>not ranked in the Kono LN Sugoi LN category because no volume released in the whole year
>Male and female characters dropped from 1st down to the 5th position
>ponkan8 ranked 6th
So Watari killed the franchise for good
>not ranked in the Kono LN Sugoi LN category because no volume released in the whole year
>Male and female characters dropped from 1st down to the 5th position
>ponkan8 ranked 6th
So Watari killed the franchise for good
sorry i enjoyed writing giarish number
How come nothing was published? Out of ideas?
Watari pls
He fucked up when he tried to write drama and romance. Vol. 10 and 11 were pure garbage
All is right with the world then, MUH GENUINE is where it belongs: irrelevancy.
Pretty good for a dead series.
How does that lead to nothing more being published? Seppuku out of shame over his shitty work?
SAO has been garbage for like 20 volumes and they're not stopping.
Not really. They probably will be out of top 10 next year
Because he's a lazy fuck that can't write. Half of his LN was about him saying random things about Chiba city, the other half with a compilation of tropes. At least SAO's author meets the deadlines
Who cares? Girlish Number > Yahari
Yahari sure has fallen low then
We can still pray
People mourning Yahari, are same pathetic kind that mourn Seitokai no Ichizon.
Its over! Ichizon was killed by superior Seitokai which is Yakuindomo, and Yahari just killed itself and now replaced by better product which is Girlish Number - which is likely to be replaced by something else later
and nothing of value was lost
In the recent contest of anime adaptations and new works of pretentious LN writers, current ranking is as following:
Watari > Murato > shit > Maeda
Yahari is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and GENUINE. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad. However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The autistic characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the monologues, peculiar, colorful personalities, the whole loner faggotry and everything about the Yahari world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on genuine, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the autistic drives of your average teen autist and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up. Yahari is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to Sup Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Yahari threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.
OreGairu was geat. Don't know where you've been
Ever notice how Sup Forums recommends the worst anime. It's just like any other board. What's proven to be good is hated ironically while the recommendations are all things that only hipster weeb fags watch.
OreGairu is Murato though. And its inferior to GN, proving Watari > Murato
Noticed bait attempt and/or ignorant retard that doesnt know GN is written by Watari.
Season 1 was good fun. Season 2 was full of pretentious boring horseshit with few moments of good things in there.
Also it's clear WW doesn't care about the series and is going to write a twelve page volume 12 that reveals that it was all 8man's dying dream after getting run over by Yukino
>Worst girl Yuckyno is going to win
It deserves to be forgotten forever desu.
>Implying he won't end up with the girl who started the whole mess.
Yeah that doesn't make it good just because it's the same author you retard. People release gold and then shit all the time. You think because someone writes or directs a good show, every show after that with his name in it is good?
>it was all a dream meme
In this case, WW wrote a shit LN then wrote a good show.
He's not really good at writing original things
>You think because someone writes or directs a good show, every show after that with his name in it is good?
Of course not. This is why Yahari S2 was complete shit. But as you said Watari redeemed himself delivering great work and sow that is Girlish Number.
Go be emo somewhere else
>good show
You need to get your eyes checked
That's the ending your going to get if you ever get a ending. I bet WW isn't even going to release volume 12 but say some shit like "the VN is meant to be the end of the series."
I guess that's a matter of opinion friend.
I love how halfway through the rant it pauses to praise the peculiar, colorful personalities of the characters.
We like you too, user.
Objectively better show in every aspect and contester for AOTS - easily beating both his Yahari and Murata`s Saekano in the genre of snarky satire.
Are you guys just sarcastically retarded?
Oregairu was a fucking great back in it's prime, stop this bad meme of it always being a bad story because it wasn't.
Where it really became shit was when the author himself lost touch of what made the novel so great to begin with. Every character begin to feel so blank around Vol 10 and became pure shit around vol 11.
Watari fucked up his shit, but he can still fix it. Let him try to be edgy once more, and make Hachiman great again
Well, it's the correct opinion to say that GN is the only great thing he's ever done. And season 2 was objectively boring.
>Not know that's copypasta.
>the series is at the height of its popularity a year and a half ago
>everyone is anxiously waiting for volume 12 to come out
>the author decides he wants to write ANOTHER
>the fans are like: wait Watari what the fuck are you doing, just finish the main series
>Watari: don't worry brah, I know what I'm doing
>Watari finishes ANOTHER, half of the fanbase loses interest in the series
>Watari announces a visual novel that will turn the series into even bigger haremshit
>fans: wait, Watari stop
>Watari: don't worry guys, I swear I know what I'm doing
>VN comes out and it's the biggest sellout piece of shit imaginable
>now everyone has lost all interest and everyone is incredibly disappointed because the author sold out on any meaning the series originally may have had
Really the biggest problem with this series is all the waifu pandering. Characters like Saika, Saki, Iroha even Sensei should not have been part of Hachiman's love interests. That's really where the series fell apart in my opinion. This is a series that never should have been harem.
The only way Watari can redeem himself in my eyes is if he destroys the relationships Hachiman has with these side characters and renders all of this side material shit meaningless.
I know it's a pasta, that's why I said it instead of he.
The problem with the series is that it never intended to be anything but outlet for Watari to be able make snarky remarks through Hachiman, but he tried to push a story and failed, because it was never designed to be an overreaching tale. He wrote himself into the corner with all characters and developments and no clear aim. Should have just left it episodic arks with status quo - he`s no fucking Mari Okada.
