Look how happy Kazuma looks

Look how happy Kazuma looks.

It looks exactly the same as S1 though? S1 had quality drops like this too. So I don't know what you're so worried about.

Is DEEN where the Japanese put all the retards so they're not endangering anyone in public?

I think they do it on purpose just so they can cruise 4 and 2chan waiting for the DEEEEEEEEEEEN posts.

Its a well know fact receiving lots of (you)s increases your power. Don't believe me? Donald Trump received so many (you)s he is now in charge of a country.

Where is S2 going to end? Vanir fight?

apparently its the same character designer as season one, but that doesnt inspire much confidence in me. fingers crossed we aren't about to see a Log Horizon 2 grade disappointment

I think they just want something to be outraged about



>two pairs of eyebrows

I am lazy fuck

i dont need to be reminded, i will never forget. this is one of the few times i agree that the LN designs are vastly superior

>someone okayed this to be sent out as official promotional material

Really? They look like generic trash.

LN Aqua looks way too cutesy. As do the others. Silly anime designs suit them a lot better.

Do they have separate teams that don't speak the same language for the eyes, mouths and faces?

What's wrong with it? It looks like a success.

>literally just fucked aqua in the ass

Honestly I can't just visualize characters this cute being so mean to eachother, but looks exactly as it is. A bunch of wacky cunts hanging out.

he's a lucky guy


Yes yes, I'm Kazuma.