G-guys.... What have you done to me?

Adolf Hitler, Last Appeal to Reason Speech, July 19, 1940
>"It never has been my intention to wage wars, but rather to build up a State with a new social order and the finest possible standard of culture. Every year that this war drags on is keeping me away from this work. Only a few days ago Mr. Churchill reiterated his declaration that he wants war...."
>"In this hour I feel it to be my duty before my own conscience to appeal once more to reason and common sense in Great Britain as much as elsewhere. I consider myself in a position to make this appeal, since I am not the vanquished, begging favors, but the victor speaking in the name of reason. I can see no reason why this war must go on. I am grieved to think of the sacrifices it will claim...."
>"Possibly Mr. Churchill again will brush aside this statement of mine by saying that it is merely born of fear and of doubt in our final victory. In that case I shall have relieved my conscience in regard to the things to come."
~ Adolf Hitler 1940
Ummm guys.... What is going on here? I thought Hitler was a war monger?

I cant hold all these feels. My mind is spinning and I keep researching more and more. Wtfh have you done to me Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/AdolfHitlerCollectionOfSpeeches19221945/Adolf Hitler - Collection of Speeches 1922-1945_djvu.txt

Fuck Churchill and fuck the jews.

Hail victory and rise up brothers embrace your strength and fight to the death!

Yeah, you have been lied to on a global scale for your entire life, and now you begin your journey of removing the distortion and untruths.

Nothing is at it seems, user. The truth is far scarier than fiction.

But why do they lie? Whats in it for them?

>"It never has been my intention to wage wars, but rather to build up a State with a new social order and the finest possible standard of culture. Every year that this war drags on is keeping me away from this work. Only a few days ago Mr. Churchill reiterated his declaration that he wants war...."

>Engage in expansionary destabilization of Europe
>Still paying off debts for the last war you thought you were going to win
>Refuse to learn your lesson and violate the balance of powers knowing full well the British have massacred people for less
>Be shocked when you lose
>Your descendants immigrate to the United States where they fetishize the war you started that brought about an end to European hegemony even though they are only permitted to do so because they don't live in the authoritarian hellscape that is modern Germany

Teutons ruin everything.

Welcome to the dark side, OP.
>would you like to know more?
Go to infinitychan, it's quieter.

That was the problem with Hitler though, he said one thing and did another. There comes a point where you judge people for what they do and not what they say, Hitler attacked everyone and broke every treaty he signed.

It's basically religious indoctrination.

Yeah, he probably lied about that.
Remember when he lied about Poland attacking Germany, so he conquered Poland?

Why wouldn't they? If you were the instigator of (any particular) massive coverup that ultimately benefited you or your kind at the world's expense, wouldn't you?

>a leaf
Every single time.

it ruined the entire image...

He was probably lying, just like the time he broke the promise about rearmament and non-aggression, and the reason for attacking Poland, and the slave labor camps, and not attacking the USSR, etc.

youre fucking retarded. if we are going to talk about lying people, lets start with the kikes and then churchill the jew cocksucker

Look I'm not a fan of them either, but you're just deflecting at this point and you can't deny that Hitler and the NSDAP engaged in lying on a massive scale too.

If Hitler ever lied, he did it for a good purpose.
And saying this is non-objective would be kinda stupid


Yeah, this leaf belongs to a race of people who are tired of apologizing for centuries of continental stupidity. Anyone who doesn't acknowledge Anglophones as the pinnacle of eugenic development should not be taken seriously. It's well established in the literature. We could have united the world under European rule. We could have been 150 years into eugenics programs that would have pacified Africa and the Middle East. Instead, we are beholden to a Jewish America because Germany decided that despite not having laid any of the ground work, it deserved the largest portion of reward. The difference between being ambitious and being uppity is getting away with it, and you didn't. Stand aside and show proper deference to your betters and we might survive the tidal wave of 3rd worlders actively working to destroy us.

Do you have proof?

Do you?

Hitler did not hide the existence of concentration camps. They were common among all countries in this era of war.
(at 3:09)

Also he was forced to attack USSR because Stalin planned to betray him.

Why are you defensive? Im learning... If you cant even answer a two word question, why would you expect me to side with you?

Hitler did very little wrong.


What did he lie about? He invaded Poland to secure Danzig. Concentration camps were not a secret; you're equivocating "concentration" with "death," or something sinister (the United States had concentration camps as well). Attacking the USSR was not a surprise to either side, just as the emergence of a Cold War between the two prevailing powers later was not. On top of that, Hitler had nothing to do with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. He would have been 30 years old.

