole affair was serious.

That's why light novels are so popular in Japan. You take an interesting idea for a narrative and release it in brief chapters that are just enough to get the plot and characters across.

Sure you don't get as much room for eloquence, but if the idea is good then it doesn't matter. Readers don't have to spend as much time to decide if they like something or not, and if they do then it can be expanded upon.

My pen name is Wakamoto999 and I'm writing a story where a boy is dragged from his bullied school life along with the girls who bullied him by a mad and dark god.

I'm planning to break the paradigm by having the MC gain powerups by eating monster drops but I'm afraid this might be too original a concept.

I have written some erotic stories. One was like school days, but done right (by focusing on the character development and psychology).
Another story i wrote was about a trap being sent to juvie and having to share a room with five older boys. hilarity ensues.

How about a trap sent into girls juvie?

>thinking about reader
To me it sound like betrayal of art.

Spoken like a true autist.

If you don't think about what other people will feel you end up making things like this.

>It honestly sounds like a pretty easy market to get into, not too far from the standard teen novel.
Because it's pretty much the standard teen novel market of Japan you twit.

>How does one make themselves not flop? What did SAO, Shinmai and Mahouka have in them that Hundred, World Break and Bahamut didn't?
Better waifus.