We need to talk about this Sup Forums. PTG threads should stop. Here's why:
President Trump is not a God. He is a politician, no matter what you think of him as a person. He will remain a politician in the corrupt system of government known as a (((democracy))). No matter what he does, whether he wants to or not, each of his steps is controlled by (((them))). This is important to realize.
Now what do r/the_fag and batshit crazy leftists have in common? They all fap to the (((idea))) of democracy. They can't stop speaking about it, esp the r/the_fag people. Now they see a rise in far-right politics and rejection of this idea, and they want to stop it. Therefore they use the current president who said some slightly edgy shit to push the "See? democracy isn't so bad isn't it? Now go praise kek and defend everything this he does".
YOU MUST REMEMBER: NO POLITICIAN IS THE FRIEND OF THE TRUTH. No matter how edgy his words are, no matter how good he sounds to us, NO POLITICIAN IN A DEMOCRACY IS OUR FRIEND. No matter what r/the_fags say, no matter what Trump heroically trumpets from a podium, he is NOT our friend. As long as voting exists, the current power system is against our cause.
So don't respond to /ptg/ thread. Don't paricipate in them. Whenever you post, sage them. They are the cancer of this board, an active measure undertaken by the discount leftists from r/t_d to make us tame, feel alone, and ultimately submit to the current system, a fake struggle orchestrated by the jews like a play in a theatre.
Another thing: They often aim for a sense of patriotism in many people on here. They post pictures of (((founding fathers))) who in reality were just high on weed masons working for the international clique. You must always remember that: america by the jews, for the jews. Patriotism for this corrupt state is by definition jew enabling. Keep that in mind.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
>inb4 Thanksgiving is a jewish holiday then u hypocrite
Pilgrims weren't jewish.