Orochimaru is literally a Dr.Mengele of the Naruto

>Orochimaru is literally a Dr.Mengele of the Naruto
Does any other anime have a character like him?

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Amiba from Fist of the North Star, though he is technically based on Unit 731.

is it just me or Oro looks like bit younger there

b a s e d

so is all the endless filler for this shit now just them lampshading all the retarded stuff about the ending

well they are adapting LNs so its kinda canon

I hate naruto but their OST is admittedly good



No, Mengele ran away to Huezil to avoid prison.

Oro is more of a Wernher von Braun

>Naruto has 200 year old loli ninjas now

fucking yamato

i know that's supposed to be some dramatic thing but that's fucking hilarious

von Braun didn't commit any warcrimes though
he is more like Unit 731

>reminds him of Itachi
So when does Sasuke fuck her?

why do new characters always look like shit in shoens after the main series is over

look at dragon ball gt, and yugioh gx +

Because usually authors gets replaced by their assistants in continuation mangas

it wasn't designed by the author, so it's out of style and looks clumsy, like most naruto fillers

>tfw background-kun ruined the best boy

Go back to your containment general, narutards.

Is she coming on to him?

fucking SP pairing Sauce with the old hag loli
i love it

fuck off narutards

That's great.

Literally got away with everything.

shouldn't you be on finding your panties?

Von Braun was an engineer, Orochimaru is closer to Mengele. That is, if after the war Mengele was allowed to keep running a Center for Human Experimentation and Truman and Stalin occasionally visited him as if nothing had ever happened.

This fucker.

Except he didn't "get away" with anything, no one even cares that he is an unethical mad scientist.

I have one question for you...
Are you ready?


Isn't he like a tranny or something?

he cross dressed, like once

he is mommy now

He was literally a woman for a few years. Who knows if he is one now.

He's mom and dad at the same time.

No, really.

He often changes body. Sometime "he"'s male, sometime female

Because he didn't do anything wrong.

>joining the fight
>not going instant susano'o
Fucking shonen

Probably don't want to show all your techniques right away, Sasuke don't even knows who is the guy he is looking for.

>not hiding your powerlevel
fucking plebs

Humilliating fodder while using only 1% of your powerlevel seems more fun.

He looks oddly cute

Orochimaru needs to stop raping the 4th wall.

>he is more like Unit 731
And guess what war crimes the Japanese refuse to admit they committed?

Are they buddies now?


yep as they shown in Gaiden

Mayuri is every bit as unethical as Orochimaru. The only difference between them is that Mayuri does his shit openly and nobody in the Seireitei gives a shit. Orochimaru had to conduct his experiments in secret, and when he was caught he was forced out of the village and hunted for his crimes. No surprise he ended up coming to blows with his kinsfolk while Mayuri did not.

Former-criminals in crime.

They spent three years together, they have to at least tolerate each other.

He's kinda like that creepy teacher you used to have who'd help you out with assignments. You don't like being around him, but he's useful.

I get the feeling that these two would hate eachother but find common ground in embarrassment and annoyance of Caesar (OP).

This episode looks fun from these webms
Is it actually good or giant pile of crap?

its naruto

also its canon filler crap

>he doesn't know how deep the naruto lore goes

first episode of naruto shinden is really dark

Their kids are going to be buddies so they might as well get used to each other.

hes a deadbeat father, he didnt raise her so he doesnt give a shit

shes already damaged because kids raised by single moms turn out to be fucked up in the head

Sarada is different.

She seems definitely more well adjusted than Bort and Chou Chou

I would post the Mengy-kun image, but it's illegal for me to do so.

Oro is best mom so he would.
Not to mention Sarada is an uchiha, she already is fucked up in the head

>Oro is best mom so he would.
Mind wiping your kid until he decides to get his own talented shota to rape isn't good parenting.

Says a lot about the others when that's the best example of parenting of them all.

Context is everything, user. Within the context of Soul Society, Mayuri experimenting on Quincy or using his foot soldiers as fodder are ethically justified.

So? Do it anyway. Germany is a shitty cucked country.

>bad parenting

Having a kid that vandalizes local monuments doesn't show much good parenting.

can't do much about narutos genetic autism

but at least Himawari wont grow up to be a cock hungry slut like Sarada

Having Down's Syndrome isn't much better

Instead she'll grow up to be insane, attacking people on a whim.

>Yamato's job is to keep watch on Orochimaru

...Is he Mitsuki's father?


What's stopping Orochimaru from just grabbing Yamato, milk him for his wood shit genes and then dumping him in the garbage?


Nothing, actually. Who wants to bet he shoved some Wood Style up Mitsuki's pale snekboi ass too?

The two demigods that would kick his ass if he tries?
Besides, it is not like he needs to. Naruto gave him green light to continue his experiments and he already has wood genes.

Should have grabbed some of the Shins to give Mitsuki a sharingan or two.

Then all his dreams would come true.

implying yamato isnt strong enough to pounce on him

>2minutes of still frames with minimal animation of people talking
Tv anime, not even once.

thats a pierrot for ya!

>every second must be action filled

sorry you have adhd

Didn't he get wrecked by Kabuto?

Orochimaru already has possession of one of White Zetsu bodies, according to Kabuto those are better clones than Yamato.

Those were fodder that couldn't even use wood shit properly and got beat up easily by everyone in the jobber alliance (except Hinata)

Well apparently they were valuable enough for Kabuto to want one in exchange of the ninetails, having to compromise with Kabuto when failing to get one out of a deal and the Second Hokage to recognize Orochimaru's body was made manly of Hashirama's body cells which made him strong enough to bind him using Edo Tensei and strong enough for Obito to use as his half of his body, including Madara's and Naruto's Arm replacement.

>can mass produce sharingans
>can mass produce Hashirama cells
Why doesn't Orochimaru give rinnegans to everybody?

because it'll cheapens the price

He can't mass produce Indra or Ashura's souls

The Shins Sharingans were garbage because they all had the same Mangekyou ability.

This. He'd need a Rinnegan in order to copy it, and the only one who has that nowadays is Sasuke.

man that was fucking horse shit

madara killed naruto and sasuke, and they were rewarded with super powers by some literal who in purgatory.

the series shoudlve ended with guy killing madara

He could summon them using edo tensei or ask Naruto and Sasuke for some of their chakra.

>the series shoudlve ended with guy killing madara
It wouldn't have really made sense storywise

this filler has been decent so far

what episode is this from?

The latest one

>Family nightmare
Fuck off, Madara does not deserve to be in this picture. He tried to make the Uchiha reach new hights

he went on a power trip at the end

Ah nice. Thank you user

This. Who wouldn't want to be related to him?

What is the difference b/w a just a plain Rinnegan(like Madara, Pain) and a Rinne-Sharingan(Sasuke)?

How does the power totem pole go?