The perfect girl doesn't exi-
The perfect girl doesn't exi-
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Sup Forums's experience with girls is only on this board and it ends in a never ending negative feedback loop of all women are whores blah blah blah
That's because lauren southern is a dumb girl but Lindsay is pure.
Do we know if she has a bf?
Who cares she's still better than the trashbin that is Lauren Southern.
he is unimpressive
Damn that's a rare cia nigger im gonna steal that
Stop shilling this whore she isn't /our girl/ faggot
why not?
> doesn’t use social media except for her twitter which is used exclusively for the Laurier situation
> calls other women “dudes”
> is being redpilled by the progressive religion
> intelligent and beautiful
> feisty and has balls of tungsten
I’d fall on my sword for her.
I wonder if she shaves her pussy.
Lauren is fucking finished
She did say that she was a libshit but if you look at her twitter she’s owning the #WhiteFemaleAggression. Also this is a perfect opportunity for fence-sitting young white women to be redpilled. You have to take what you can get.
Lauren is a fucking meme
pic related
she looks jewish
>brown hair
>brown eyes
>She did say that she was a libshit
Sauce? She's retweeting Mark Dice and Conservative MPs
fuck this bitch
post more rare terry's
I'm married w/ children.
She mentioned it on twitter a few times and she also mentioned it during the covert recording of the wrong think tribunal
>he believes the blonde hair blue eye meme
link to tweets?
Just read her twitter, there aren’t that many tweets since she just created it to voice her side of the story.
She made it last week but it already has 20k followers
basic gestalt?
>0 evidence
>modern pol
Right. Green eyes gold hair is clearly the best.
> Teaching assistant shows a 20 second clip of Jordan Peterson talking about using “they” as a singular (for trans-humanist people)
> gets summoned to a disciplinary meeting with 3 faculty members, all shit libs
> they berate her and basically reveal that university is not for expression of ideas, they also say other hilarious shit like comparing Hitler to Milo
> she secretly records it, then releases the recording which starts a shit storm.
>all women are whores
>implying whores are bad
I love the rub and tug ladies
Women can't be red pilled. They just do whatever is socially accepted. The only way to keep women in line is to make sure they get married and have children
Why is pol always obsessed with Canadians? Could it be you are jealous of us?
The white knights will still defend her
Canada leads the world.
oh that was her? I didn't know she was so cute.
poor girl
Listen to the recording, she was on the verge of breaking down but she stuck to her guns.
link the video
LOL another cunt trying to scam money from beta virgins.
But I like whores.
There's a layer of honesty about whores that's incredibly respectable.
She explicitly said she won't take crowdfunding money after it was offered to her.
TLDR Canada tries to steal gold at cuck olympics from Sweden and Germany by subjecting uni TA to hourlong Maoist Struggle Session for playing 5 mins of a Jordan Peterson video to class.
Clever girl recorded the thing and it blew up n the uni's face. They issued a "sorry we got caught" and someone posted an "it's okay to watch Jordan Peterson flyer" lol
Here's the sauce:
and transcript
Absolute qt. That california accent and the like stupid way she like puts like in like all of her sentences like all the time triggers me though, makes her sound like an idiot
I have only seen two Lauren southern videos (one where she was at some Canadian feminist walk and interviewing activists; the other was her interviewing BPS).
She is way hotter and tolerable than that stupid ugly kike store brand version of southern, and way smarter than that stupid infowars bimbo who reads her bylines like Forrest Gump.
That said, I hate threads about her and anyone else. This isn't a board for fawning over celebrities. So little discussion of politics these last few months
Its how most ontario women talk its infuriating.
You're an absolute faggot and you're young. Shut the fuck up.
White knights still defend her even after she explicitly says she is still a leftist
Ah, she is an idiot. Thought as much.
Still a centre-left that upholds free-speech is like a fucking conservative in university so fuck it, it's a start.
>real leftism hasn't been tried
here we go
Her mom is hotter.
Fuck off with your ideological purity test faggot. What matters is that she is useful in the here and now and that we share the common goal of restoring freedom of speech in Academia.
Haha you dont cant even imagine how many desperate shits are emailing her at this very moment and offering money. She is having field day cashing into this. Whole premise of women in internets has been ruined because of beta virggins throwing their meagre salaries anything with tits (vagina not needed) in hopes for miniscule chance to see some skin.
The point that matters is that she is shining a spotlight on marxist influence in Universities freedom of speech.
You can be as cynical as you want about her motives like the angry virgin that you are but that doesn't change the fact that she is helping us whether she intends to or not.
Sorry living off on gfs salary which is how you should do it. Just disgusted how fucking betas are throwing money at girls and trannies for shit like playing games or talking in youtube video. Real men use women and dont lower themselves to be cashcow.
so did she just record this on a phone or what? Youd think the battery would die after 42 minutes
She needs my dick.
Notice how she doesn't have any pink hair or piercing or tattoos. She is so pure, but needs to be shown the way.
she doesn't know what she is.
if she got all the way to grad school without dyeing her hair or getting a buzzcut or tattoos and piercing then she is a normie girl that doesn't know what she wants.
Impressive, nice
>white women are traito-
>tfw we are entering a new 3D waifu age
it's how women raised by (((television))) speak
mom is looking fantastic
let it happen
It's what always happens. These people get rejected and realize they can find acceptance with the right and be free to speak their mind even if they don't always (or rarely do) agree with us politically. It's how getting redpilled starts; Fairbanks was a Bernout who started her path to voting Trump after Pulse for instance.
how many times can these libcucks say problamatic in a discussion?
>they berate her and basically reveal that university is not for expression of ideas
I'm assuming most of Sup Forums is reading Taki's Mag anyway though.
Nah, Lindsay's girl-next-door look is more appealing to me.
why are canadian girls objectively superior to american ones?
Valley girl accent is the worst, and it has spread like cancer.
because they aren't
>le 56% meme
>muh free speech
Who gives a shit about winning back (((academia)))?
> lets just all be retards that will never contribute to growing technology
> let the chinks figure it out instead nothing bad could happen if they get better than us.
anyone who doesn't want academics fucking up society for the rest of us
You white knights are something else. Can women do no wrong? You are defending her even though she is avowed leftist.
i don't care about her
the point is that it's a step towards unfucking universities and that's a good thing
Lauren talks about white replacement in Europe.
This chick comes along and cries.
Is left wing, and everyone is like Lauren sucks, let's love this girl.
Lauren is best waifu.
Shu Shu
The (((universities))) are unsalvageable. The only solution is to create alternatives. And do you really think a leftist is going to continue pushing the issue after she was almost eaten alive?
goddam i just watched her interview, she is so smug and cute.
always wanted to ask a burger if hollywood depiction of their women is correct, cause it's god awful
>*Liberal arts are cancer. The only solution is to defund them.
you're not gonna be able to get grants or scientific funding at a no name university.
Who the fuck is this cunt and why should I care?