ITT: Characters you want to look EXACTLY like

Dibs on this qtpuh2t


Please refrain from posting my picture on Sup Forums OP, thanks.


koito for coitus.

I can't help it, you're too cute!

I want to look EXACTLY like Koito AND Sharo!

I want to genetically engineer a race of Koitos to replace all others


Koito is running past you. Say something!



I want to look like this gorgeous boy. Fuck all ur animu

Wish there was an anime and manga character that looked like this



Half the people on here look like that.

>Step 1: Be male
>Step 2: Don't lift
>Step 3: Don't shave

No they don't. Patrick has good hair. It's what makes Titus andronicus stick out. His beard.

Everyone else probably has ugly balding hair and ugly neck beards and fat. +@

I love him.
Recently i copied his hairstyle.

To most people that beard looks pretty unkempt and not attractive at all. Combine it with his average looks, nondescript build and total lack of fashion sense and he just looks like a hobo.


Might as well look like a flat redhead with drills.

who wouldn't want to be a qt trap

lol ur gay

Sucks when smarts are outshines by looks. But presentation is key.

Everyone's always gotta be a sucker for the senses upfront. Tho I agree.

Still; weird how my opinion of that beard and hair of his is choice. That or it goes to show society's impressions of what they come and find attractive on average.

100% exactly like this