Hitler was a huge proponent of eugenics and very obviously against Jewish control, you fucking moron. If you want a personal account of the pre- and post-WWI period, read Mein Kampf. You clearly need some perspective.


> Operation Barbarossa
> Versailles Treaty
How fucking historically ignorant are you?

Leaders lie all the time for good optics. It's fairly apparent the Nazis were pursuing expansionist policies - suing for peace after you've already seized the land you want is hardly "desiring peace."

While World War 2 is leveraged by the tribe to get away with murder as well as to slander the German people, the narrative of events fairly clearly identified who was at fault in both cases.

Treaty of versailles were post-war terms that blamed germany for starting the war, though everyone admittedly knows is a lie, serbia started the war by assassinating an austrian official and the resulting tensions created ww1.
The treaty of versailles basically made the Germans slaves in their own country, and sent them into a deep depression, whilst being physically abused and economically striped by the French for 20 years.

How did Hitler lie about anything regarding the treaty of versailles? He was in his late 20s at the time and in hospital....
>operation barbarossa
What? How is this a lie or proof of anything?
You are not making your point

"Germany’s most unforgivable crime before the Second World War was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit."
-Winston Churchill

But he sued pfor peace before, during, and after both the beginning of the war with poland and englans and france. Churchill declined his multiple peace proposals, the french PM spent in Hitlers face at the peace talks in Versailles later (they met in the same location to sign the treaty of versailles, and 35+ years after, to dismantle it.).

I saw this quote also. Do you have the one where churchill is advocating for bombing civilian population behind the enemy lines?

Hitler broke the Versailles Treaty and knew everything about what it entailed regarding banning Germany from remilitarizing.
Operation Barbarossa was an explicit violation of a non-aggression pact Germany made with Russia.
Are you autistic?
How do these need to be explained as instances of Hitler lying?

>Hitler was a huge proponent of eugenics and very obviously against Jewish control

Anglophones were already enacting programs of eugenics prior to World War 2. It only fell out of vogue when Teutons began using it as a justification for ovening the tribe. We are all part of a European tribe, and until the betrayal of the Teutons during the First World War things were going rather well for all involved. When they were disciplined (perhaps harshly), they refused to fall in line. This gradually undermined British hegemony and now we are ruled by the Israeli Colony of America.

I am familiar with Hitler's ideas and reject them out of turn because they were hardly distinct from the those of the British. The primary distinction was that the Nazis endorsed a Faustian ambition which said to be fruitful and multiply (right into the Russian motherland). This resulted in their clashing with the British even though we are close to being ethnically identical.

The Teutons sought primacy. They lost it. Now we are ruled by Americans.

They were detention camps for enemies of the state
Just like the USA had for Japanese

I can't watch a single one of those videos. Fuck EU and fuck cucked 21st century Germany.

That quote was a hoax put online by Teutonic revisionists. You will not find it in any historical document.

>But he sued pfor peace before, during, and after both the beginning of the war with poland and englans and france

You'll have to provide me with some specific dates. As far as I remember Poland was never negotiated with, but even if they had been the Nazis engaged in a false flag attack as a pretense for war against them.

Again, suing for peace after you've broken the treaty of Westphalia is not suing for peace. It's a thief complaining about law enforcement because he's vowed he will no longer steal anything more.

Throwing off the shackles of an abusive occupation is morally wrong? I bet you wouldnt apply the same logic to the nazis occupying france? France was morally right to overthrow their occupiers right?
Hitler invaded the soviet union because of Russian amassing of troops along the rhine, its aggression against Finland, Ukraine etc...
Hitler was never Stalins buddy, and realized that war was inevitablw sooner or later because ironically, the soviet union was expansionist and huge.


> Throwing off the shackles of an abusive occupation is morally wrong?
I never said anything about the morality of it and you're shifting the argument to avoid admitting that you're wrong and that violating its terms is a clear instance of Hitler and Germany breaking a promise/lying.

>implying attacking commies is wrong
>implying Hitler signed the Versailles treaty
kys nigger

>hitler said a thing
>therefore the opposite
Curb your autism.

I would love to see any shred of evidence supporting the theory that Germany was pursuing "expansionist policies." And no, occupying a foreign soil during wartime does not constitute expansionism.

Also, "hardly distinct" ideas are the same ideas. You're just attributing them to the British. Ultimately, you still subscribe to Hitler's worldview. Not that it matters.