Please stop
The whole story is how 8man is changing from a edgelord into a normie fuck. I wouldn't be opposed to that if it was done good, which it's not.
>Saika, Saki, Sensei
>Actually being considered legitimate love interests.
Loving every laugh. I suppose you think literally who characters like Meguri and Ebina have good chances of really winning the 8bowl because they have routes in the VN. The side material shit has always been meaningless you fucking moron. And there is nothing wrong with 8man interacting with the secondary characters. Unless of course you're an autist who thinks that people can only interact with three people at the most
He's right though
And stop the samefagging
Seriously at this point even Sup Forums could write a much more realistic and deeper explanation of his character development.
>good chances of really winning the 8bowl
I don't care about that. Everyone already won the 8bowl and that's why the series is so shit right now.
Right, because different people can't possibly have the same opinion.
Do you have actual direct criticizms on GN compared to Yahari, or will you just continue shitposting and baiting?
>What's proven to be good is hated ironically
Such as OPM and Re:zero?
I'm calling you a retard for unironically thinking GN is a serious AOTS contender. Whether it's better than Yahari or not doesn't matter, cow shit and dogshit are shit
What if this is what 8man seeks in the end.
To become a manwhore?
>Everyone won the 8bowl
No they didn't. Nobody has won anything. Saika, Saki and Sensei are bad joke characters and characters like Miura or Ebina barely do anything in the story so they can't win shit.The only reason they have routes in that VN that only you take seriously is to give the 6 people who like those characters the chance to waifu them
>only you take seriously
I don't. Irohafags like it. I think it does damage to the series. Which it does.
Name your top 5 this season.
Would you?
Where do you buy that, user?
I need it for my bedroom.
>Oh god, everyone of the Irohafags likes the VN. That means that it is a legitimate threat to my enjoyment of the series as a whole.
Get real, literally the only good thing the Irohafags like about it is that Iroha gets long hair.
Eh, why not.
>wanting recommendations to fix your shit taste
But I wanted 8man to marry Kawasaki.
That's absolute bullshit and you know it.
>wanting recommendations to fix your shit taste
Here he goes, calling other shows shit, while not being able to prove that his "taste" is superior. Pathetic.
There's only one character that Saki is going to marry
Yukinofags seemed to like the marriage end. Yuifags and Yuipollfag seem to hate the VN.
I know that no one here likes the VN. Not the Irohafags, not the secondarygirlfags, no one. The only things I've seen people compliment it for is giving us lewd CG.
Good Irohasu, everyone!
>hurr durr fanservice game doesn't let me enjoy muh chinese cartoons
Go do something else, Sup Forums stuff is clearly not your thing
No, that's you speaking for everyone else.
It's AOTY despite flopping hard, having low score even in MAL and nobody even bothers to download it. Yep, nothing wrong with your "taste"
And you're speaking for everyone else to. You don't know shit. All people talk about regarding the VN here is how shit it is.
>it's shit because it's not popular
Flawless logic.
Kindly stop breathing.
>It's good because it's not popular
>it's good despite nobody gives a shit about it
And stop the phone posting, the samefagging is too obvious
I didn't say nor imply this.
The VN is just that, a side VN that comes out like with 90% of these kinds of shows. It isn't a big deal and was never meant to be taken so damn seriously. WW didn't even write it.
Don't you know that things can only be good or shit.
Obvious troll is obvious. Stop.
Leddit is a better place for guys like you
There's only one person who thinks it's a big deal, the rest of us just saw that it was shit and moved on.
The VN is good because there isn't shit romance/love triangle drama.
If you're going to shitpost, spice it up a little. You always try to bait people with the same post in these threads
Literally Yamakan's Wake Up Girls and the chink shit are more interesting than Giarlish
I legitimately don't want either main girl to be hurt. I am hoping the romance in vol 12 will be painless and settled quickly. Maybe I do it to bother people who want a shitshow but it is actually my opinion.
Nobody wants it to be a melodramatic shitshow, especially after that stuff is why season 2 wasn't good but at the same time nobody wants the characters to act totally out of character and be cheerleaders for 8man hooking up with their best friend/sister/friend/girl they know/girl they know (male)/senpai who has said maybe five words to him/teacher etc.
But would it really be out of character or them to cheer him on without kicking up a fuss? Yukino cheered them on in ANOTHER without drama even if it hurt inside.
Thank fucking god, Oreimo started this stupid trend and it needs to die already.
Have you guys not realised how all of them start really well to them become shipping wars and then get awful endings that leave no one happy?
Season2 went to shit just like the novel
Girlish number is more fun and actually enjoyable for the viewers and himself
ANOTHER was poorly written shit that makes volume 11 look masterful and it's not canon. Everyone is out of character so it might as well be some other series
I'd say it would be best for everyone to stop making threads until volume 12. That way everyone can chill out a little.
If anything it would give us something new to talk about other than the same people making the same posts from here to eternity
>not autist
What's with girlish number? I thought it would be good after reading all the praises from you guys, then I checked it and it was bland and boring as hell
You still didnt give up? Where did Kazu kun touch you to create such GN pstd?
>trusting Sup Forums
How new are you?
It's just that one autistic guy who keeps spamming that in the yahari threads