Wtf I love planned parenthood now

Wtf I love planned parenthood now

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Now post how many of them were white.

We can do better, we're aiming at 90%. The founders of PP were very clear in their mission to sterilize and wipe out ethnic minorities.

Come on guys... you can go higher than that!

Conservicucks want to double the broth rates of jigs

Were that number 100%, I would be all for abortion.

Does that matter? As long as it's still up and running it's actually doing some shrinkage to the black population

>only 35%
you need to pump up these numbers, these are rookie numbers

I'd also like to know how many of the aborted babies are half blacks from Tyrone hitting it and quitting it... Probably jumps it at least another 10%. At least.

>Center of Disease Control
At least the right department is taking care of this, I hope they get those numbers up in the future.

What about that one in the pic. Will they get around to it.
Is it hiding, does it know?

They are born with impressive survival instincts that evolved in the jungle. This one has made a bivvy and will survive like Bear Grylls until 18

It's okay, the cameraman bashed its brains in immediately after the picture was taken.

I think you need to worry more about the latinamerican ones

Personally, they don't bother me as much as the niggers

So that means 65% of babies aborted are white?
We need to stop this.

is that a fucking ear piercing?

>what are Hispanics and Asians?

Blacks aren't the only non whites

>Those fetal loss numbers
What the hell is happening with the blacks and hispanics? Malnutrition?

37% since there's more than black and white


Not enough.

Homemade abortions. Also Tyrone kicking the shit out his pregnant bitches.

0 Argentinians

but they are the ones who will replace the white population if things keep going like they do now

It's just too late now. DACA recipients are going to be granted amnesty through permanent residency or citizenship if they're lucky. The rest of illegals are going to stay one way or another, and the wall is currently being delayed from getting built and will be crushed by the establishment in the actual process

ay dios mio


Is this why the Democrats want more immigrants? To abort their babies out of existence? Very diabolical!

>13% of the population
>35% of abortions

Do you feel more pro choice Sup Forums?

You do know non-clinical abortions exist, that niggers would still abort, and increase the risk of death for even the mother, right?
That's why legalizing abortion is stupid. The niggress still lives.

fuck off cunt

Domestic abuse, drugs, botched abortions etc.

>earring on a baby
Am I the only one who thinks that's absolute degeneracy and child abuse?

PP started out as a eugenics organization. I have no idea why Sup Forums gets butthurt at it when they're literally keeping the black population in check.

I've always known this and found it a good reason to keep supporting abortion.
Without it the USA would be double fucked. Basically a giant Nigger Terrarium.

Have to save some room for hispanics too m8

You’re thinking of establishment republicans that are pro life. Pol and the alt right are more libertarian with their baby killing or simply openly support killing black fetuses.

Nope, but it is a nigglet so what do you expect of the mother?

numbers are too low it needs to be 100%
make abortion fully government funded now!
femnazi's will cheer like they won something while in reality more niggers will abort..there population will drop and we will pay less in welfare & incarceration

does it fuckin matter...? whatever it is it's working

I wonder how many liberals are aware of the role eugenics played in the formation of Planned Parenthood.

Those are rookie numbers. We need to get those numbers up.

wtf im pro-choice now

rookie numbers.



39% were way bite and of life the 750,000 abortion’s that’s another ~275,000 whites added to the birth stats had those women not had abortions. Here are some pretty cool stats.

Auto correct is so fucking retarded. 39% of the ~750,000 aborted were white

What a long game! Going all the way back to when the "parties flipped"

pro life is code for anti white

Don't tell them. A lot of leftists used to be for gun control. Now a good portion of them have changed their minds and are aware that these laws would actually be racyss since it would disproportionately target minorities. Let's keep this to ourselves before they change their minds.