I've noticed there is one type of shill, and two types of people who are not immediately hostile to Hitler. One: Neo-Nazi retards who hop on the bandwagon because muh supremacy, and Two: Normies who are too curious for their own good, dig deeper, and end up taking the red pill. The one type of shill? Newfags like who haven't done their homework.

> Implying this has anything to do with my original point
> Implying this absolves the Nazis of lying or somehow means that they didn't
Seriously you people are so fucking autistic
> Oh England, believe us, we want peace and sheeeit
> Yeah, we can totally believe you won't break this promise after you've broken the 10 or so other ones.

>You will not find it in any historical document.
Its in his autobiography
The rest of your statement consists of a rhetorical tactic known as moving the goalposts.
>as far as I remember
you remember?

>breaking a promise
hahaha fuck off

Maybe if your a faggot, don’t get me wrong by the look of the guy I wouldn’t trust him at all but you have to hand it to a guy who in a world of lap dogs made a stand

Then it was that Adolf Hitler for the first time made his appeal to the common sense of the other powers. On May 17, 1933, a few months after his appointment to the office of Reichskanzler, he delivered a speech in the German Reichstag, from which we extract the following passages:

"Germany will be perfectly ready to disband her entire military establishment and destroy the small amount of arms remaining to her, if the neighboring countries will do the same thing with equal thoroughness.
... Germany is entirely ready to renounce aggressive weapons of every sort if the armed nations, on their part, will destroy their aggressive weapons within a specified period, and if their use is forbidden by an international convention.

... Germany is at all times prepared to renounce offensive weapons if the rest of the world does the same. Germany is prepared to agree to any solemn pact of non-aggression because she does not think of attacking anybody but only of acquiring security."

No answer was received.

On October 14, 1933, Hitler broke away from this League of Nations with which it was impossible to come to any agreement. Shortly afterwards, however, on December 18, 1933, he came forward with a new proposal for the improvement of international relations. This proposal included the following six points:
"1. Germany receives full equality of rights.
2. The fully armed States undertake amongst themselves not to increase their armaments beyond their present level.

3. Germany adheres to this agreement, freely undertaking to make only so much actual moderate use of the equality of rights granted to her as will not represent a threat to the security of any other European power.

[3] 4. All States recognize certain obligations in regard to conducting war on humane principles, or to the elimination of certain weapons for use against the civilian population.


kys nigger

5. All States accept a uniform general control which will watch over and ensure the observance of these obligations.

6. The European nations guarantee one another the unconditional maintenance of peace by the conclusion of non-aggression pacts, to be renewed after ten years."

Following upon this a proposal was made to increase the strength of the German army to 300,000 men, corresponding to the strength required by Germany "having regard to the length of her frontiers and the size of the armies of her neighbors", in order to protect her threatened territory against attacks. The defender of the principle of peaceable agreement was thus trying to accommodate himself to the unwillingness of the others to disarm by expressing a desire for a limited increase of armaments for his own country. An exchange of notes, starting from this and continuing for years, finally came to a sudden end with an unequivocal "no" from France. This "no" was moreover accompanied by tremendous increases in the armed forces of France, Britain and Russia.

> I would love to see any shred of evidence supporting the theory that Germany was pursuing "expansionist policies."
Absorbing Austria and the Sudetenland for one.
Invading Poland under shaky at best pretenses.
Invading the fucking USSR with the hopes of colonizing it seems like a pretty good candidate.

He was too much of an idealist in a pragmatic world. That's why he got his dick knocked in the dirt.

He murdered innocent people, citizens. Hitler would never and he never did that.

Also Breivik is a freemason pro-zionist.

In this way Germany's position became still worse than before. The danger to the Reich was so great that Adolf Hitler felt himself compelled to act. On March 16, 1935, he reintroduced conscription. But in direct connection with this measure he once more announced an offer of agreements of an extensive nature, the purpose of which was to ensure that any future war would be conducted on humane principles, in fact to make such a war practically impossible by eliminating destructive armaments. In his speech of May 21, 1935, he declared:
"The German Government is ready to take an active part in all efforts which may lead to a practical limitation of armaments. It regards a return to the former idea of the Geneva Red Cross Convention as the only possible way to achieve this. It believes that at first there will be only the possibility of a gradual abolition and outlawry of weapons and methods of warfare which are essentially contrary to the Geneva Red Cross Convention which is still valid.
Just as the use of dumdum bullets was once forbidden and, on the whole, thereby prevented in practice, so the use of other definite arms should be forbidden and prevented. Here the German Govern- [4] ment has in mind all those arms which bring death and destruction not so much to the fighting soldiers as to non-combatant women and children.

