What's her character archetype?
What's her character archetype?
Slut that becomes an even bigger slut
Kuudere you fucking retard
Top Idol
not quite
foot-slut archetype
Cool type
enjo kousai
Semen demon
Best archetype.
A form of bait to bring the dads in to watch the series with their anime loving family I suppose
that's a gyaru
but it's of the dutiful nature rather than the bimbo nature
Best girl archetype
Pretty much this, she hits the perfect untouchable teenager category, even exclusive from the guys who are gifted since she is down to earth. The catch is she has been made approachable by giving her character a shady side, too sexy for any boys her age, only an older man could satisfy her.
Then it hits another layer, because she isn't anything like those impressions, she is just too blessed at being the 1% of the gene pool, and her struggles are endearing, since it's the opportunity you have to get close to her.
援助 交際
A whore
My favorite
Sexual Goddess.
Serious gal.
Thick thigh goddess
She is the one that stays behind, playing with her phone with a bored faced, while her friends are bullying someone.
cool type, but not neceessarily kuudere
Producer loving idol.
I literally wish I looked EXACTLY like Rin.
10/10 archetype
boner inducer
Weapon to surpass the Ako gear.
JK slut with nice legs.
I will never understand how they vote for this.
Youko-sama is not a slut!
>jumped 96 places
Well, it could have been worse.
Why is the idea of Rin being a whore so hot?
Because people like to masturbate to attractive anime characters
Not even a JAV scandal could beat the meme vote. Impressive.
Because you are a hopeless degenerate
>literally an average girl in dresses in an average tokyo high school uniform
>oh god!! why is she so sexy?
Explain this.
As noted in a previous thread: it's the attitude. If she were another genki Uzuki ganbarimasu type, she wouldn't be nearly as appealing.
She is sexy though. What's more confusing is the people that insist she's a whore but I guess if people say it enough it's considered the truth.
Kanade is a flirty, short-haired Rin?
An ACTUAL PORNSTAR couldn't beat Ako.
I think Touyama Nao secretly cries about this.
She's how old?
Just because something is simple doesn't mean it can't be perfected. A Patek Philippe might look the same as a china-made designer watch to a 3rd world plebian, but to patricians such as myself the difference is obvious. Think of every single aloof long-black haired anime character you can. Shibuya Rin is what they're trying to look like.
That's the point though, her design is so plain and yet she manages to be 10/10. No meme hair color, haircut or any gimmicks, I believe this makes her a genuinely beautiful girl.
>he bought into the Patek Philippe meme
I feel sorry for you.
that one sucked and you know it.
she's the complete opposite of that tbqh
Literally just CGDCT with singing.
Subby Rin is best Rin.
So you just like the art style then faggot? Because she's plain as fuck, lazy design
>So you just like the art style then faggot?
But she's one of the most popular girl on pixiv, drawn in many different styles.
>draw a dark straight haired girl
>draw her in a dark school uniform
>she's beautiful
Her design like most all generic background characters right? It's just the art style.
Whatever floats your boat.
Cinderella Girls has plenty of fantastic designs.
>draw pastel color haired girl
>draw slutty outfit
>she's beautiful
So you just like the memes, right?
>short white hair
Ooooh so original I've literally never seen that before.
my queen
She's much better than Rin in every way. Even got a better unit.
If anime was real I'd definitely get arrested for peeping up skirts
I can't tell if this is an IM@S thread or not.
what the fuck is happening to me?
why do i get angry seeing this picture?
i already have a waifu godamnit
I want more Nao.
Diamond shattering
It's the only way she'd be accessible to you.
Why is Rin so popular compare to Uzuki or Mio?
Where's the new chapter of the loli manga?
I'm still looking for a proofreader volunteer to look over the script before I typeset.
Kirari a cute.
You cheeky cunt
I want to marry Kirari.
Cool beauty
She's not average lookwise, just animewise She's the hot Stacy you never had a chance with in high school.
Lets leave the /r9k/ talk on /r9k/
Kaijuu movie featuring her when?
but it's true.
she'd probably never give you a second look. probably shows up tired to class and either stares out the window or sleeps at her desk. probably wants an entertainment career so she treats school as a chore.
Shitty Scamco Rin shills are out in full force pushing their garbage idol again
Okay sorry but the point stands. That look actually resonates with the fans.
Battle tournament manga when. The road to the castle is not a peaceful one.
She has a subpar singing voice, unlikable personality, and boring design
There are plenty of better CGs out there, although if you're a fan of Rin you probably wouldn't know any of that
Slutty idol shilling out for /c/
Kaede is bae
Also when the fuck will Koi Kaze get added to deresute
Nah, she does that for free.
After La Vie En Rose and Radio Happy.
She could make a lot of money if she charges though
She should take tips from Rin
>Chama and Miki songs next
I'd be very okay with this
Rin isn't worth tipping
Would advertising for /c/ really pay that well?
>pure "slut"
Why is this a thing.
I'll take the cake
>pure cakes
>pure sluts
Why is the idol world so perfect?
>pure cakes
Aren't those two suppose to go together anyway? I mean, they're cakes because no one is touching them.
KWSM's a fun, cute woman who deserves lots of love
Well, no one is marrying them. But the idols are virgins, is the point.
Maidenhood versus maidenhead, you see.