The German Government considers as erroneous and ineffective the idea to do away with aeroplanes while leaving the question of bombing open. But it believes it possible to proscribe the use of certain arms as contrary to international law and to excommunicate those nations which still use them from the community of mankind, its rights and its laws.

archive.org/stream/AdolfHitlerCollectionOfSpeeches19221945/Adolf Hitler - Collection of Speeches 1922-1945_djvu.txt

This time again Hitler's declarations did not find the slightest response. On the contrary, France made an alliance with Russia in order to increase her preponderating influence on the Continent still further, and to augment to a gigantic degree the pressure on Germany from the East.

I found dozens of offers before the war even began, during the war as well.

If Hitler acted on everything he said in his speeches people wouldn’t hate him


No ome is shifting anything. Learn what the definition of words are before you use them. The irony I find myself dedending literally Hitler because of your autism and outright denial of reality is astonishing to me. I really feel solid in this and I'm liking it

Hitler was right on many things but he's a liar about not wanting war. He invaded lands he knew would be protected. If he was truly committed to peace he would have stayed within his new borders and improved Germany. Wouldn't have faced any interfence, and Germany would be a better place today

The policy of appeasement is a kike high school text book meme. They wanted to lock hitler down to break his advancement militarily and spiritually. He had no choice nor Hitler being the fucking legend he is would ever consider giving up. It’s amazing how many supposedly “redpilled” nu-fags on here can’t grasp the concept that from the moment Hitler rose to power and targeted the Jews for removal from high position he was worked against by anybody who did business with the jews. Including France, Britain.

>From now on the worker has no other task but to fight for the future of the Jewish people. Unconsciously he is harnessed to the service of the power which he thinks he is combating. He is seemingly allowed to attack capital, and this is the easiest way of making him fight for it. In this the Jew keeps up an outcry against international capital and in truth he means the national economy which must be demolished in order that the international stock exchange can triumph over its dead body.

>Here the Jew's procedure is as follows:

>He approaches the worker, simulates pity with his fate, or even indignation at his lot of misery and poverty, thus gaining his confidence. He takes pains to study all the various real or imaginary hardships of his life-and to arouse his longing for a change in such an existence. With infinite shrewdness he fans the need for (((SOCIAL JUSTICE))), somehow slumbering in every Aryan man, into hatred against those who have been better favored by fortune, and thus gives the struggle for the elimination of social evils a very definite philosophical stamp. He establishes the Marxist doctrine.

> mfw communists indoctrinating the next left wing death squad leaders are “people”

Fuck off he gave them a taste of what is to come if the family unit, culture and the spirit of self sacrifice is attacked for much longer.

Do you have any sauce for brevik being a pro Zionist?

It seems thats what happened to us as well. He was so on the dot its amazing

Here you can read: en.metapedia.org/wiki/Anders_Behring_Breivik

The solution isnt killing bunch of 18 year old commies. I know several people who have turned commie/liberal to nationalsocialists.

Christ, you are dim.

>durr invaded Austria

>durr shaky pretenses
"Versailler Vertrag" means "Treaty of Versailles," in the likely case you don't speak German.

>durr colonize Russia
You're actually not totally sperg'd here. Hitler talks explicitly about the concept of Lebensraum (literally "room to live", or Manifest Destiny) in his autobiography. However, he states that if and only if the totality of a state's current agricultural and spatial resources are consumed is it acceptable to pursue expansion.

Was Germany REMOTELY at capacity in 1933? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Hitler WAS a war monger, just not westward. He wanted to kill every slav and Jew east of Berlin for lebensraum and to destroy communism. He was always going to wage war against the USSR, Mein Kampf shows this clearly.

That was his greatest mistake, having a disdain for poles and taking on a herculean task he was never going to accomplish; destroy the Soviets. He should've aligned with Britain and sacrificed poland to the russkies so that Mosley could gain power in the U.K. and start an Anglo-German Fascist coalition.

He was an anti-hero at worst, and a deluded nobleman at best. but yes, the jews have been lying to you about literally everything, specially Nazi Germany.

welcome to the redpill, my friend.

You sound like my fucking 4th grade teacher you colombian retard, lol.
How old are you? If youre older than 15, i feel bad for you

hitler wasnt a murderer. If you watch the movie "HitlerJunge Quex" (1930s german propaganda film) you can learn alot about their actual doctrine. Which isnt one of hate or murder. Quite the opposite.
Even when A group of hitler youth were harrassed by communists in the movie, they stood there and tok it without retaliating. The communist threw an apple at a boys head and they restrsained themselves from resisting.
The nazis came to power by being mature, kind, orderly, clean, professional, aesthetic as hell, and non-degenerate.

Your fucking kikery is legendary.

> sudenland and Austria voted to join the Reich because most of their population were ethnic Germans

> Poland would not give control of the Danzig and other ethnic Germans territories back to the Reich and openly massacres ethnic Germans while mobilizing their army
> hitler was evil and just invaded the USSR because he was a mad man

This is where your retardation basically just confirms itself? You have no grasp of history AT ALL if you can’t understand the material conditions that brought Hitler to invade one side of Poland and Stalin the other.

Just because you read your high school history textbook by schlomo jewberg doesn’t mean you have any gradp on the historical narrative and the material conditions that created it. KYs faggot

I never said they invaded Austria you idiot.

Fuck off LARPer. Hitler had every opportunity to stop. What restrictions were put on him?
>Don't invade that place Hitler
Does it anyway
>okay but really this time
Does it again
>no seriously stop
Does it again
>alright fine, war it is then
"Wah way I never wanted war"

You can respect the man, you can agree with his politics, but you're a fucking retard if you think he wasn't accountable for war breaking out

>Wtfh have you done to me Sup Forums?
Opened your eyes so you can see the world and decide what's true for yourself.

Versailles Treaty:
>t. knows nothing about what WW1 did to Germany, or the effects of the Treaty of Versailles
>implying that Germany at all agreed to the terms laid out in the treaty

>an obviously bullshit agreement between the Nazis and Stalin was broken, not like the Soviets were gearing up to invade within the year.

I'm not even a naziboo anymore but holy shit user, at least have some kind of argument. No, Hitler and the Natsocs weren't perfect angels, but WWII certainly wasn't 'Bad Guy Nazis vs. Good Guy Allies'. Look at a source that isn't...
>your 80 iq middle school teacher with an education degree
>Elie Wiesel's 'Night'
>Barbara Shekelstein from the History Channel special: 'How The Nazis Masturbated My Grandparents To Death and Made Them Into Lampshade-Shaped Soap: Extra-Scary Editing Edition'.

Sudatenland was peacefully annexxed. Plebisicites were taken and 98.9% of the sudetenland voted to join Germany. Germany was the richest country in Europe and Czech republic was desperate to climb out of poverty, plus the germans in czech wedre being abused by the czechs and so peacefully agreed to join Germany. They were welcomed with flowers lol

Oh, right, he "absorbed" Austria. What a despicable move, uniting ethnic Germans under a single state.

Look, shill, I'm not one to say Hitler was perfect by any means, but there comes a time when you might consider looking past your (((high school history textbook))) and weighing events from a different perspective.

Please debunk any of the points I made or kindly go back to you cuckshed, sven.

We spent this whole thread debunking them which you casually ignored lol

The rollercoasters! Don't forget the rollercoasters!

Oh, and sending the Jews who were too sick to be killed to the hospital!

Lawl and who the fuck gave the British kike lapdogs the authority to tell the German Reich they couldn’t be strong and mighty? . You are a typical Sven Jewberg Saving Ryan’s Shekels faggot. Blaming Hitler for the war when all he did was consolidate the ethnic german population and create a social order within Germany that worked for the best of the nation in its entirety is just anti intellectual and wrong. The world turned on Germany because it brought a social order that would have liberated every nation on this planet from your (((masters)) now fuck off and watch some (((Hollywood))) programming

We have debunked this for years but you absolutely ignore you disgusting shitskinned colombian, go snort some cocaine till you die.

Do you have that image of a jew climbing a wall with spikes n shit? Its fucking hilarious

>Britain and France honor their deal with Hitler to let him rebuild his military as long as he doesnt use it in an act of aggression

>Britain and France let it slide when he goes back on this deal and reoccupies the rhineland

>Britain and France look the other way when he annexxes Austria

>Britain and France convene a meeting of europoor leaders to GIVE Hitler the Sudetenland on the promise he ends his hostile foreign policy

>Britain and France look the other way as he continue to strong arm Lithuania out of terrirtory, once again going back on his word

>Hitler invades Poland (who he had a non-agression pact with) with the USSR

>Hitler then invades the USSR, who he also had a non-aggression pact with

Also, Churchill didnt declare war on Germany. Chamberlain, the guy who made all of those previous concessions to Hitler and is the one who organized the Munich Agreement, declared war on Germany after they invaded Poland and refused to leave in 3 days

Churchill and Eisenhower were both evil genocidal maniacs. They bombed German cities to oblivion even if they had no industry. Einenhower ordered the murder of thousands of German POW's and the British and American airforces were commanded to attack ANYTHING that moves including all civilian targets. The Allies were fucking EVIL, pure evil. They took a proud nation who JUST WANTED TO BE FREE FROM OUTSIDE CONTROL, and fucking destroyed them, destroyed their pride, and now are destroying their culture through immigration. Hitler literally did fucking nothing wrong. He was a hero of the white race and European culture and should be idolized by everyone who appreciates the history of Europe.





The spirit lives on



Debunk the part where he wanted to expand eastward? the Generalplan Ost whether official or not was going to be a reality, This is what Hitler wanted

I'm not for or against it, It's not my continent so not my problem. My post wasn't even Anti-hitler, just pointing out some of the issues with his government. Hell, even weev himself knows that he fucked up on his fixation on poles, so explain like I'm a 5 year old where I was wrong and why

>hitler said a thing
>therefore the opposite

>nigger says he didnt do a thing
>did, in fact, do that thing

Pic related.

>Ultimately, you still subscribe to Hitler's worldview

That's like saying you subscribe to a communist's worldview because you both agree the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. It offers no linguistic utility or distinction, you useless rat.

>Its in his autobiography

Cite the title, ISBN, and page number. You won't, because it isn't there, but go ahead.

You've copied this verbatim from the Institute for Historical Review and I cannot find any documentation outside of there that suggests it is legitimate. I speak some German, so perhaps you could provide me with a video of the speech. At any rate, Germany was in no position to be negotiating at the time. They were instead busy paying off their war reparations. Nothing they wanted at that point mattered. When a tortfeasor has a judgement against him, he does not begin negotiating to have the conditions of the judgement suit his needs. Germany at that time was no longer an equal to be negotiated with.


>Churchill and Eisenhower were both evil genocidal maniacs
Remember too it was Churchill and FDR who together sacrificed the Lusitania to bring the US into WWI for (((Britain))).

They simply ran the same play again with Pearl Harbor.


fake quote



>hitler was a warmonger
He definitely wasn't afraid to go to war. Monger, though? Nah.
>wanted to kill every slav
>wanted to wage war against the USSR
>Mein Kampf shows this clearly
No, it literally doesn't. He mentions JEWISH BOLSHEVISM in the USSR, not wanting to murder Slavs for being Slavs.
>disdain for Poles
Because they were ethnically cleansing Germans from their newly acquired East Prussia?
>should've aligned with Britain
Fucking A, family. Read Mein Kampf far more carefully.

>the Allies were evil
No, the Allied powers-that-be were evil. Normal Americans and Britons were honorable men who thought they were fighting for the good guys. They were mistaken, not evil.

>hitler wasnt a murderer.
>If you watch the movie "HitlerJunge Quex" (1930s german propaganda film) you can learn alot about their actual doctrine. Which isnt one of hate or murder
National Socialism isn't hateful and murderous itself, but saying that Hitler wasn't a murderer is absolutely absurd
>inb4 'kike'
I'm a national socialist btw

the projecting of this post is amazing, espeically when you guys constantly bitch about the cartoon villain status nazis have now while shilling an even more retarded version of that to the allies

>Poland would not give control of the Danzig and other ethnic Germans territories back to the Reich and openly massacres ethnic Germans while mobilizing their army

That's not how national sovereignty works. If Turkey invaded Europe because Germany refused to relinquish ethnically-Turkish territory, we wouldn't all be falling over ourselves to apologize for Turkey's getting uppity.

You actually believe in the holocaust? You arent a national socialist lol.

>No, it literally doesn't.

>And so we National Socialists consciously draw a line beneath the foreign policy tendency of
our pre-War period. We take up where we broke off six hundred years ago. We stop the endless
German movement to the south and west, and turn our gaze toward the land in the east. At long
last we break of the colonial and commercial policy of the pre-War period and shift to the soil
policy of the future.

>If we speak of soil in Europe today, we can primarily have in mind only Russia and her vassal
border states.

page 475


>ethnic genocide occuring in a territory wrongfully stolen from you previously takes place of your people while Poland amasses an army (operation west) and expresses clear desires to invade Germany
>has no right to retaliate
Pick one